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    • 1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countrie Section Grammar & Writing.完成句子1一些人浪费许多食物,而还有人没有足够吃的东西。Some people waste lots of food _.2尽管我们的足球队输了比赛,但是我们都尽力了。_, we did our best.3当有人盯着她的时候,她很惊奇,所以她说:“对不起,但我认为我不认识你。”She was surprised when someone stared at her, so she said,“_ I dont think I know you.”4尽管他必须去接他朋友,可是他找不到时间去。Although he had to pick up his friend, _.5如果你有坚强的意志,你就能克服任何困难,不管困难有多大。If you have a strong will, you can get over any difficulty, _.【答案】1.while others havent enough to eat2Though/Alth

      2、ough our football team failed in the match3.Im sorry, but4.yet he couldnt find time to do it5.however great it is.阅读理解AIn China, many people are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities, because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isnt much work there.Services such as hospital and transport (交通) are usually much better in the city than in the countryside.They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.But in the big cities of Europe like Lon

      3、don or Pads, people are moving out of the city.These rich families want to live a quieter life.They are tired of the noise and the dirt (尘土) of the city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses.They dont want to live in the cities any more.They want a house with a garden in the countryside, and breathe the fresh air there.So they move out of the cities.Some dont go very far, just a little way out of the city, to the towns near the cities, other people move to the real

      4、 countryside with sheep, cows and green fields.There, they start new lives and try to make new friends.Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy.After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake.They dont make so much money and there isnt much work to do.People in the countryside are very different and arent always very friendly.As a result, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city.“Its_wonderful_t

      5、o_see_crowds_in_the_streets_and_cinema_lights,” they say.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了中国人和欧洲人对居住在城市和农村的不同感受。大多数中国人从农村搬到城市,而欧洲的一些富人却喜欢从城市搬到农村。1Which is NOT the reason for people moving to the cities in China?AThe countryside is much poorer than the city.BPeople in the countryside have nothing to eat.CPeople in the countryside dont have much work to do there.DServices in cities are usually much better than those in the countryside.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and of

      6、ten there isnt much work there.Services such as hospital and transport (交通) are usually much better in the city than in the countryside”可知,A、C、D三项是在中国人们从农村搬到城市的原因。B项文中没有提及,故 B项符合题意。【答案】B2Why do some rich families in Europe move to the countryside?ABecause they will find good jobs.BBecause they are tired of living in the city.CBecause they can make more money there.DBecause they like feeding sheep and cows in the green fields.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They are tired of the noise and the dirt (尘土) of the

      7、city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses.”可知,在欧洲,一些富人从城市搬到农村是因为他们厌倦了城市的生活。故 B 项正确。【答案】B3The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows _.Athey are happy to move back to the city Bthey miss their friends in the countryside Cthey still want to move to the countryside Dthey are tired of the noise and the crowded streets in the city【解析】细节理解题。根据画线句子的意思可知,他们认为看到街道的人群和影院的灯非常不错。因此可知,他们从农村再次搬回城市感觉很幸福。故 A项正确。【答案】A4The best title of this passage may be “_”AA happy life

      8、 BLiving in the city CMoving out or moving back DLiving in the countryside【解析】标题概括题。文章介绍了中国人和欧洲人对居住在城市和农村的不同感受。大多数中国人从农村搬到城市,而欧洲的一些富人却喜欢从城市搬到农村,故选C。【答案】CB(2016四川高考)If you could have one superpower,what would it be?Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds,see through walls,or have superhuman strength may sound silly,but it actually gets to the heart of what_really_matters_in_your_life.Every day in our work,we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the

      9、world.They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.Were not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor.Your lives are busy enough doing homework,playing sports,making friends,seeking after your dreams.But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.Find an issue you are interested in and learn more.Volunteer or,if you can,contribute a little money to a cause.Whatever you do,dont be a bystander.Get involved.You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when youre older.But why not start now?O


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