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江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九上 unit 7 牛津译林版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848686
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:105KB
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    • 1、2015年中考英语专题训练(9A Unit7)一、词汇检测(15分) 1He spent his whole life Oll the film (产业) and achieved a lot 2Mr Li,I dont think your plan is worth (考虑) 3That event (标记)the beginning of her successful career 4Do you know those (女演员)names? 5The twins look nearly the same,sometimes their mother even (误认为) one for the other 6It was (愚蠢的)of you to give up such a good chance to learn English7During her (一生),she won a lot of awards8The performance is (取消)because of the rain9He succeeded in the (最终的)competition10I

      2、 dont like horror films, (也不)does my brother,Jerry11The wife passed away (宁静地)in her husbands hug12Lisa wants to be an excellent (舞蹈者)like Yang Liping 13How did you know each other? 一In my sisters birthday party,I in love with her as soon as I saw her 14一Why is Tommy dressed like that? 一Oh,he wants to the girlsattention 15一Whats your plan next year? 一Em,I will play the of a salesman in Feng Xiaogangs film二、单项填空(20分)( ) 1He was so angry about had happened he left without a word Athat;that Bwhat;w

      3、hat Cthat;what Dwhat;that( ) 2You jump onto a bus while it is movingIts too dangerous Amay not Bmustnt Cmay Dmust( ) 3Its good advice that of the twins wants to take it Asuch;either Bsuch a;either Csuch a;both Dso;either( ) 4一Where do you think he the nice cake?一Sorry,Ive no idea A;bought Bhas;bought Cdid;buy Dhad;bought( ) 5一Do you know that Mr Wang passed 1ast week? 一YesHe died illness Aaway;from Bon;from Cby;with Daway:of( ) 6There is traffic in the street I cant drive fast Aso many;that Btoo

      4、 many;that Cso much;that Dtoo much:for( ) 7一Look! Some people are running the red lights 一We should wait others are breaking the rule Aif Bunless Calthough Dbecause( ) 8I think the talk show is ,but some people think its so Aenough wonderful;boring Bwonderful enough;boring C wonderful enough;bored Denough wonderful:bored ( ) 9Everyone has enjoyed the film, me Aincludes Bincluded Cincluding Dto include( )10Lin Dan put his effort badminton training a very young age Ainto;in Bto;in Cwith;at Dinto:a

      5、t( )11一Which do you prefer,bread or biscuits? 一 ,thanksI am not hungryI only need some water ANeither BEither CBoth DNone( )12You are always careless find the mistakes in the test Aso;that Btoo;to Csuch;that Denough;to( )13I dont know where to go this summer vacation 一Why not visiting Yancheng? There are many places of interest Asuggest Bwonder Cconsider Dregard( )14Didnt you see the sign“No Parking”on the right? 一Sorry,I didntBut now I know parking here Awasnt allowed Bisnt allowed Cwont allow

      6、Ddoesnt allow( )15Audrey Hepburn won an Oscar Best Actress her role in the film Afor;as Bfor;for Cin;for Dof;because( )16Linda,can you tell me ?He is an actor Awhat he does Bwhat is he Cwho is he Dwho he is( )17The flight to Rome has been cancelled,and the situation is contro1 Aover Bwithout Cbeyond Dagainst( )18She was happy because she play the lead role in Jackie Chens film Achose to Bwas chosen Cwas chosen to Dhas chosen to( )19一Zhou Ming likes reading English magazines 一 Its good for Englis

      7、h learning ASo do I BSo am I CSo I do DSo I am( )20一Would you help me carry the heavy bag? 一 ANever mind BSure,with pleasure CThats all right DIts my pleasure三、完形填空(10分) Lucky,our beautiful dog,Isnt with us any moreBut she brought such jov and 1ove into our lives 1 we still miss herThere are so many wonderful stories about the love in this dog,but my favorite is this one: It was an autumn day in MinnesotaUnexpectedly,a big snowstorm which no one was prepared for 2 our city We had two apple trees in our backyardLucky loved applesWhen she went outside,Shed hold an apple in her 3 and take it into the house to save for eating laterThe apples had been on the ground and were often dirty so 1 wasnt always 4 that Lucky had brought them into the house On the day that it snowed too early in

      《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九上 unit 7 牛津译林版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九上 unit 7 牛津译林版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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