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2017秋九年级英语上册 module 10 australia unit 1 i have some photos that i took in australia last year(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86857134
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Module 10 Australia第二课时,01基础过关.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world now.Its height is 829.8 metres.2The scarf is made of wool,so it feels not only warm but also comfortable.3The ant is a small insect(昆虫)that lives in large groups and works very hard.4Jim has gone to the supermarket to buy a pair of scissors.He wants to cut some cards.5Alice always wears a sun hat when she goes out on sunny days.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Harry Potter is a boy with magical(magic) power.7The Syd

      2、ney Opera House is like a huge sailing(sail) boat with water on three sides.8Mr Henry is an old farmer.He keeps some sheep(sheep)9There are some flies(fly) in the room.They are so noisy.10We all know that many Australians(Australia) come from Britian.单项选择。(A)11.In this school,the students are asked_ mobile phone.Anot to use Bnot usingCnot use Dto not use(D)12.Sitting down after a walk is relaxing.But do you dare to sit on a seat_ tells you your weight?Awhom B/Cwho Dthat(C)13.France _ its food an

      3、d wine.Ais famous as Bis famous toCis famous for Dis famous with(B)14.The flies are so terrible.Please _.Akeep it away Bkeep them awayCkeep away them Dkeep away it(C)15.I have some new songs that are very popular now.Really?_.ALets go BIm comingCHere we go DIts gone,02能力提升.完形填空。“What is the first thing you think of when you hear someone talk about Paris?” When I asked my friends this question,_16_ of them said the Eiffel Tower.Yes.The Eiffel Tower might be the most famous building in Paris,_17_

      4、in France.And it is _18_ as one of “the seven wonders of the modern world”Last summer,my parents_19_ me to France for a travel,and we visited the Eiffel Tower.It was a(n)_20_.The tower looked so huge and fantastic in the sunset(晚霞)We took a lift all the _21_ to the top.From the top of the tower,we saw the great sights of the city and the River Seine which runs _22_ it.Beside the lift,there are stairs which lead all the way up to the top of the tower.For those who are _23_,they can use these to c

      5、limb up.It is very windy at the top of the tower and can be very_24_ at times because it is only _25_ by iron beams(钢梁)There are no walls to keep the wind out.So if you have a chance to visit the Eiffel Tower,make sure that you wear enough clothes to keep you warm.(B)16.A.anyBmostCfewDnone(C)17.A.ever Bjust Ceven Dalmost(C)18.A.found BrememberedCconsidered Dtreated(A)19.A.took Bpaid Cput Dgot(C)20.A.morning BafternoonCevening Dnight(D)21.A.place Bpath Croad Dway(A)22.A.through BonCover Dwith(B)23.A.weak Bstrong Cwise Dhonest(D)24.A.hot Bwarm Ccool Dcold(C)25.A.repaired BbrokenCbuilt Dused名校讲坛cut off的用法cut off意为“剪掉;切(割)掉 ,停止”,为动副短语,接人称代词作宾语时,位于cut与off之间。如:Jane used to have long hair,but she cut it off last month.简以前留着长发,但是上个月她剪掉了。【拓展】cut词组:cut down砍倒;减少;降低;缩短cutup把切碎cutinto把切成

      《2017秋九年级英语上册 module 10 australia unit 1 i have some photos that i took in australia last year(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋九年级英语上册 module 10 australia unit 1 i have some photos that i took in australia last year(第2课时)习题 (新版)外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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