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江苏省南京师范大学第二附属初级中学八年级英语下册 unit 5 good manners基础复习测试题(新版)牛津版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848859
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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  • 文档大小:67KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit 5. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. Would you please not speak so loudly in public? Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice. A. the; aB. /; aC. the; the D. /; /( ) 2. Which of the following signs can you often see beside a lake? A. B.C. D. ( ) 3. Excuse me, sir. But youre my way. Sorry. I didnt know you were passing by.A. on B. by C. with D. in( ) 4. The of new inventions should be to make life easier, not to make it harder.A. rules B. subjectsC. secretsD. purposes( ) 5. I have spent on this

      2、job. I think I can finish it this afternoon.A. sometime; sometime B. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometime D. some times; some time( ) 6. Boy, didnt you see people were waiting in line? Dont in! I am sorry, sir. A. pushB. pull C. put D. carry( ) 7. Jim always keeps the tap running he finishes washing his face.A. since B. while C. as D. till( ) 8. Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟). Sorry. I the sign.A. dont notice B. didnt notice C. havent noticed D. wont notice( ) 9. Checking your ans

      3、wers before handing in your paper can help you mistakes.A. makeB. provide C. avoid D. advise( )10. Youd better fix the machine I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems.A. like B. with C. as D. follow( )11. Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry.A. too patient B. patient enough C. enough patient D. very patient( )12. Youve spelt the word wrong again, Judy. Sorry. Maybe I am used to the mistake to think of the right one.A. so B. very C. quite D. too( )13. Mum, c

      4、an you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? Well, I do have some advice. , please keep quiet while eating.A. In all B. Of all C. At all D. Above all( )14. Do you think the question too hard? I dont think so. He can answer it easily.A. of Jim to answer B. of Jim to answer it C. for Jim to answerD. for Jim to answer it( )15. Mrs Green. Do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now? Of course. .A. Better late than never B. Many hands make light wor

      5、kC. You cannot burn the candle at both sides D. Actions speak louder than wordsII. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。36. Dont (触摸) anything on show in the museum.37. As everyone knows, (练习) makes perfect.38. If nobody drops l, the park will be a clean and comfortable place.39. The s we are going to talk about is “Online Manners”.40. If you dont look after your pet bird in p ways, it will get ill easily.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。41. Tom didnt mean to be (polite) when he shouted. He was just too ex

      6、cited.42. We Chinese often greet each other by (shake) hand.43. After hours of (discuss), they let through the report in the end.44. People in our country often queue (patient) while waiting in public places.45. Mrs Lin is too busy (explain) any of the long sentences right now. C. 从方框中选择合适的词(组),并用其适当形式填空, 完成下面的句子。soon after, cut in, bump into, conversation, success46. The party was very . Everyone had a good time.47. Both of us enjoyed nice food and at the dinner.48. The teacher was angry becaus

      7、e Tom several times when she was speaking.49. Jack was walking along the street in a hurry when he a boy.50. we sat down, the play started.III. 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 (每小题2分,共10分)51. 你应该在外面等着轮到你。 You should outside.52. 这道题太难了,他们算不出来。 The problem is .53. 如果你挡住英国人的去路,他们有足够的礼貌等你移动为止。 If you are in British peoples way , they are _ _ _ _ till you move.54. 你应该把花放在屋子里,这样它们就不会受冷了。 You should put the flowers inside to _.55. 他还没大到可抽烟的年纪。 He is _ smoke. 56. 遵守交通规则能保持安全,使我们远离危险。 _ traffic rules can keep us _ f

      8、rom _.57. 当你洗完手后不要让水龙头开着。 Dont _ the tap _ after you finish _ your hands.58. 如果你在街上撞到人,你应该说“对不起”。 You should say “sorry” if you _ someone in the street.IV. 任务型阅读Playing with friends, going to a party, having a meal in a restaurant or receiving a birthday giftas a teenager, you go to different places and meet different kinds of people. Everything you do leaves an impression (印象). So manners are very important.Arriving 30 minutes late for a date may say: “This isnt that important to me.” Taking a cell phone call while talking to your friend may say: “The caller is more important than the person standing in front of me.” Failing to show thanks to a gift-giver may say: “I dont like the gift.”Is that t

      《江苏省南京师范大学第二附属初级中学八年级英语下册 unit 5 good manners基础复习测试题(新版)牛津版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京师范大学第二附属初级中学八年级英语下册 unit 5 good manners基础复习测试题(新版)牛津版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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