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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 1 牛津译林版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848707
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:220KB
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    • 1、2015年中考英语专题训练(9B Unit1)一、词汇检测(15分)1Its said that there will be an (地下的)shopping centre in our town2New York is in the (东部)part of the USAIts a busy and great city3My little cat Mimi was found (躺)in the sun when 1 walked past4Some people prefer (日本的)food as its delicious5In the old times,most people thought the (形状)of the earth was flat6The park is (东南方)of our school,so we always play in it after schoo17We are very pleased with the good (服务) in this restaurant8The standard of your work has fallen

      2、 from the (水平) we expect fro you9Mr Li walked into the bedroom and (悬挂) his coat on the wall10Farmers are encouraged to use (科技) as a tool to develop agriculturel 11To Mr Wang,teaching is a (累人的) but happy thing12The theatre is about three (四分之一)fullThe film is very interesting13Whats the of China? More than 1.3 billion in 20l4It will be larger this year14Do you have any friends? YesThey taught me Hindi15Western people use forks and knives to have dinner YesWhile we Chinese,as everyone knows,use

      3、 二、单项填空(20分)( ) 1 is a good idea to bring your camera because you may take photos AThis BIt CThat D。What( ) 2一Which country would you like to after you visit Korea?一Thailand Aarrive Bget C1eave for Darrive at( ) 3The customers are pleased with the of the restaurant Abalance Bexperience Csurface Dservice( ) 4The White House is a beautiful building a big garden and many trees Ahas Bwhich have Chave Dwith ( ) 5 ,we met Lucy AOn the way school BIn the way back to school COn the way to schoo1 DOn the

      4、 way back to here( ) 6His friends found him everything that happened Aits necessary to tell Bthat necessary tellingCit necessary to tell Dnecessary to tell( ) 7 of the students in our school showing great interest in water skiing ATwo third;are BTwo thirds;is CSecond threes;are DTwo third;are( ) 8Shanghai lies the east of China and the north-east of Guangdong Ain;in Bto;to Cto;in Din;to( ) 9Would you like to go riding with me tomorrow?Sure, Im busy Asince Bwhen Cuntil Dunless( )10The doctor advi

      5、sed my uncle to give up smoking,but didnt help Ahelp Bit Cwho Dwhich( )11It was such a day that 1 felt so Atiring;tired Btiring;tiring Ctired;tired Dtired;tiring( )12Sandy has 1ots of kites different shapes and colours Aat Bfrom Cwith Din( )13There are many shops on side of the street and they until midnight every day Aboth;are open Beither;arent closed Ceither;are closed Dboth;arent closed( )14Shanghai is not only famous its beauty but also famous an international city Afor;for Bas;as Cfor;as D

      6、as;for( )15We decide to make a rule for us to turn off the lights at 10:30 Pm Athat Bthis Cit Done( )16The experts think that Indias population may be than Chinas 2020 Amuch;by Bmore;in C1arger;by D1arger;on ( )17Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean? Yes,but it needs to go the clouds for hours Aacross;through Bthrough;over Cacross;across Dover;in( )18 of them felt very tired but quite happy after sports meeting AEveryone;a two days BEvery one;the two days CEvery one;a two-day DNone;a two day( )19I

      7、 think important we should learn English well Ais;that Bit;that Cits;what Dit;what( )20HiLindaI felt so nervous about tomorrows test 一 You can pass it ATake it easy BCongratulations CHave a good time DHelp yourself三、完形填空(10分) Years ago。while I lived in England,part of my college task was to help the children with special needs1 was chosen to work in a school with disabled childrenThe teacher asked me to l Nancy,a ten-year-old girlOne of her hands could not moveAt her school the teachers would think it was an achievement 2 she was able to put on her own coatBut I saw more in herShe had always wanted to put a string(线) 3 the hole of a key

      《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 1 牛津译林版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九下 unit 1 牛津译林版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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