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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 2 welcome to sunshine town

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848928
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town复习目标:1.通过学习本单元熟悉一种新的文体:录像文字稿。2.正确运用名词所有格,How many and how much 句型。3.掌握本单元的四会词。Task1:Words1. 默写下列单词(20个左右单词)(1)地铁 (2) 乡村 (3)建筑物 (4)没有一个(人或物) (5)侍者(男) (6)医院 (7)准备 (8)金制的 (9)骑 (10)完整的,满的 (11)在.周围 (12)叫或点 (13)明信片 (14)剧院 (15)错过 (16)学习 (17)土地,陆地 (18)空气,大气 (19)在.周围 (20)生活,生命2.Do exercises (见随堂检测)Task2: the important phrases and sentences我们中的大多数 _ 带你参观我的家乡 _ 点一份比萨饼_ 附近的剧院 _ 自学语法 _ 在北京的其他地区_ 一直购物到十点_如此高的一座楼_the captal of China_ by underground _ go walking _ need help wit

      2、h _ be close to _ have a good time _ a loaf of bread _ enjoy a full day _1.Phrases 英汉互译2.the important sentences (ways: read& remember)(1)How mang tins of dog food can we buy with that? (2)Lets take them to the sports center.(3)Why dont you visit our local theatre with us. (4)What eles do you want to buy?(5)There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. (6)I am going to show you around my home town.(7)It is hard to say. You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.(8)Maybe we can order a

      3、pizza.3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 )4. Tell the differences between them (discussion in your group)(1)until / not .untilYou can shop _ ten oclock at night in most shopping malls.She _ go to bed _ I came back.(2)other / elseWhat_ thing can you see? Nothing _.-Who _ has some questions? - Nobody has. (3) none / nobody (no one)/nothing-How many students are there on the play ground? - _.-Whats in the basket? -_.-Who is in the classroom? -_.Task3:Grammar1. how many how muchHow many 与how much 都是询问“多少”的。两者都是对

      4、物体的数量提问。 How many 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而how much 修饰不可数名词。同时还可以表示“多少钱”,用于询问武平价格。【中考链接】-_does the baby mouse weigh? - About 20 grams.(2011 锦阳) A. How much B. How many C. How D. What 2. Noun+s表示名词之间的所有关系。一般用s表示,译为“的”但以s结尾的所有格,只在词尾加,如the teachers office.(1)如果某物为两人共有的,则在第二个后面加s表示所有关系。如Lily and Lucys books(2)如果某物为两人分别拥有的,则在两个名词后都加s.如:Lilys and Lucys books.(3)无生命的名词一般用of所有格表示所属关系,如the colour of the bike. (4) 双重所有格常用s与of 所有格的混合形式,如:a friend of mine. 【中考链接】 The theme park is about _ ride from the museum . You sho

      5、uld strart out right now.(2011 无锡) A. two hour B. two hours C. two hours D. two hoursMarys skirt is the same as her _.(2011 贺州) A. bisters B. brother C. brothers D. sisters 3.Possessive adjectives and pronouns物主代词也是表示所有关系的。分为形代和名代。形代相当于形容词,其后面一定要有名词;名代相当于名词,是为了避免重复上文提到的名词。可单独使用。后面不能跟名词。 - Wow ! What a lovely dog! Is it yours? - Yes, its _ . My father bought it for me yesterday. (2011 宿迁) A. my B. yours C. mine D. yourThis is _ MP4. Yours is over there. (2011 桂林) A. my B. me C. I D. mine 4.Do exe

      6、rcises (见随堂检测 )Task 4: Spoken English(1)Would you like to go to.? (2)What can we see there? (3)What time shall we leave in the moring? (4)Where shall we go? (5)What kind of place is it? (6)What type of house do you live?(7)What is in your home town? Task: 5 Writing about your dream home (见随堂检测 )Task 6:Summary Task 7:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分10 minutes)Task 8:Homework1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习教学反思: 2.整理错题集Test for 7B Unit 2一、词汇1.She _ (骑) to school on her bicycle every day. (2011 安徽)2. Louisa didnt have a pen

      7、cil, so I let her borrow _(我的) 。(2011 黄冈)3. Its cold outside. Please put on your w_ winter coat.(2011 宁坡)4. We cant l_ to music when the teach is talking in class.(2011 崇左)5. - Try some more rice, please. - No, thanks. Im f_ (2011 黄石)6. Their teachers are as friendly to students as _(we) (2011 肇庆)7. The style of this dress is popular, but I dont like _ (it) colour. (2011 宿迁)8. What a _ (sun) day it is today! Lets go to the park. (2010 河北)9. It is only about 30 minutes from my home to the centre of Beijing by_ (地铁)10.He didnt go to bed _ (直到)his father came back二、完成下列句子1. 我们将在上午九点到达那儿,并愉快地度过一整天。We shall _ at 9 a.m. to _2. 昨天他看书直到午夜。_ y

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