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2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 1 advertising课时跟踪练(三)word power, grammar and usage & task 牛津译林版必修4

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86859901
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、课时跟踪练(三) Word power, Grammar and usage & Task一、打牢语言基础,基稳才能楼高.单项填空1The _ expression on her face suggested she was _ when she heard the news.Aamazing; amazedBamazed; amazingCamazed; amazed Damazing; amazing解析:选C句意:她脸上吃惊的表情表明当她听到这个消息时,她非常吃惊。amazed“(内心)吃惊的,惊讶的”;amazing“令人吃惊的”。修饰人的表情通常用amazed。2Doctor Smith _ us on the developments of computers.Aupdated BinformedCreminded Dspoke解析:选A句意:史密斯博士为我们提供了有关电脑发展的最新信息。update sb.on sth.“为某人提供关于某事最新的信息”。3Here are some _ for you to follow when you take a test in c

      2、hemistry.Apatterns BtipsCtopics Defforts解析:选B句意:下面给你提出几点忠告,当你参加化学测验时应该遵循。tip“忠告;意见”;pattern“样式,花样,图案”;topic“题目,论题,话题”;effort“努力,尽力”。4Where did you come across our chemistry teacher?It was in the supermarket where I _ mooncakes.Achased BpursuedCpurchased Dexchanged解析:选C句意:“你在哪里遇见我们化学老师的?”“在我买月饼的那个超市里。”purchase“购买”,符合题意。chase“追逐,追求”;pursue“追求,继续从事”;exchange“交换”。5She _ herself (to be) still young and beautiful.Apictured BfanciedCfolded Dflattered解析:选B句意:她自以为自己还年轻漂亮。fancy指远离现实凭空虚构地想象、幻想;picture多指具体事

      3、物在脑海中形成生动图像;fold“折叠,合拢”;flatter“奉承,阿谀”。6The hospital was originally _ to take 1,000 patients, but now has 2,500.Adesigned BpreparedCdecorated Dattempted解析:选A句意:这家医院最初设计接收1 000名病人,但是现在已经接收了2 500名。be designed to do sth.“打算做某事”;prepare“准备”;decorate“装饰”;attempt“企图,尝试”。7In an attempt to save money, some housewives like to go from shop to shop to search for real _.Acomments BbargainsCtraditions Dchampions解析:选B句意:为了试图省钱,一些家庭主妇喜欢挨家商店搜寻真正的廉价商品。bargain“廉价品,便宜货”。8This book aims to cover all the _ of the ci

      4、ty life.Athings BaspectsCfactors Dtheories解析:选B句意:这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。thing“个人物品,小件物品”;aspect“方面”;factor“因素”;theory“理论”。根据句意可知应选B项。9Ive never seen you so rude!I _ something I shouldnt have, but I didnt mean that.Ahave said Bhad saidCdid say Dwas saying解析:选C句意:“我从没见过你如此粗鲁!”“我确实说了一些我不应该说的话,但那不是我的本意。”该句用“助动词did动词原形”来强调谓语动词,故选C项。10(安徽高考)Its said that the power plant is now _ large as what it was.Atwice as Bas twiceCtwice much Dmuch twice解析:选A句意:据说这个发电厂现在是以前的两倍大。倍数表达法有多种,此处考查的是“倍数as形容词/副词原级as其他”结构,故选A。.

      5、完成句子1On_top_of_the_hill_stands (山顶上耸立着) a big pine tree.2This big stone is_three_times_as_heavy_as (是的三倍重) that one.3Workers were forced to work up_to (可达到) 19 hours a day, 7 days a week in the factories.4I came_across (碰到) a word Id never seen before.5Do_come_and_see_us (务必要来看我们) when you visit Beijing some day.6He recommended that I (should)_purchase_an_English_dictionary (购买一本英文词典) to improve my vocabulary.7Soon I am_amazed_to_find (惊奇地发现) I have made great progress.8I fancy_becoming_an_Engli

      6、sh_teacher (设想成为一名英语老师) in the future.二、勤练语篇阅读,多练自能生巧ANo one knows for sure when advertising first started. It is possible that it grew out of the discovery that some people did certain kinds of work better than others did them. That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job.Lets take a man well call Mr. Fielder, for example. He did everything connected with farming. He planted seeds, tended the fields, and harvested and s

      7、old his crops. At the same time, he did many other jobs on the farm. However, he didnt make the bricks for his house, cut his trees into boards, make the plows (犁), or any of the other hundreds of things a farm needs. Instead, he got them from people who specialized in doing each of those things.Suppose there was another man we shall call Mr. Plowright. Using what he knew about farming and working with iron, Mr. Plowright invented a plow that made farming easier. Mr. Plowright did not really lik

      8、e farming himself and wanted to specialize in making really good plows. Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will trade what they grow for one of my plows.How did Mr. Plowright let people know what he was doing? Why, he advertised, of course. First he opened a shop and then he put up a sign outside the shop to attract customers. That sign may have been no more than a plow carved into a piece of wood and a simple arrow pointing to the shop door. It was probably all the information people needed to

      9、find Mr. Plowright and his really good plows.Many historians believe that the first outdoor signs were used about five thousand years ago. Even before most people could read, they understood such signs. Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they had for sale.A medium, in advertising talk, is the way you communicate your message. You might say that the first medium used in advertising was signs with symbols. The second medium was audio, or sound, although that term is not used exactly in the way we use it today. Originally, just the human voice and maybe some kind of simple instrument, such as a bell, were used to get peoples attention.A cr

      《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 1 advertising课时跟踪练(三)word power, grammar and usage & task 牛津译林版必修4》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 1 advertising课时跟踪练(三)word power, grammar and usage & task 牛津译林版必修4》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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