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    • 1、Module 1 Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points.单句语法填空1They had to return from the hiking in the desert because their food almost ran _.2He commanded that the work _(finish)before 5 pm. 【导学号:98180033】3You can take as many books as you like here for they are free _ charge.4When we arrived,we found a note _ (attach)to the door.5I had no money,so I had no alternative but _ (stay)at home.6He lay in bed,with his eyes _ (fix)on the roof.7_ you go,you will find many kind people w

      2、ho want to help others.8To keep the town clean,the truck _ (load)with garbage is prevented from entering to town.9He _(arrest)when the policeman found drugs in his bag.10People are not allowed to light fireworks within the citys _ (limit)【答案】1.out2.(should)be finished3.of4attached5.to stay6.fixed7.Wherever8loaded9.was arrested10.limits.单句改错1No one can say for surely what they were talking about because they held the meeting secretly._2Hurry up.The time is running out of._3You can rely on that ou

      3、r teacher will give us help._4A truck was loaded with potatoes fell off the road last week near our school._5Jack went out to play football,with all his homework finishing._【答案】1.surelysure2.去掉of3.在that前加it4.去掉was5 .finishing finished.阅读理解In the future your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car! For each prediction that has come true today,several others have missed by a mile.Many of these

      4、predictions didnt consider how people would want to use the technology,or whether people really needed it in their lives or not.Lets look at some predictions from the nottoodistant past.Robot HelpersWheres the robot in my kitchen? Nowhere,of course.And hes probably not coming anytime soon.Robots do exist today,but mostly in factories and other manufacturing environments.Back in the 1950s,however,people said that by now personal robots would be in most peoples homes.So why hasnt it happened? Prob

      5、ably because robots are still too expensive and clumsy.And maybe the idea of robots cooking our dinners and washing our clothes is just too weird.At home we seem to be doing fine without them.Telephones of TomorrowIn 1964 an American company introduced the video telephone.They said by the year 2000 most people would have a video phone in their homes.But of course the idea hasnt caught on yet.Why? The technology worked fine,but it overlooked something obvious: peoples desire for privacy.Would you

      6、 want to have a video phone conversation with someone after you just step out of the shower? Probably notit could be embarrassing! Just because a technology available doesnt always mean people will want to use it.And finally,how about that crazy prediction of the flying car? Its not so crazy any more! But a flying car remains one of the most fascinating technology ideas to capture our imagination.Keep watching the news,or perhaps the sky outside your window,to see what the future will bring.【语篇解

      7、读】人们总是预测未来,那么他们的预测一定会实现吗? 作者列举了很久以前人们对未来的预测的例子来证明并不是所有的预测都能完全实现。1. The whole passage is mainly about _.Apredictions that have come trueBpredictions that havent come trueCwhy predictions dont come true easilyDwhat technology will bring about【解析】主旨大意题。作者列举了很久以前人们对未来的预测的例子来证明并不是所有的预测都能完全实现。故选B项。【答案】B2. The author of this passage wont believe that_.Apredictions neednt consider peoples practical use of technologyBthe future isnt always easy to guessCnot all past predictions have come trueDmany of the

      8、 hightech things our parents thought wed be using by now simply never appeared【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的Many of these predictions didnt consider how people would want to use the technology,or whether people really needed it in their lives or not.可知作者认为很多的预测之所以不能实现是因为它们不考虑人们在生活中是否真的需要这种科技,故A项是作者不赞成的。【答案】A3. The underlined word “weird” in Para.5 probably means_.AwonderfulBstupidCpracticalDstrange【解析】词义猜测题。根据上文知道机器人太昂贵、太笨拙,所以机器人帮人们洗衣做饭的想法现在看来仍是不可思议的事情,故选D项。【答案】D4What does the author think of the flying car? AIt is too difficult to imagine.BIt is too crazy an idea.CIt is likely to be made.DIt is often reported in the news.【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Its not so crazy any more! 可知会飞的汽车的想法有可能会实现。故选C项。【答案】C.完形填空“Bill! It is February 25,2099,seven oclock.Time to_1_and go to school.”said the clockrobot_2_a metal voice.Then the kitchenrobot gave him toast and eggs.Bi


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