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    • 1、Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points.单句语法填空1The amazed(amaze)look on the teachers face suggested that he was satisfied with Johns progress.2Not impressed(impress)with the quality of your goods,I will certainly not advise others to buy them.3Where does your little daughter want to go during her holidays?She is always looking forward to being_taken(take)to Mount Huangshan.4You should give clear instructions(instruct)for every step of th

      2、e experiment.5In order to change attitudes towards/to employing women,the government is bringing in new laws.6The lecture was so boring(bore)that the students fell asleep.【导学号:67550071】7The computers in your office are more expensive than those in our school.8The housing price is three times higher(high)than that of last year.9Playing basketball is my favorite sport.There is nothing like playing basketball as a means of keeping fit and making friends.10It is so embarrassing(embarrass)I couldnt r

      3、emember his name!.单句改错1. The next train wont arrive until 10:00 am.In other word,we will have to wait for two hours._【答案】wordwords2. To our surprise,his personality is something like his wifes.They are so different._【答案】somethingnothing3His boss impressed with his work and decided to give him a rise._【答案】在boss后加was4Were really looking forward to visit your school._【答案】visitvisiting5The new park in our city is twice as bigger as the old one._【答案】biggerbig.完形填空High school seems bigger.There are _1

      4、_ kids and its a totally new environment.It could be a _2_ time for new students,_3_,in fact,it isnt really that bad.The first day of course is always terrifying,but,then again,the first day of middle school was probably the _4_.Of course you might get lost during the first few days _5_ your classes,but after a while what seems like a large school really isnt.One thing thats really cool about high school is that there are many more classes that you can _6_.For example,if you like _7_, there are

      5、many art classes.At the same time,there are _8_ classes,which you cant take in middle school _9_ photography and psychology(心理学)There are many new things in high school that make it much more _10_.In high school,youre able to join more clubs,play more sports,and take part in more _11_, and at the same time make new friends with kids with the same _12_ as you.Also,these activities can give you a _13_ to learn something that you might not have had the opportunity to learn in _14_ .High school is d

      6、ifferent _15_ everyone,but theres one thing thats _16_.Youre going to have just as much fun here as you _17_ before.But having fun isnt enough! Youre _18_ so you have to be more responsible.Everything changes when you get _19_, but the changes arent that bad.You _20_ worry too much about growing up.1A.lessBfewCmore Dmany2A.terrible BpopularCgood Dworried3A.but BandCwhile Dor4A.different BsameCrich Ddifficult5A.attending to Blooking forCfinding out Dknowing of6A.take BjoinCgive Dlearn7. Adancing

      7、BsportsCart Dsinging8A.other BanotherCothers Dthe other9A.without BlikeCexcept Das10A.fun BboringCbusy Dtiring11A.activities BclassesClectures Dgroups12A.customs BclassesCages Dinterests13A.chance BtimeCplace Dspace14A.your home Bmiddle schoolCsociety Dprimary school15A.in BfromCon Dfor16A.sure BcertainCdoubtful Dbelievable17A.did BcreatedCremembered Dmade18A.taking classes Bgrowing upCjoining clubs Dmaking friends19A.older BclevererCtaller Dwiser20A.cant BmustntCshouldnt Dwont【导学号:67550072】【语篇解

      8、读】高中学校看起来很大,学生多,也是个全新的环境。对新生来说可能很糟糕,但其实,情况不是那么糟。1C高中学校看起来很大,所以会有“更多的”学生。2A对于新生而言,这可能会是一段“糟糕的”日子。3A“但是”,事实上,情况没有那么糟。4B第一天上课或许会让人感到害怕,但是,初中生活的第一天可能也是“一样的”情况。5B根据上文的“.you might get lost.”可知,此处应为“寻找”,故选B项。6A此处为固定搭配take classes,意为“上课”。7C比如说,如果你喜欢“艺术”,有很多的艺术课程。8A这里的“其他的”课程是中学没有开设的。9B这里是列举课程,like在此处为介词,意为“像,如同”。10A在高中有很多的新鲜事物让高中生活更加“有趣”。11A这里指在高中你可以参加更多的俱乐部和体育运动,以及更多的“活动”。12D同时还可以与那些与你有共同“兴趣”的新同学交朋友。13A而且,这些活动能给你一个“机会”去学习。此处与本句后面的opportunity相照应。14B学习那些在“初中学校”里没机会学到的东西。由上文高中学校和初中学校的对比可以得知答案。15D高中对于每个人来说是不一样的。此处用介词for。16B但是有一件事情是“肯定的”。17A此处用did代指have fun,指在高中学校里你将获得与以前一样的乐趣。18B从初中升入高中,当然是在长大、在成长,所以要更加有责任心。grow up 意为“长大”。19A当你长大的时候一切都会改变。get older表示“长大”。20C上文说这些变化都没有那么糟糕,所以“不应该”担心太多。


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