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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 九下 unit 2 robots

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848968
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:95.50KB
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    • 1、9B Unit 2 Robots 复习目标:1. 复习与robot话题有关的单词、短语与句型。2. 学会用这些词描述自己梦想的机器人。3、准确的运用这些单词、短语与句型来描写机器人。4、掌握宾语从句和in order to as a result need to的用法Task1:Words1. 默写下列单词(20个左右单词)(1)邮寄 (2) 打扫 (3)售货员 (4)垃圾箱 (5)混乱 (6)镜子 (7)扩散 (8)光滑的(9)垃圾 (10)轮子 (11)胸膛 (12)二者之一 (13)抄写 (14)订单 (15)点头 (16)膝盖(17)熨烫 (18)日常的 (19)硬币 (20)任何,一切事物2.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第一题)Task2: the important phrases and sentences扫地 _ 为了 _ 一团糟_ 感染病毒_ 清除杂乱_ 烫衬衫 _ 整理床铺_结果,因此_what to do with _ make a great difference to _ do the laundry _ be happy with _ go wr

      2、ong _ knock over _ wash up_ last for _1.Phrases 英汉互译2.the important sentences (ways: read& remember)I need to complain to the robot shop. I dont know when Ill post the letter for you.Mr Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot. The robot changed his life a lot in many ways.One of the robots is designed to help students with their homework. A good robot should only need checking every six months.3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第二题)4. Tell the differences between them (discussion in your gr

      3、oup)(1)complain to/complain about.I want to _my life in our school.She would like to_her mother about her student.(2)in a mess/make a mess.He found his room_.After the robot caught a virus, it might_in my flat.Task3:Grammar(1) Object clauses introduced by wh-words.注意:语序(陈述句语序)人称(一随主二随宾三不变)时态【中考链接】.Most children are interested in amazings things,and they wonder_.(2011 南京)A. when can they see UFOs B. how can elephants walk on tiptoeC. why do fish sleep with their eyes open D. why there is no plant

      4、 life without lightning. -Im new here.Could you please tell_?(2011连云港) -Sure.Its over there behind that tower.A.where the youth centre is B. when the library opensC.how far is the amusement park D. how can I get to the underground station(2) in order to/as a result 如:He got up early_ he could catch the first bus.The man was attacked with a knife._,he bled to death at last.(3) need to 如:She _know the bad news(没有必要).(4).Do exercises (见随堂检测 第三题)What kinds of housework can the robot do?How big shoul

      5、d your robot be?How often should your robot need to be checked? Do you want to own a robot? What kinds of robots do you want ? What do you expect your robot to do?How long do you expect your robot to last? Task 4: Spoken EnglishTask: 5 Writing about your ideal robot. (见随堂检测 第六题)Task 6:Summary Task 7:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分10 minutes)Task 8:Homework 1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习 2.整理错题集教学反思:9B Unit 2 随堂检测 一 词汇 1. Mr Wus shirts are (熨汤) by the robot twice a week.(2011 连云港)2.Would you please (邮寄) the letter for

      6、me?.3. We always have a spare (车轮) in our car.4. A driver can see the road behind him by looking at the back view (镜子).5. This store has various articles of (日常的) use you could wish for.6. The fire s from the factory to the houses nearby.7. If you dont take part in the party, I wont take part in it ,e .8. You should put the empty can into the d .9. We will never give up working w happens.10. He n his head to show that the understood.二完成下列句子1. 我们确信将来你会喜欢机器人。 We youll like the robot .2. 我期望这次汽车展至少持续两个星期。 I expect the car exhibition at least two weeks.3. 昨天他收到他哥哥的来信。 He his brother yesterday.4. 听说您不能来参加聚会,我感到遗憾。 hear that you are unable to go to the party.5. 他对比赛结果很满意。 He the result of the match.三 语法专练1)为了提高我的英语成绩,我需要买一本电子词典。 improve my English, I an e-dictionary.2) 我的电脑坏了。它需要修理。 There is something wrong with the computer. It .3) 机器人帮江先生做了很多家务。因此,他不需要早起。The robot helped Mr Jiang do lots of housework. , he early.4)我想知道他什么时候来。I w

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