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    • 1、Unit 17 Laughter Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Pre-reading阅读理解Laughter is part of the human language around the world.Unlike English or French,we dont have to learn to speak it,and were born with the ability to laugh.Studies show that the first laughter appears at about 3.5 to 4 months of age,long before were able to speak.As the saying goes,“Laughter is the best medicine.” Best of all,this priceless medicine is fun,free and easy to use.Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into bal

      2、ance than a good laugh.It helps relax your whole body leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.Laughter also helps you fight against diseases.It can improve the function of blood vessels (血管) and increases blood flow,which can help protect you against a heart attack.And the good feeling you get when you laugh remains with you even a few minutes later.It helps you keep a positive,optimistic attitude toward difficult situations,disappointments and losses.Laughter gives you the stren

      3、gth to find new sources of meaning and hope.Even in the most difficult days,a laugh or even simply a smile can go a long way toward making you feel better.Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting.And it helps build strong and lasting relationships,and it unites people during difficult times.So its necessary to create opportunities to laugh with others.More often,people are very happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportun

      4、ity to laugh again.When you hear laughter,find it out and ask,“Whats funny?” And you can make time for fun activities such as bowling,golfing or karaoke.In short,the ability to laugh and have fun not only makes life more enjoyable but also helps you solve problems,connect with others,and be more creative.The more laughter there is,the more benefits youll receive.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了“笑”的种种好处。1Laughter helps us do the following things EXCEPT_.Arelax the whole bodyBfight against heart diseasesClearn

      5、to speak much earlierDbalance our mind and body解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的内容可知,A、B和D三项说法都正确,C项说法在文中没有依据。答案:C2The author develops the second paragraph mainly by_.Atelling storiesBproviding examplesCdiscussing questionsDshowing research findings解析:写作手法题。作者在第二段中通过举例说明了“笑”对我们身体的好处。答案:B3Why does the author suggest laughing with others?AIt strengthens the relationships between people.BIt makes people look much younger.CIt helps treat many kinds of diseases.DIt creates opportunities to be friendly.解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中

      6、的Shared laughter.create opportunities to laugh with others可知,和别人一起分享快乐可以加强人际关系。答案:A4What would be the best title for the text?AManthe only creature that laughsBLaughing makes us youngerCDifferent types of laughterDWhy should we laugh?解析:标题归纳题。文章主要从三个方面介绍“笑”的好处,即:身体上的好处、精神上的好处以及人际关系上的好处。正因为此,我们应该笑口常开。答案:DWhat is the best way to talk to your kids about their healthy eating?Possibly by avoiding one subject:weight.Weight is a touchy subject no matter how you talk about it.So maybe we just shouldnt,a

      7、t least when it comes to our kids.A study in JAMA Pediatrics recently showed that not talking about weight could be the best way to protect our kids from obesity and many possible health and emotional difficulties that may come with it.Thats not to say you shouldnt talk to your kids about being healthy;it just means calling them fat or telling them they need to diet isnt the best way to do it.The researchers suggest that instead,parents might want to talk to their children about nutrition,health

      8、y eating habits,and fitness.This study showed that parents who talked to their kids mentioning size or weight were more likely to have kids that chose dangerous methods of weight loss like using pills and having extreme diets.The study looked at 2,300 overweight kids with an average age of 14.4.They found that 60% of the parents of overweight teens had talked to them about the need to lose weight,but only 15% of those parents had done so without mentioning weight.Choosing what words you use for

      9、such a discussion may seem like a small issue,but with a third of US children falling into the obesity category (类别),it matters.As with many parenting issues,finding a balance is key.Giving kids a goal that helps them want to be healthy can help,like improving performance on a sports team or going rock climbing with friends.Making it about something fun takes away the possible negativity.If you find it tough to walk the walk when it comes to healthy eating,think how important it is that we model healthy behaviors.Kids are always watching.语篇解读本文是说明文。一项研究发现,跟肥胖的小孩子直接谈肥胖这个话题对他们有害,父母应该从别的角度谈这个话题。5From the study in JAMA Pediatrics,we know that_.Ait is better for parents not to talk about obesity with their overweight kidsBoverweight children usually have a lot of health and emotional difficultiesCparents should avoid t


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