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2019版高考英语一轮复习 module 5 great people and great inventions of ancient china预习案 外研版必修3

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    • 1、Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China(主题语境:人与社会历史人物).课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.principlen.原则;准则2.positionn.职位;位置;立场3.resignvi.辞职4.categoryn.范畴;种类5.justicen.公正6.conditionn.状况,条件;环境阅读识记单词1.teaching n.(常作复数)教导;学说2.thinker n.思想家3.bark n.树皮;(狗等的)吠声v.(狗)吠叫4.leather n.皮革5.fuel n.燃料构织连脉词族1.equaladj.平等的equalityn.平等2.importancen.重要;重要性importantadj.重要的3.kindnessn.善良kindadj.善良的4.ordern.秩序orderlyadj.有秩序的,整齐的,整洁的adv.依次地,顺序地5.stressvt.强调stressfuladj.产生压力的;使紧迫的6.influe

      2、ntialadj.有影响的influencen.影响力vt.影响7.honestyn.诚实honestadj.诚实的8.contributionn.贡献contributevt.捐助,捐献,贡献;投稿9.inventvt.发明;编造inventionn.发明inventorn.发明家inventiveadj.有发明力的;有创造力的10.argumentn.争论;辩论;议论arguevi.争论;主张11.freedomn.自由freeadj.自由的;免费的语用规律归纳“adj.+-ness”核心名词一览carefulness细心illness疾病kindness善良loneliness寂寞weakness懦弱;虚弱nervousness紧张strictness严格“形容词+y”构成的名词honesty诚实academy学院modesty谦虚harmony和谐jealousy嫉妒语境活用1.Honest people are always believed in for their honesty.(honest)2.Women longed for equality in finding

      3、 jobs,but actually they found no equal. chances to men.(equal)3.She has contributed a lot to the development of the company and has been rewarded a large apartment for her contributions.(contribute)4.Edison was a great inventor and was famous for his invention because he invented many things in his life.(invent)5.William started off on the wrong foot by having an argument with the manager on his first day at work.He argued with him over something unimportant.We argue that William should find a b

      4、etter way to express his idea rather than behave that way.(argue).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.atwar在战争中2.bringup养育;抚养3.become/beinterestedin对感兴趣4.inconclusion总之5.forthefirsttime第一次语境活用1.Inconclusion,we would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to bring about this result.2.Her parents died when she was a baby and she was broughtup by her aunt.3.I have experienced such a terrible rainstorm forthefirsttime,so I dont know how to shelter myself.续表6.fromstatetostate

      5、周游列国7.believe in 相信;信奉8.a sense of responsibility 责任感4.He becameinterestedin painting when he was a little boy.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.Mencius believed that thereasonwhy man is different from animals is that man is good.孟子认为人区别于动物的原因就在于人性本善。(教材Page 43)要点提炼“the reason why.is that.”中why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。2.However,we doknow that in 1092 AD he invented.然而,我们的确知道在公元1092年,他发明了(教材Page 46)要点提炼“do/does/did+动词原形”表示强调。3.Cars were first used at the end of the ninete

      6、enth century,and were nofasterthan a horse.汽车在19世纪末首次投入使用,那时并不比马快多少。(教材Page 48)要点提炼“no+比较级+than”表示“一者并不比另一者;两者都不”。高考写作情景他没有来参加宴会的原因是他头疼。Thereasonwhyhedidntcometothepartywasthathehadaheadache.他的确完成了任务。Hedidfinishthetask.我们都应该多锻炼身体,因为你也不比我健壮多少。Both of us should take more exercise,for you are nostrongerthanI.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空There were many great 1.philosophers(philosophy) in ancient China.Confucius,2.who was born in 551 BC and died in 479 BC,was the greatest philosopher.He

      7、 stressed the 3.importance(important) of kindness,duty and order in society.Chinese society 4.wasinfluenced(influence)for over 2,000 years.Mencius,born in 372 BC,was a student of Confuciuss ideas.For many years,he travelled from state to state,5.teaching(teach)the principles of Confucius.He believed that the reason 6.why man is different from animals is that man is good.He wrote a book in his last years called TheBookofMencius.Mozi,born in 476 BC and died in 390 BC,was also an 7.influential(infl

      8、uence) philosopher.In some ways,his ideas were similar to 8.those of Confucius.For example,he thought government was most important.Mozi believed all men were equal.His idea of love was different 9.from the Confucian idea of kindness.Mozi 10.founded(found) the philosophy called Mohism.话题与短文改错In Europe,in the second half of the eighteenth century,there was important change in society,was called the “Industrial Revolution”.the Industrial Revolution,factories appeared and mass production became possible the first time.The factories were built in towns and as a result,the population of towns and cities wasgreatly increased.During the Industrial Revolution,factory owners became powerful than land owners.Thousands of people the countryside to work in the city.Often,factory workers lived in and crowded .From 1830 to the early 20th century,the Industrial Revolution spread through Europe and the US and then other countries such as Japan.

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