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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 7 牛津译林版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848731
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:109KB
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    • 1、2015年中考英语专题训练(8B Unit7)一、单项填空(20分)( ) 1UNICEF wants to make world better place for children Aa;the Bthe; a Cthe;the D;a( ) 2. 一Why didnt Jimmy come to the party?一Because he Ahasnt invited Bisnt invited Cwasnt invited Ddidnt invite( ) 3Whats the matter you?I feel sick Awith Bon Cin Dto( ) 4When shall we go and play basketball? 一Not until the work tomorrow Awill finish Bhave finished Cwill be finished Dis finished( ) 5一In our English class,we express our opinions freely Thats goodThis is the best

      2、way to practice the language you learn Aare allowed to Ballow to Care allowed Dallow( ) 6The new CD so well that it out in all the shops Ais sold;sells B. sells;sells C. is sold ; is sold Dsells; is sold( ) 7The charity homeless people food and clothes Aprovides;for Bprovides;with Coffers;for Doffers; with ( ) 8一What about taking a taxi to the cinema? 一I can not itLets take the subway instead Achoose Bpay Ccost Dafford ( ) 9When the big ship“Titanic”fell down into the sea,there were over 2,200 p

      3、eople . And only about 700 of them survived Ain board Bon the board Con board Din the board( )10The weather was badBut they still decided to with their work Acarry off Bcarry on Ccarry out Dcarry( )11一I hear your mom for a weekHow is she? 一Better,but she still cant go home Awas in hospital Bhas gone to hospital Chas been in hospital Dwill go to hospital( )12I used to be afraid of by plane since I thought it was dangerous by it Ato travel;to travel Btraveling:traveling Cto travel;traveling Dtrave

      4、ling:to travel( )13For all these years I have been working for othersI hope Ill my own business some day Aturn up Bfix up Cset up Dmake up( )14Last year,many people with eye problems , in the southern villages Awere operated;most Bwere operated on:mostly Coperated on;mostly Dwere operated on:most( )15The dress is made of silkIt smooth Afeels especially Bis felt specially Cfeels special Dis felt special( )16一 have we raised from this charity show? 一About three dollars AHow many;thousand BHow much

      5、;thousands CHow much;thousand DHow many;thousands( )17The cute girl the song at 9 oclock yesterday evening Aheard to sing Bwas heard to sing Cheard singing Dwas heard singing( )18. In the story,one of the smaller animals was made the tiger something to eat Abring Bto bring Cbrought Dbringing( )19Is your sister ill? No, ,only a little cold Aserious anything Bnothing serious Cserious nothing Danything serious( )20一I dont know how to search the Internet 一 Ill help youA. I hope so BIm afraid,too CDo

      6、nt worry DIm sorry二、完形填空(10分) Im the type of guy who believes you can achieve anything you set your mind to,if you give it your all and dont 1 So,when I decided to write a novel,it didnt matter to me that I had never done anything like that beforeWhat did matter to me was that I had a great story in my head, a story that needed to be 2 . After five months of writing,I at last 3 the“finish linethat magical day when I typed“THE END”Okay,so 1 wrote a manuscript (手稿)The first thing I did was to copy

      7、it,followed by sending it out to all of my friends who 4 a lot,to get creative criticism(批评)And then it was back to rewriting the storyNext,I hired a professional (专亚人员) who gave me great 5 , which meant more rewritingI soon learned a lessonwriting is rewritingThere would always be 6 for improvement I had rewritten the manuscript time and time again for two years,and in the process , I learned 7 to writeLooking back,1 had no idea how long it was going to take or howhard it was going to beWriting the manuscript was the easy part,while going on the way to write a 8 book was the hard part Pursuing (追求) my dreams has made all the differenceLife is a journeyI cant seewhat 9 ahead,but I know one thing for sure:when I 1ook 1

      《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 7 牛津译林版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 八下 unit 7 牛津译林版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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