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    • 1、Unit 13 People Section First Impressions.单句语法填空 【导学号:78880034】1. I cannot help (carry)the luggage for Tom.2It was in the stone house the boy finished his primary school.3She turned to (glare)at him as he was stupid.4The more you learn,the equipped for life you are.5I will go with you, necessary.6The whole country was (anxiety) for peace.7We couldnt help (laugh)when we heard the funny story.8If (possibly),I want you to do what I like.【答案】1.to carry2.that3.glare4.more5if6.anxious7.laughing8.possib

      2、le.单句改错1For the first time I saw seals was in an aquarium. 2The good I know her,the more I admire her. 3I cannot help do so under these circumstances. 4The fact which you will go abroad delights me. 5He glared at the pretty girl across the table. 【答案】1.was去掉2.goodbetter3.dodoing4.whichthat5.glaredglanced.阅读理解 【导学号:78880035】(2016襄阳模拟)When students enter the main hallway,signs above the entryway remind them: “Only English.”In the Beijing schools main entrancehall stands a big board with the names

      3、of more than 50 top universities in the United States.At the High School Attached to Capital Normal University,190 students are taking AP classes taught in English by American or Canadian teachers.When the time comes to apply to US colleges,they get help through a new partnership with Germantown Academy.The school pays a private school in Pennsylvania to provide oneonone guidance consulting to Chinese students in person three times a year,or longdistance help via Skype and email Germantowns admi

      4、nistrators also advise the school on its AP curriculum.The popularity of the program reflects the growing number of middleclass families with the desire and finances,to send their sons and daughters abroad to study.“They know that if the students are going to be players on the world stage,they need to think,create and make revolutionary changes in the same way that kids from Western countries do,”said James Connor,head of school at Germantown.Despite the economic recession(经济衰退期),Chinese student

      5、s still view American education as superior.The number of undergraduates from China on US campuses has surged from 8,659 to 74,516 in the last decade,according to the nonprofit Institute of International Education in New York.“Though China is growing in many ways,a US education is still the best,”said Heqing Isabelle Huang,18,who has applied to five schools: Northwestern,Virginia,Michigan,Notre Dame,and Illinois.Her school,the High School Attached to Capital Normal University,was the first publi

      6、c school of its kind in Beijing when it opened in 2008.Now,there are 10 public schools that offer AP courses,said Liang Yuxue,viceprincipal of the school.She said students must still complete a core curriculum(课程)for a high school diploma in China,but they can also select among nine AP coursesfrom US history and English literature to calculus(微积分学)and physics.【语篇解读】本文着重介绍AP课程在中国的流行。介绍了什么是AP课程,它受欢迎的程度和原因以及其在中国的发展现状。1What is the main purpose of the article?ATo give some advice on how to pass AP ex

      7、ams.BTo introduce the popularity of the AP program in China.CTo promote the AP program at some public schools.DTo tell why many Chinese students prefer studying in America.【解析】作者意图题。文章第二段提到部分北京中学生选择由美国、加拿大教师授课的AP课程。第四段提到AP课程在中学生中受欢迎的原因。倒数第四段提到参加AP课程的学生数量激增。综上所述,本文旨在向读者介绍AP课程在中国受欢迎的情况。【答案】B2According to the article,Germantown Academy Aoffers students instructions and advice for freeBprovides longdistance AP classes for studentsCassigns some teachers to work at the High SchoolDhelps the High Schoo

      8、l improve its AP curriculum【解析】细节理解题。由文章第三段最后一句可知Germantown的管理者给学校提出建议,目的在于帮助学校完善其AP课程。【答案】D3The underlined word “surged” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to Aincreased sharplyBremained steadyCreduced quicklyDdeveloped slowly【解析】词义猜测题。根据第五段“Chinese students still view American education as superior”中国学生仍然认为美国教育很好以及第六段“from 8,659 to 74,516”人数的巨大悬殊,可以推断出“surge”应该是“激增,剧增”。【答案】A4According to Liang Yuxue Aall students at her school are required to take nine AP courses in totalBthe US education is superior to other countries education despite the economic declineCbesides a core curriculum,students at her school can take up AP coursesDthe students apply to US colleges hoping to be educated as foreign kids do【解析】细节理解题。根据末段可知学生除了必须完成一门基础课程外,可以从九门AP课程中任意选课。【答案】C.完形填空It was my first year teaching in a special needs class,and I wasnt sure what to expect at our yearly Special Olympic sports meeting.My 1 had some challenges,from learning disabilities to cerebr


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