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  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
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    • 1、Unit 15 Learning Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单句语法填空1She made some _(correct) before handing in the composition.答案:corrections2Youd better write it in _(simplify) Chinese so that everyone can read it.答案:simplified3He has had a _(swell) head since he went to Harvard.答案:swelled/swollen4You run the chance of _(suspect) of theft.答案:being suspected5He walked slowly,his hands_(bury) in his pockets.答案:buried6One of the most important things that a teacher should do is_(instruct) the stude

      2、nts on how to learn.答案:instructing7Jack is a great talker.Its high time that he _(do) something instead of just talking.答案:did8“Accidents will happen”,as the _(say) goes.答案:saying9Aside from _(praise),he received a lot of money.答案:being praised10The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one _the other.答案:from.单词拼写1We followed the_(箭头) to the Xray department.答案:arrows2Her arm was beginning to_(肿胀) where thebee stung her.答案:swell3I didnt tell Jack all that I knew because I_(怀疑) he was unr

      3、eliable.答案:suspected4Heating the bad news,Adam _(埋葬) his head in his hands and began to cry.答案:buried5Jenny is said to have got a(n)_ (稳定的) job in a big firm.答案:secure6The new research team was led by the_(最高级别的) engineer.答案:chief7Write on one side of the paper and leave the otherside _(空白的)答案:blank8Doctors have high _(社会地位) in most countries.答案:status9At what age are children able to_(辨别) between right and wrong?答案:distinguish10_(氧气) is a colorless gas that is present inair and water and is nec

      4、essary for people,animals and plants to live.答案:Oxygen.完成句子1坦率地说,我对乔的失败并不感到意外。_,Im not surprised that Joe failed.答案:Frankly speaking/To be frank2因为销售额的下降,他们下岗了。They_because of the drop in sales.答案:were laid off3我们的老板期盼着亲自来拜见您。Our boss is looking forward to_.答案:visiting you in person4除了身体上的毛病,这些病人精神也有问题。_physical problems,these patients also have mental problems.答案:Aside from5虽然他们打得很勇敢,但还是没有机会获胜。Bravely though they fought,they_winning.答案:had no chance of6我觉得好像变年轻了许多。I_I had become much younger.答案

      5、:felt as if7本场比赛将被证明是本赛季最重要的比赛之一。It_one of the most important games of the season.答案:will prove to be8该是你反省思过的时候了。_you reflected upon your mistakes.答案:It is time that.完形填空Sixteenyearold Josh is a junior high school student.He was running a fivekilometre race in a field of 261 _1_on Sept,16.With the race less than half done,he_2_a scream and saw a runner he didnt know crumpled (瘫倒) in a lot of_3_ holding a bleeding ankle._4_enough,with his own coach trying to_5_why Josh hadnt passed the halfway m

      6、ark as expected,he spotted him soon.“I was _6_what was going on and why he was so far back,”said Scott Clark.“Then I saw Josh.He got the kid in his_7_.”The_8_athlete was Mark,a student from another junior high,school.Josh just_9_him up without saying anything and started carrying him and trying to_10_him down,saying,“Its going to be OK.Im going to_11_you to your coaches.”Josh carried Mark about a quarter mile!He handed him off to his_12_and thencompletely last in the field of runners now_13_to s

      7、tart his race again.He passed 50 kids to finish 211th out of 261 runners.When_14_by one teammate why he had fallen so far behind after the race,he_15_said,“Oh,I picked up a kid.” No excuses.No explanation.No_16_.He just finished what he had started.“It was just so typical (典型的) of Josh.He is always_17_to help others,” said one of his teammates.Marks ankle_18_fully a week later and then he personally thanked Josh at his home.“Josh has_19_me again that there are wonderful people out there.They are

      8、 always doing kind and good things with no_20_of being noticed or rewarded.” he said.语篇解读主张“友谊第一,比赛第二”的Josh,用行动证明了他的运动精神。1A.competitorsBaudiencesClinesDevents解析:根据He was running a fivekilometer race和With the race less than half done可知,答案选A。答案:A2A.predictedBguessedCsuspected Dheard解析:a scream不应该是看到的;而作为赛手也不可能在跑步的时候能预测或猜到这声尖叫,因此heard是最佳的选择。答案:D3A.troubleBpainCfear Dstruggle解析:根据.holding a bleeding ankle可知,答案为B。答案:B4A.Sure BProudCGlad DSorry解析:sure enough不用说。全句的意义为:不用说,Josh自己的教练一直在想,Josh怎么还没有跑到中点呢?这时,教练就看到了他。答案:A5A.bring backBcome acrossCfigure out Dhold on解析:Josh的教练想弄清楚他为什么还没有到中点。答案:C6A.preparingBdiscoveringCwondering Drealizing解析:教练想要知道发生了什么,为什么他落后这么多。答案:C7A.feetBarmsCshoulders Dsteps解析:本段是插入的Josh的教练看到的情景。现在是Josh扶着那位受伤的赛手,只能是arms双手环抱,因为他脚脖子受伤,不能行走。答案:B8A.aw


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