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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 2 牛津译林版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848716
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:212KB
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    • 1、2015年中考英语专题训练(9B Unit2)一、词汇检测(15分) 1They do experiments in their own (实验室)on the third and fourth floo1s . 2My brother has (服役)in the army since he was 18 years old 3With the (发展)of society,many farmers move to big cities 4The plane is one of the greatest (发明物)of Edisons 5We should take (优势)of what we have to win the match 6Our knowledge of outer space is (增加)all the time 7We met with a storm when the plane was flying over the (太平洋的) Ocean 8Because of the snow,the pilot had to (降落)the plane in a

      2、nother place 9Remember not to let your (骄傲)stop you from growing up10The grass is found in every ocean,from the (表面)to the deep sea.11His parents have made a decision to send him to the UK for (进一步的) study12Was Columbus one of the first (欧洲人)to discover America?13一Why was the show finished so early? 一The bad weather made us have to cut our show 14一Are you kidding? This necklace is too expensive! 一Madam,it is made by Its different from those made by machine15一Are there any good reads you can sugg

      3、est? 一You are asking the right personI to know a few good ones二、单项填空(20分)( ) 1Bernard Shaw was a great English playwright who died Aat his age of 94 Bat age of 94 Cin the age of 94 Dat the age of 94( ) 2一What do you think of the film Transformer? _Its fantasticThe only pity is that I the beginning of it Amissed Bwas missing Cwill miss Dmiss( ) 3一Have you ever Lu Xun?一Sure,he is a great writer Aheard Bheard from Cheard of Dhear of( ) 4一Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now 一Yes,they are t

      4、he our nation Aproud of Bpride of Cpleased with Dknown for( ) 5They are always come and leave. Afirst;last B. first to;last to Cthe first to;the last to Dthe first of:the last of( ) 6一What happened? The car was out of and hit the tree Adanger Bbreath Ccontrol Dpractice( ) 7What a surprise to see you here! When you back? Ado;get Bdid;get Chave;got Dwill;get ( ) 8Neil has been interested in since he took his first when he was six Afly;flying Bflight;fly Cflight;flying Dflying;flight( ) 9A number o

      5、f tourists Yangzhou many times because its such a beautiful cityAhave been to Bhas been to Chas gone to Dhave gone to( )10Could you tell me ? He is wanted by the boss Sorry,Ive no ideaBut he here just now AWhere Tim was;was DWhere is Tim;Was CWhere Tim is;is CWhere Tim is;was( )11He won the first prize in the tennis match,so everyone him A1ike Badmire Cadmired Dis admired( )12The lamp invented by Edison now Awas widely used Bused widely Cis widely used Dwill be widely used( )13Look! cleanthe riv

      6、er looks! YesIm sure somebody it up AWhat;has cleaned BHow;has cleaned CWhat:cleaned DHow;cleaned( )14Suddenly,there was something wrong with the plane in the skyBut the bright pilot managed the plane at the airport safely Ato 1and Bto landing C1anding D1and( )15Marie Curie was a famous woman scientist and was famous for radium Ainventing Bdiscovering Cinvention Ddiscovery( )16With the of society,our environment is getting worseSo we should do what we can it Adevelop;protect Bdeveloping;to prote

      7、ct Cdevelopment;protect Ddevelopment;to protect( )17When and where was Yao Ming born? 一He was born September 12th,1980 Shanghai Aon;on Bin;in Con;in Din;on( )18一Has your friend completed his design?一Not yetHe on it last night Aworked Bhas worked Cis working Dwas working( )19Would you please let me know how long ? Ahas your uncle married Bit is since your uncle got married Cyour uncle had been married Dyour uncle has got married( )20一Dont you think theres life on Mars?一 . AYes,I agree BYes,of course not CYes,I dont think so DWhats wrong?三、完形填空(10分) Jenny was a nurse in a childrens hospitalOne evening there

      《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 2 牛津译林版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 2 牛津译林版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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