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    • 1、Unit 19 Language Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points .语法填空1I appreciate your hard work,but I can not give you a guarantee _you will surely get promoted.答案:that2To be honest,it took me more than a month to adjust myself _the new school life.答案:to3Mrs White found her husband_ (surround) by letters and papers,_ (look) very worried.答案:surrounded;looking 4He often asks his neighbour to look after his pet during his_(absent)答案:absence5Thank you for keeping me_ (inform) of everything thats happe

      2、ning.Dont mention it.答案:informed6Thousands of foreigners_(attract) to the World Expo the day it opened.答案:were attracted 7_is generally believed that health is just like the number “1”,without which all the “0”s are meaningless.答案:It8A yellow background will make the black characters stand_.答案:out9Anyone else would refuse the additional work,but its all right to her,because she wants to get_in her job.答案:ahead10. There are signs_ the iPhone 5C has become more popular with the young people.答案:tha

      3、t11Since everybody is clear,there is no point_(discuss) the question any further.答案:discussing12The film Aftershock touched me deeply.Much of_happened in the film was true.答案:what.选词填空in the absence of,attain,surround.with.,under guarantee,adjust to,inform of,get ahead,stand ou 1Tom is a student from the countryside and some people think he is not likely to _his aim in this famous university.答案:attain2Please _me _your arrival time in advance.答案:inform;of3Its still_,so the company will have it re

      4、paired.答案:under guarantee4_children,the picnic was a bore.答案:In the absence of5He did all he could to _the difficult reality he faced.答案: adjust to6He _ himself _things that inspired him and reflected his goals.答案:surrounded;with7Now he _ from all the other students in his class.答案: stands out8He worked very hard and soon began to_.答案:get ahead.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练汤姆是一位来自农村的学生。一些人认为他在这所著名的大学里不可能实现他的目标。但是他并没有失去信心。他尽最大的努力去面对艰难的现实。他的周围都放满了激励并反映他的目标的东西。他勤奋学习,而且很快就取得了进步。现在他在班中非常突出。_参考答案:Some people

      5、think Tom is not likely to attain his aim in this famous university because he is a student from the countryside.But he didnt lose heart.He did all he could to adjust to the difficult reality he faced.He surrounded himself with things that inspired him and reflected his goals.He worked very hard and soon began to get ahead.Now he stands out from all the other students in his class.阅读理解Parents job is to teach their children the basic skills and give them the knowledge they need to be successful i

      6、n life.This,to me,requires teamwork.For example,the mother teaches her children manners and good health skills,while the father teaches them how to catch a ball or drive a car.However,in todays society,we find that more and more parents are feeling that this teamwork is a onesided thing.According to a report,there are about 13.7 million single parents raising their children in the USA and this could be due to the fact that parents dont take responsibility for their children,so they leave one par

      7、ent to do it alone.This is a sad fact,and it reflects that effective teamwork is losing ground in the parenting aspect of our everyday lives.Another place where teamwork affects us greatly is in our jobs.It doesnt matter if you are in a small or large company;if you have at least one employee and yourself,then teamwork works.I have noticed that with the current economic recession (衰退),people are racing to find jobs but the quality of peoples work has gone down greatly.It just appears to me that

      8、people dont take pride in their work anymore.They get to work as fast as they can,just to receive the paycheck,but their quality standards fly right out of the window.So I think teamwork is losing its ground in the workforce.As you can see,we run into the aspects of teamwork in just about everything we do.Teamwork is all about working together to achieve a common goal and after reading this article,please judge this for yourself “do you believe teamwork is losing ground in todays society”In my opinion,I think it is.语篇解读年轻人的团队精神正在丧失,主要原因是单亲家庭增多和目前经济萎缩导致人们不太乐意跟他人合作,作者也提出了自己对这个问题的看法。1According to the first paragraph,the author may agree that_.Atodays parents are too busy to spare time for their childrenBit is the mothers duty to bring up the young childrenCfath


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