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2017年秋高中英语 课时跟踪检测(四)unit 2 english around the world section ⅲ learning about language & using language 新人教版必修1

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86856907
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、课时跟踪检测(四)Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1It is nice to hear from her. Believe it or not, we last met more than thirty years ago.2Today the number of students studying abroad is (be) increasing rapidly.3He played an important role in last sports meeting.4I command that he _(should)_go (go) at once.5There are no such foods as “slimming” foods.6Could you buy me the same pen as you gave Mary yesterday?7I recognize that she works harder than I do.8.My brother requested me to_leave (le

      2、ave) with him tonight.完成句子1Believe_it_or_not (信不信由你), I saw my most favorite movie star.2It is a fact that cell phones play_an_important_part/role (起着重要的作用) in our life.3Dont make the_same_mistake_as (与同样的错误) you did last time.4To our surprise, they didnt do the task in_the_way_(that)_we_are_doing_now (按照我们现在做的方法)5He missed the first bus and that_was_because (那是因为) he got up late this morning.6There was a_worried_expression (焦急的表情) on her face.完形填空My husband has been in hospital for quite a whil

      3、e.Whats worse, I am out of _1_ so I have learned to live a life with very little.Last Sunday I went to the _2_ near my home with my friend and one of my neighbours there said to me, “I know you must be having a _3_ time.” I just smiled and said, “Im okay. I have two dollars and I have food at home, _4_ Ill be fine.”I _5_ think that what I have is what I have and it is up to me to make _6_ of it carefully.Then she said, “Can I _7_ your bag?It looks so beautiful.” I said, “Okay.”Just then someone

      4、_8_ me.“Ill be right back,” I said to the woman.When I _9_, she thanked me and gave back my bag.Then she left with what she bought.On my way home my friend who was driving said, “I thought you told me you didnt have any _10_?” I replied, “I dont.”She said, “Oh yes, you do!” I told her I only had two dollars, but still she _11_ I had money.“Look at your _12_,” she said.“Theres a hundred dollar bill sticking out of it.”Though I didnt _13_ what she said, I looked down.I was so _14_! There actually

      5、was a hundred dollar bill that seemed to have fallen _15_ my bag!I looked at her, very surprised, and said, “I dont know where that _16_ from! I have no _17_ because I certainly did not have a hundred dollars!”I thought and thought for days after that, then I _18_ it must have been the lady who asked to have a look at my bag.How _19_ of her! And what a wonderful _20_ to receive when you are down to your last two dollars!语篇解读:在作者生活窘迫时有人偷偷地在她包里放了一百美元,这让作者非常感动。1A.workBorderCmind Dbreath解析:选A从后面的“so

      6、 I have learned to live a life with very little”可知,作者努力用最少的钱来维持生活,由此判断她失业(out of work)了。2A.hospital BchurchCstore Dschool解析:选C从下文的“Then she left with what she bought.”可知,作者去了一家“商店(store)”。3A.long BdifficultCfree Dhappy解析:选B从上文可知作者的丈夫病了,所以别人认为她的生活是“艰难的(difficult)”。4A.or BthoughCuntil Dso解析:选D作者说自己还有钱,而且家里还有食物,“因此(so)”她认为自己会好的。5A.never BhardlyCalways Dalso解析:选C从下文可知作者不愿意接受别人的帮助,所以“一直(always)”认为有多少钱就过多少钱的生活,自己精打细算即可。make use of 意为“利用”。6A.change BuseCsense Dtrouble解析:选B7A.see BopenCbuy Dtake解析:选A从最后

      7、一段的“the lady who asked to have a look at my bag”可知,那个人要“看(see)”她的包。8A.understood Bgreeted Ccalled Dcomforted解析:选C从下文的“Ill be right back”可知,有人“叫(called)”作者,所以她走了。9A.cried BrecoveredCreturned Dstopped解析:选C作者“返回(returned)”后,那个人谢过她并把包还给了她。10A.time BmoneyCfood Dfun解析:选B从下文的“I told her I only had two dollars”可知,作者和她的朋友讨论钱“(money)”的事情。11A.doubted BimaginedCexpected Dinsisted解析:选D从上文的“She said, Oh yes, you do!”可知,作者的朋友“坚持(insisted)”认为作者有钱。12A.bag BpocketCcar Dhouse解析:选A从下文的“Theres a hundred dollar bill

      8、sticking out of it.”可知,作者的朋友让作者看她的“包(bag)”。13A.hear BbelieveClike Dremember解析:选B作者知道自己没钱,但她的朋友却说她有钱,所以她不“相信(believe)”朋友说的话。14A.worried BexcitedCshocked Dbored解析:选C从下文的“There actually was a hundred dollar bill”可推知,作者很“震惊(shocked)”。15A.from under BonCinto Dout of解析:选D从上文的“Theres a hundred dollar bill sticking out of it.”可知,钱快从包里掉出来了。16A.suffered BcameCescaped Ddated解析:选B作者没有钱,所以不知钱“来自(came from)”哪里。17A.idea BexcuseCinterest Drest解析:选A从上文的“I dont know where”可知,在此为I have no idea。18A.made BwonderedCr

      9、ealized Dnoticed解析:选C从上文的“thought and thought for days”可知,作者反复思考后“意识到(realized)”是谁送给她钱的。19A.kind BgladCcareless Dproud解析:选A作者认为给她钱的人很“善良(kind)”。20A.letter BinvitationCvisit Dgift解析:选D作者只剩下两美元,所以收到这张百元大钞确实是很好的“礼物(gift)”。.任务型阅读What is your favorite colour? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, or an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer gray or blue? 1._ If you love green, you are strongminded and determined. 2._ At least this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they

      《2017年秋高中英语 课时跟踪检测(四)unit 2 english around the world section ⅲ learning about language & using language 新人教版必修1》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年秋高中英语 课时跟踪检测(四)unit 2 english around the world section ⅲ learning about language & using language 新人教版必修1》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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