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    • 1、Unit 13 People Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单句语法填空1There are many families_(shelter) from the hot midday sun.答案:sheltering2It_(upset) him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.答案:upset3Milian moved to Los Angeles when she was 13 years old,_(desire) to be an actress.答案:desiring4The situation_(requirement) that he be present.答案:required5Think about it carefully and you will find this math problem is so easy _(solve)答案:to solve6Finland gained independence_Russia during the First World War.答案

      2、:from7The students in our school are required_(wear) their school uniforms from Monday to Friday.答案:to wear8_our great relief,the students lost in the forest were found by the police.答案:To.单词拼写1My brother has no_(渴望的) for wealth but he is eagerto succeed.答案:desire2Our teachers_(要求) that we should completethe plan before the weekend is reasonable.答案:requirement3My grandfather is ninety years old,but his mind is still _(敏锐的)答案:sharp4Tom,give Mary an apple;you must learn to share and dont be so_(自私

      3、的)答案:selfish5We are looking for an ambitious young_(助理) to help our manager.答案:assistant6The money from my parttime job gives me_(独立) from my family.答案:independence7I completed my homework to my teachers_(满意)答案:satisfaction8Who is the_(指挥) of tonights concert?答案:conductor9What we saw was a(n)_(整洁的) yard with afence around it.答案:neat10A(n)_(特点) of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.答案:characteristic.完成句子1如果你不喜欢我的方法,你就按你自己想的方法做它。Do it_if you dont like my way.答案:in your

      4、own way2英语老师对我的作文非常满意。My English teacher_my composition.答案:was very satisfied with3学校要求学生必须穿校服。It is required that every student_school uniform.答案:(should) wear4尽管他只有十二岁,但他完全不依赖父母了。Although he is only 12,he_his parents.答案:is entirely independent of5不要对这孩子如此刻薄。 Dont _the child.答案:be so sharp with6丹尼尔非常想再次去西藏。Daniel has a strong_Tibet again.答案:desire to go to7看来,他们知道自己在干什么。_they know what they are doing.答案:It seems that8如果得不到最好的东西,那就先把已有的充分利用好。If you cannot have the best,_what you have.答案:make the

      5、 best of.阅读理解AGraham Corbett had not seen his son,Andy SpiersCorbett,since he was about two years old.Mr SpiersCorbett,now 39,finally found his father after he typed his name into Facebook last month and picked him out of a list of Graham Corbetts on the site.Mr SpiersCorbett said,“It has always been on my mind.I felt I just didnt have a history;it felt like it needed to be done.I had tried before on Facebook but no one came up,but when I tried this time there were about 15 Graham Corbetts.I loo

      6、ked through them all and there were a few I thought could be him.Then his face appeared.My heart started beating,and there were tears in my eyes and I knew it was him.It was like looking at myself when Im 60.”He contacted his father and they decided to meet.Mr SpiersCorbett was also introduced to his two halfbrothers and halfsister.He said,“It was strange,but my father had told them about me so it was like I had been in their lives anyway.It was easier for them because they knew about me,and the

      7、y greeted me with open arms and hugs.”Mr Corbett met his 11yearold grandson from his sons previous marriage.He said,“Its absolutely unbelievable.Ive been looking for him for so long.” He had sent a birthday card in April to someone he thought was his son but he turned out to be the wrong person.“Once we got talking on the phone he said he wanted to come to see me so he came round at 7:30 pm that nighthe didnt leave until 3:30 am.We just talked and talked and talked.Its just great to have him bac

      8、k,” he added.语篇解读Andy通过Facebook找到了多年未见的父亲。1How long had Andy not seen his father?AAbout 37 years.BAbout 11 years.CAbout 60 years.DAbout 39 years.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的.since he was about two years old和Mr SpiersCorbett,now 39.可知他们大约37年没见了。答案:A2We can learn from the passage that_.AAndy and his father both looked forward to meeting each otherBAndy found his father the first time he tried on FacebookCAndy found only one Graham Corbett on FacebookDAndy received a birthday card in April from his father解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的Then his face appeared.My heart started beating.以及最后一段的Ive been looking for him for so long.可推出答案。答案:A3Whats the best title for the passage?AAndys tough road to finding his fatherBWhy did the father leave his son?CFather and son reunited through Facebook!DFacebook is widely used解析:主旨大意题。本文讲述了父子多年后通过Facebook团聚的故事,因此选C。答案:C4The passage is most probably written by_


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