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    • 1、Unit 13 People Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单句语法填空1It was not until I came here _I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.答案:that2Who do you think of the boy we mentioned just now?In my opinion,the_(gift) boy really has a gift _oil painting.答案:gifted;for3The shop assistant was dismissed as she was accused _cheating customers.答案:of4There is too much noise outside,I can hardly concentrate my attention _my book.答案:on5_is reported in newspspers,talk

      2、s between the two countries are making progress.答案:As6_is no doubt that President Xi s Russia visit helped develop ChinaRussia economy.答案:There7The _(express) on his face told us that he was angry.答案:expression8They win no ones trust and will end up _(have) no friends at all.答案:having9You and your childrens future will_(determine) by choicse you make today,not tomorrow.答案:be determined10This girl gave a vivid(生动的) _(describe) of the event.答案:description.单词拼写1The doctor_(预言) that the patient woul

      3、d be walking again after a week.答案:predicted2The scientist had many_(失败) before finding the right method.答案:failures3Miss Yang devoted herself_(完全地) to her research and it earned her a good name in her field.答案:entirely4Some teenagers have difficulty expressing themselves_(准确地)答案:accurately5An old man stood up and gave a _(描述) of what he had seen.答案:description6The other driver_(指责) Wilson of driving dangerously.答案:accused7The young mans_(残疾) arose from a car accident.答案:disability8Is there any_

      4、(可能性) that youll be back by the weekend?答案:possibility9There is a(n)_(联系) between pollution and the death of trees.答案:connection10The pilot was forced to make an_(紧急情况) landing on Lake Geneva.答案:emergency.选词填空deal with,end up,on the other hand,compare to,come up with,draw up,get to know,in terms of1How did you_that I was here?答案:get to know2If he carries on driving like that,he will_dead.答案:end up3_many women,she is indeed fortunate.答案:Compared to4Mary is used to _all kinds of people in her job.

      5、答案:dealing with5Scientists will have to_new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.答案:come up with6The book has been well received,but_actual sales,it hasnt been very successful.答案:in terms of7He will pay a visit to his grandmother during his summer vacation and has_a vacation plan.答案:drawn up8I would like a job which pays more,but_I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.答案:on the other hand.完成句子1那么多人在说话,我很难专注于音乐。There were so many people talking that I couldnt_.答案:concentrate on the music

      6、2即使我们负担得起,我们也不会出国度假。_,we wont go abroad for our vacation.答案:Even if we can afford it3尽管我承认有问题存在,我仍认为能够解决它们。_,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.答案:While I admit that there are problems4人们相信那些努力学习和对学习持乐观态度的人会得到好结果。_those who study hard and have positive attitudes towards study will get good results.答案:It is believed that5因被自然美景所吸引,这个来自伦敦的女孩决定在农场再过两天。_,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farms.答案:Attracted by the beauty of nature.完形填空I am 54,and enjoying every minute

      7、 I have left.Each day I wake up feeling _1_ to be here.I have to tell the truth that I am likely to _2_ very soon.Three years ago,I was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer.The doctor said I wouldnt die “hard”The _3_ would close down my brain gradually,then _4_,I would die unconsciously (无意识地)Several days ago,the doctor told me a piece of _5_ news that the cancer had spread like wildfire.And he also said that I probably had just two months to live.This latest news about the cancer really _6_ me.It was als

      8、o not easy for my _7_.My youngest son,Henry,shut himself in his room _8_ he heard the news.But now,at least,we are closer than ever.He does a funny dance to entertain me and thinks up jokes to make me _9_.In readiness I have made him a calendar with every reminder a mother would normally _10_:“Take your dirty clothes off”,and “Remember Dads birthday!”Ive _11_ myself for death.I gave people lots of my books.I gave my clothes to a young working mother.I wrote _12_ birthday and Christmas cards for my three boys,making sure they would hear from their old _13_ for years from now.I also _14_ my 55th birthday party in December,though I might be dead that day._15_,I can enjoy life and still live.When youre told you will die much_16_ than you have expected,every second is meaningful.I am try


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