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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 6 pets

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848935
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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  • 文档大小:120.50KB
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    • 1、7B Unit 6 Pets复习目标:1.用恰当的名词和动词描述不同类型动物的外表和特征。2.认知和理解如何恰当地使用祈使句。3.用情态动词must和should来表示职责和责任。4.写一篇有关自己最喜欢的宠物的文章。Task1:Words1. 默写下列单词(20个左右单词)(1)宠物 (2) 喂养 (3)建造 (4)打仗 (5)任何地方 (6) 介意 (7)空的 (8)羽毛(9)敲 (10)她自己 (11)一次 (12)害羞的 (13)交谈 (14)干净的 (15)张大的 (16)鸟笼2.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第一题)Task2: the important phrases and sentences。更加有礼貌 _ 发出太多噪音 _ 一星期三次 _ 在太阳下 _ 所有里最聪明的动物_ 各种各样的 _ 看起来有一点不同 _超过,多于 _teach sb to do _ hold sth in ones hand _ have to do sth _ swim around _ look around for _ with eyes open wide _ take

      2、.out of. _ belong to _1.Phrases 英汉互译2.the important sentences (ways: read& remember)Its a good idea to do sth. Ill look after him until the end.She isnt any trouble . Its very important not to give them too much food.You shouldnt leave your pet at home alone for too long. Fantail goldfish are easy to look after.3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第二题)4. Tell the differences between them (discussion in your group)(1)too much/ much too / too manyTom spends _time watching TV every day.The classroom is _dirty .Wh

      3、o is on duty today?There are _potatoes on the plate.(2)look like /look the sameThe boy_ his mother . Lucy and Lily _.They are twins.Task3:Grammar1. Giving instructions(祈使句)定义:祈使句是用来发出命令或指示,提出要求、建议、劝告等的句子。祈使句的第二人称主语you通常不表示出来,而是以动词原形开头。(1) Positive instruction(肯定性指令)eg. Walk the dog at 7 a.m. Be quiet, please.【中考链接】_ me the truth ,or I wont let you leave here.(2010绥化)ATell BTo tell CTelling DNot tell(2)Negative instruction (否定性指令) 一般是在谓语动词前加do not或 dont .eg. Dont take it away. Dont be worried.【中考

      4、链接】Please _to return my book by Friday. Ill use it on Friday. (2011威海) A. dont forget B. not to forget C. not forget D. forget not to(3)Let 开头的祈使句。eg. Let me try。 Lets not go fishing。(4)祈使句的反意疑问句。由动词原形引导的肯定和否定祈使句或let us 引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句一般用will you由lets开头的祈使句,反意疑问句用shall we2.情态动词should 和 must。(1)should的用法should意为“应该”,表示主语的职责、义务或说话人的劝告,侧重于向别人建议怎样做才最合适。Should不如must那样语气强烈。Should的否定形式为 shouldnt 如: You should say sorry to others when you do something wrong。 We shouldnt feed our dogs at the table.(1)must的

      5、用法 表示“必须,应该”在第二、三人称中表示说话人的命令或要求。 must的否定有两个,当回答由must引起的问题时,否定回答用neednt 或dont have to,表示不必或无须。当表示“不应该,禁止”时用must not。have to的含义与must接近,只是have to着重强调客观要求,must着重说明主观看法,表示推测,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定,大概”否定性的猜测应用cant,不用mustnt【中考链接】 She _be here .I saw her come in. (2011徐州) A .can B. mayC. shouldD. mustThe environment in our town is getting worse and worse, so many trees_._. And we just had a special party for his _ birthday last weekend. (2011贺州)A. are planting B. should be plantedC. should plant D. will plantMis

      6、s Li ,must we hand in our homework right now? (2011百色)-. No , you_. You can hand it in tomorrow.A. dont B. mustnt C. neednt D. may notLook,Sue is over there。 That _be here .She is in Canada now. (2011湖北武汉) A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D.wont 3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第三题)Appearance: Blue white- Personality: clever friendly. Lifestyle: can fly jumps while running. How do you look after? Why do you like it? I love my very much. Its name is. It likes/doesnt like. It lives in a cage/basket/box.We should/

      7、should not.Task 4: Spoken EnglishTask: 5 Writing about your favourite pet (见随堂检测 第六题)Task 6:Summary Task 7:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分10 minutes)Task 8:Homework1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习 2.整理错题集教学反思:Test for 7B Unit6一、词汇1. Sorry, I cant follow you. Would you please speak more_(缓慢的). (2011宁波)2. Would you mind _(重复) your suggestions? I didnt hear it clearly.(2011,铜仁)3. We visit the home for the elderly _(一次) a month.(2011,苏州)4. We all know that Millie has a _(宠物) dog named Eddie.(2011,盐城)5. We shouldnt throw rubbish e_(到处) to protect environment.(2011, 芜湖)6. The policemen are looking a _ for the missing girl.7. Simon is k_ at the door. Please go and see who it is.(2010,金华)8. The parrots f_ look colorfu

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