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    • 1、Unit 14 Careers Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.用所给词的适当形式填空1But if there were nothing beyond the DNA in cells,life could not _(existence)答案:exist2The boy ran away quickly the_(instantly) his father turned his back.答案:instant3_(commit) herself to this line of action,there was no retreating for bad weather.答案:Having committed4I have an_(appoint) with my friend this afternoon.答案:appointment5The officer,_(surround) by these noises,was moved and a little embarrassed.答案:surrounded6The children were jumpin

      2、g_(constant) to keep warm.答案:constantly7She wanted to enjoy her moment of_(glorious)答案:glory8In some countries,it is_(legal) to use the cellphone while driving.答案:illegal.单词拼写1She made an_(约会) for her son to see the doctor.答案:appointment2It was one of the most important_(战役) in the whole war.答案:battles3There is no such kind of modern hospital in the_(周围的) areas.答案:surrounding4A societys_(道德) change slowly as time passes.答案:morals5He had acquired much_(智慧) during his long life.答案:wisdom6Lucy sent

      3、 her twoyearold son to a_(托儿所) because she had to work.答案:nursery7The grass was covered with_(霜) in the early morning.答案:frost8Mankind learns its first language in early_(儿童时代)答案:childhood9The audience threw flowers onto the_(舞台)答案:stage10It is believed that this is the only copy of the book in_(存在)答案:existence.完成句子1坚持下去终有一天你会成功的。My teacher said I should hold on and it_some day.答案:would pay off2关于这一点,我打算只作大致的描述,不想详谈。I plan to give only a general description of it;I shall not_.答案:go into details3

      4、请跟我的秘书预约一下。Please_my secretary.答案:make an appointment with4他声称他是这里唯一能做任何工作的人。He_he is the only person here who can do any work.答案:makes out5如果你全身心地投入到你的学习中,终有一天你会成功的。If you_your study,youll succeed one day.答案:commit yourself to6我一得知比赛的结果,我就会告诉你。Ill tell you the result of the match_I know it.答案:the instant.阅读理解AWould you be happier if you spent more time discussing the state of the world and the meaning of lifeand less time talking about the weather?It may sound counterintuitive,but people who sp

      5、end more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be happier,said Matthias Mehl,a psychologist who published a study in Psychological Science.“We found this so interesting,because it could have gone the other waypeople usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow (浅的) level of life youre happy,and if you go into the depths (深度) youll be unhappy,” Dr.Mehl said.But,he suggested,deep conversations seemed to hold the key to happiness for two main reasons:bo

      6、th because human beings are driven to find and create meaning in their lives,and because we are social animals who want and need to connect with other people. “By making meaningful conversations,we manage to work out the meaning of this world,” Dr.Mehl said.“And,as you find this meaning,you connect with your partner,and we know that interpersonal (人与人之间的) connection and communication is a basis of happiness.”The study involved 79 college students wearing an electronic recorder that recorded thei

      7、r conversation every 12.5 minutes for four days.Researchers then went through the tapes and classified (分类) the conversation as small talk about the weather or having watched a TV show,and more meaningful talk about current affairs,philosophy,or the role of education.A conversation about a TV show wasnt always considered small talk;it could be classified as deep if the speakers studied the characters.The research found that about 45.9 percent of the days conversations the happiest person had wer

      8、e important and serious,while only 21.8 percent of the unhappiest persons conversations were important and serious.Small talk made up only 10 percent of the happiest persons conversations,while it made up almost three times as much of the unhappiest persons conversations.Next,Dr.Mehl wants to see if people can actually make themselves happier by having more deep conversations.语篇解读本文是说明文。一项最新研究认为深度交流有利于增进人的幸福感。1What does the underlined word “counterintuitive” in Paragraph 2 mean?AAgainst expectat

      9、ion.BWidely known.CObvious or natural.DScientific and true.解析:词义猜测题。文章先介绍了最新的研究成果people who spend more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be happier,下文中又说people usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow level of life youre happy,由此可知,最新研究得出的结论和人们固有的观念是不一样的,所以A项正确。答案:A2According to the research,which of the following most probably makes you happier in general?ATalking about the weather.BTalking about a TV show.CTalking about philosophy.DTalking about


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