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2019届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材课文要点 module 3 interpersonal relationships夯基提能作业 外研版选修6

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86865070
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Module 3Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2017河南洛阳5月统考)A girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, which meant visiting and taking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children lived abroad. Their living conditions were not satisfactory even if the old man had a lot of savings. She was expected to comfort him and keep up his sp

      2、irits.Every Saturday the girl came on time to keep him company,telling him stories. When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注法), she would help massage his arms. The doctor found the patient much improved mentally. The old man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted at others.But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled. Each time the girl left,the old man would give her some money. The doctor did nothing to interfere (干涉),unwilling t

      3、o offend the old man. A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after suffering coma(昏迷) a few times.When rescued from the latest coma,the old man told the doctor his last wish,“I have deep sympathy for the girl. Will you be kind enough to help her finish her studies?”But the doctor knew that her family was well off and she had no difficulty pursuing her studies. Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her fathers car.When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the ol

      4、d man, the doctor told her the bad news. She was very sad and burst into tears. Then she handed $500 to the doctor,saying,“The old man had all along thought I came to do the job because of poverty. He gave me money so that I could continue my schooling.”Now he got the answer to the puzzle. In the last period of his life,the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.1.If youre a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, what kind of people do you have to attend

      5、to?A.The patients in need of help.B.The people suffering from cancer.C.The patients without many days left.D.The people suffering from disease.2.What can we infer about the old man?A.He had a lot of savings.B.He was suffering from cancer.C.He often lost his temper before meeting the girl.D.He asked the doctor to help the girl finish her studies.3.What can we know from the passage?A.The doctor told the old man the truth.B.The old mans children were wealthy.C.The girls father encouraged her to acc

      6、ept the money.D.The girl didnt accompany the old man when he died.4.What is the real reason resulting in the old mans mental improvement?A.The girls comfort and care.B.The pleasure of being helpful to people in need.C.Peoples understanding.D.His childrens progress.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2017山西三区八校二模)Dear girl, The dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom as you 1your way in the world, from an entrepreneur(企业家) and

      7、your 2. In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown for college in Washington D.C. There, I 3that I loved to support women. It taught me that Im a creative, strong leader and great at marketing. 4, I moved on to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit. Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to 5a breast pump bag(吸乳器包) business. Now I 6a highly successful company that I started up on my own. 7what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Keep an op

      8、en mind. Failure is 8to your success. I wont tell you to feel good about 9. But I will tell you that every failure Ive had along the way has absolutely made me 10.Failing the big math exam in high school was 11. I eventually passed, and Ive 12failed an exam again. I learned from that 13to ask for help. Now I ask for help in business 14.Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I was more than qualified 15hurt me. I was so depressed 16 soon I got a big job at a national organizatio

      9、n. Its okay to get angry! Take that and 17it into positive action. Im proud to be a role 18to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be 19you want and you can have everything on your list. It will be my pleasure to watch your life 20before my eyes. 1.A.lose B.pay C.getD.make2.A.auntB.mama C.uncleD.papa3.A.discovered B.informedC.imaginedD.developed4.A.However B.ThereforeC.OtherwiseD.Meanwhile5.A.pushing B.making C.launchingD.pulling6.A.run B.close C.leaveD.work7.A.Come out B.Work outC.Hold outD.Figure out8.A.pleasantB.convenientC.criticalD.different9.A.justice B.failure C.courageD.honesty10.A.worse B.bad C.wellD.better11.A.embarrassing B.excitingC.amusingD.inspiring12.A.everB.always C.neverD.often13.A.accident B.experienceC.feel

      《2019届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材课文要点 module 3 interpersonal relationships夯基提能作业 外研版选修6》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材课文要点 module 3 interpersonal relationships夯基提能作业 外研版选修6》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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