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    • 1、Module 5 Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary -Language Points.单句语法填空1They are fighting for the _ of women, because they think they should be treated _.(equal)2I agree with the way _ he solved the problem.3Our English teacher always _(stress) the importance of reading aloud.4The doctor ordered that she _ (take)a good rest.5I didnt believe the reason _ he explained for his being late.6For many years these two countries were _war, causing much suffering.7My son has a good habit of keeping

      2、 a diary every day;as _ result,he is good at writing.8Wed been brought _ to think that borrowing money was bad.9It was a time _ all the children were expected to study hard.10People look down upon Tim,because he treats his sick mother _(bad)【答案】1.equality;equally2.that/in which3stresses4.(should) take5.that/which6.at7a8.up9.when10.badly.单句改错1About onefifth of the freshmen said that they brought up in small towns._2The reason that I didnt attend his wedding was that I hadnt received his invitatio

      3、n._3He had to obey the order that he finished the secret task ahead of time._4There was a time which I hated to go to school.【导学号:91390039】_5The way was used to solve the problem was brought up by Tom._【答案】1.brought前加were2.第一个thatwhy3.finishedfinish4.whichwhen5.way后加that/which.阅读理解Confucius was born in todays Qufu in Shandong Province in 551 BC.His family was far from being welltodo.But he was a hardworking pupil even in his childhood.When he was a young man of a little over twenty, he became a

      4、small official of the state.Since he was very knowledgeable and serious in work, he had become quite wellknown by the time he turned thirty.Confucius had been to many of the states of the time, trying to make his political views accepted by the rulers in running their states.But they turned a deaf ear to his views and opinions.As a result, Confucius made up his mind to devote all his energies to education.When people learned about this, many of them sent their children to him to be educated.They

      5、 were accepted one and all and so Confucius became the first man in the history of Chinese education to start a private school.Yan Hui, a young man of humble origin, wanted to be accepted as Confuciuss student.But the family was so poor that they even had difficulty providing themselves with daily necessities.He was afraid he would be rejected as he could not afford the tuition.One day he came to where Confucius was giving lectures and overheard Confucius say, “Im ready to accept anyone that can

      6、 bring 10 pieces of preserved meat for tuition, whatever his origin.” Greatly heartened by this, Yan Hui hurried back home and told his friends Zi Lu and Zi Gong about it.A few days later, all three became Confuciuss students.Confucius was a dedicated educator, having accepted a total of 3,000 students in his life,72 of whom were outstanding scholars.Through educational work, Confucius succeeded in spreading his political views, which eventually became an independent school of thought and had a

      7、great impact on China for thousands of years.1Confucius had become very famous by the time he turned thirty because _.Ahe had rich knowledge and took his work seriouslyBhe was a hardworking pupil when he was youngCmany people in the government knew him wellDhis political view had been widely accepted【解析】由第一段第五句可知选A项。【答案】A2From the last part of the first paragraph, we can learn that _.Anobody hoped to send their children to school thenBConfucius was the first person to starteducation for all in C

      8、hinaCConfucius was happy to work inthe governmentDConfucius started his school with the help of the government【解析】由第一段最后一句可知选B项。【答案】B3The second paragraph in the passage is used to be an example to suggest _.AYan Huis family was too poor to afford hiseducationBthe education Confucius provided was for all childrenCConfucius liked to eat preserved meatDYan Hui was a young man with ambition【解析】由第二段孔子将这几个孩子全都收作了弟子,可知孔子为所有孩子提供教育。【答案】B4According to the last paragraph, Confuciuss educational work was meaningful in the following aspects EXCEPT _.Aallowing more people to accept educationBspreading his political views successfullyCinfluencing the history of China for thousands of yearsDmaking him a more independent person【解析】最后一段没有提到D项,故选D。【答案】D.完形填空I was a late arrival to university.I didnt enroll(入学)until my 74th year,and wasnt to _1_ until last week.At


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