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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 5 abilities

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848927
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Test for 7B Unit5 Abilities复习目标:1. 掌握本单元的四会词、重点短语及词汇。2.正确运用can和could以及what和how的感叹句。3.能运用所学词汇、句型、语法和话题进行写作。4. 通过学习本单元词汇让学生学会评估别人的进步和评价其表现Task1:Words1. 默写下列单词(20个左右单词)(1)能力 (2) 收集 (3)忘记 (4)安全的 (5)记忆力 (6)结果 (7)家务活 (8)慈祥的,友好的 (9)可怕的 (10)使受伤,伤害 (11)你自己 (12)钢琴 (13)救,救助 (14)问题 (15)冲,奔 (16)喊,叫 (17)月 (18)勇敢的 (19)火柴 (20)表演2.Do exercises (见随堂检测)Task2: the important phrases and sentences 小心火柴 _ 用毛毯扑灭火 _ 做某事有问题_ 独自在家_ 有一个好的记忆力 _ 使孩子们远离吸烟_ 不介意_有机会做某事_clean up_ a home for the elderly _ give seats to the old on

      2、 the bus_ keep sb out of danger_ pour sth. over _ stay at home alone_fall into the water _ 1.Phrases 英汉互译 2.the important sentences (ways: read& remember)(1)Suddenly, he hear someone shouting Fire! Fire! (2)He was in hospital for two months.(3) )Zhang hua quickly ran back to his flat and poured water over his jacket.(4) He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out(5)Thank you for joining us this evening.(6)Do not leave the stove on.(7)We look forward to hearing from you soon.(8)I wo

      3、uld like to recommend Daniel for the Grade7 Most Helpful Student Award.(9)Su Ning has a good memory and is good at writing.(10) It is important to be care with fire. 3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 )4. Tell the differences between them (discussion in your group)(1)hear/ listenI often _ the girl sing in the roomYou should _ carefully in class. (2)alone/lonely(2011柳州):He did the work all by himself. A:already B:together C:alone(2011宿迁 ) 2:I dont have any close friends here. I feel _from time to time. A:alon

      4、e B:happy C:lonely D:proud Task3:Grammar1. Can / could 为情态动词,Can 为现在式形式,could为过去式形式。其后接动词原形,否定形式分别为can not/cant与could not/couldnt如:I can climb tress,but I cant swim.He could draw pictures when he was young.(1)can 的具体用法如下:can表示能力“会,能”如:Can you sing Korean songs?也可表示客观可能性。如: You can see a parrot show in Beijing Zoo.同时也表示“建议或请求”。可用Can I?或Can you?等结构,语气比较客气。如:Can I help you? Can you lend me your pen?表示“允许”或“请求允许”。其意思相当于may(可以)。但can比may用的更广泛。如:Class is over.You can go home now.表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信等态度(主要用于否定句和

      5、疑问句),Cant 还可以表示“不可能”之意。如: Mr Wang cant be at home. He is abroad now.(2)Could表示更为客气,委婉的提出请求或陈述看法,有时则表示可能性不大。如:Could I have some noodles? It could rain this evening.【中考链接】Could I use your dictionary?(2010芜湖) Yes,you _A:can B:could C:need D:should2、感叹句概念:是用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。如:What an interesting film! How wonderful the film is!结构:.感叹句通常由感叹词What或how构成,具体结构如下:(1)What + a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数+(主谓)!What a cold day(it is)!(2)What+形容词+可数名词复数+(主谓)!What hard-working students (they are)!(3)What+形容词+不可数名词+ (主谓)! Wh

      6、at sad music (it is)! (4) How+形容词/副词+(主谓)! How nice the flower is! How fast he runs!(5)How+句子!如:How I could fly to the moon! (6)What 句子与How句子可以进行互换。如:What a big dog it is!= How big the dog is!【中考链接】 (2011 南宁) _ nice weather it is! Lets play football. A. What B. How C. What a Task:4: Spoken English (1)Can you.? (2)What do you think of.? (3)What can you do? (4)I wish I could. (5)How do you.? (6)Im not good at.(7)I want to learn how to do that. Task: 5 Writing a letter to recommend sb for an award

      7、(见随堂检测 )Task 6:Summary Task 7:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分10 minutes)Task 8:Homework1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习 2.整理错题集教学反思:Test for 7B Unit5 Abilities一、重点词汇1. .How _(care) you are! You have knocked the cup off the table again!(2011徐州) 2. -Look, the bird is in _(危险). 3. Though he lives_ (孤独),he has friends and does not feel_ (孤独) (2010徐州)4.How many _ (month)are there in a year? Twelve. 5. Robert enjoys_ (collect)stamps.And now he has 300 of them.(2010荆门)6Mary is a girl with lots of _ (ability)7. If you do not go on a diet,it is_(possible)for you to lose weight.(2011上海)8My mother has a bad m_ and she often forgets things.9.The guide has collected all the v_ID cards.(2010常州)二、完成下列句子1. 上星期,一个五岁的孩子迷路了,在街上哭。(2010聊城) Last week a_boy _ _ _

      《江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 5 abilities》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 5 abilities》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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