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    • 1、模块综合测评(时间:100分钟,分数:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWe know the westerners like to plan for their time carefully in order to do all the things that are important to them.So if your American or English friend asks you to dinner,he usually invites you a week ahead.But if you really have no time and cant go to the dinner,you can ring him to say sorry.The dinner is usually served at home,sometimes at a restaurant.You should get there on time,and dont forget to put on your fine clothes.It is also a good

      2、 idea to take some little presents to your friend,such as flowers,chocolates and so on.When you are at dinner,you should also observe(遵守)some other customs.Here Ill give you some dos and donts about them in the following: Dont leave bones on the table or the floor.(You should put them on your plate with fingers.)Dont use your bowl to drink soup,but use your spoon to help you instead.Dont talk with much food in your mouth.Dont ask others to have more wine.(This is quite different from that in Chi

      3、na.)After dinner,use your napkin(餐巾)to clean your mouth and hands.Make sure small pieces of food are not left on your face.Then after dinner,you can stay there a little time.And your friend will be pleased if you leave in half an hour or so.Next day,you had better ring him up to thank him for the good dinner.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了去英美朋友家做客时,应该注意的一些礼仪细节。1. If your American or English friend wants to invite you to dinner,he will invite you_.Aon the night before the dinnerBon the day before the dinner

      4、Cat the last momentDa week before the dinner【解析】根据第一段第二句话可知,美国人或英国人会提前一周邀请朋友吃饭。【答案】D2. It would be impolite to_.Aput bones on your plate with fingersBpersuade others to drink moreCdrink soup with your spoonDmake sure that there is nothing left on your face after dinner【解析】根据作者的第1、2、6条提示可知A、C、D是适当的就餐行为,根据第4条提示不要劝别人多喝酒,可知选B。【答案】B3Which of the following is NOT true?A. After dinner,youd better stay and talk with your friends for a long time to show your thanks.BYoud better ring your friend the next

      5、day to show your thanks.CAfter dinner,youd better leave in half an hour or so.DAfter dinner,use napkin to clean your mouth.【解析】文章最后一段表明,吃完饭后,稍坐一会儿,跟朋友聊聊,大约半个小时后离开,朋友会很高兴,要记得第二天打电话给朋友,感谢朋友的宴请,由此可知B、C两项正确,A项判断有误;另外,根据作者给的第5条提示排除D项;故选A。【答案】ABMillions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling.They travel to visit other countries,modern cities and ancient towns.They travel to enjoy these special places,or just to relax.It is always interesting to discover new things and different w

      6、ays of life,such as by meeting different people,trying different food,and listening to different music.People who live in the country like to go to big cities.They like to spend their time visiting museums and art galleries,looking at shop windows and dining at restaurants.People who live in the city usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains,with nothing to do but walk and bathe in the sun.Most travellers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests th

      7、em.Then,perhaps years later,they can look at the photos and be reminded of the happy time they once had.People often travel by train,by boat or by car.All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages and people choose one according to their plans and the places they are going to.If we travel a lot,we will see and discover a lot of things that we could never see or experience at home,though we may read about them in books and newspapers.The best way to study geography is to travel,

      8、and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了人们旅游的目的、方式和好处。4. What is interesting to do when people travel?ATo find the advantages and the disadvantages of travelling.BTo listen to different music and take pictures.CTo discover new things and different ways of life.DTo go to big cities and meet different people.【解析】根据第一段第四句“It is always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life.”可知C正确。【答案】C5How do people usually spend a

      9、 quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains?AThey spend their time visiting museums and art galleries.BThey do nothing but walk and bathe in the sun.CThey do nothing but sleep outdoors.DThey go to look at shop windows and eat at restaurants.【解析】根据第二段最后一句“.with nothing to do but walk and bathe in the sun.”可知B正确。【答案】B6Why do many travellers take pictures of everything they like?ABecause they like taking all kinds of pictures.BBecause they all take a camera with them while travelling.CBecause the pictures are beautiful to look at.DBecause the pictures can remind them of the happy time.【解析】根据第三段最后一句“.they can look at the photos and be reminded of the happy time they once had.”可知D正确。【答案】D7What can we infer from the last paragraph?AWed better go to the countryside for a holiday.BTaki


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