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山东省无棣县第一实验学校七年级英语上册 unit 4 where’s my schoolbag检测题(新版)人教新目标版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848609
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:152KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag 第一卷 选择题一、单选选择 (15分)( ) 1. - Where_ your books?-_on the table.A. are, These B. are, Theyre C. are, Its( ) 2. - Where are your sisters? -They are _.A. good friends B. fine C. in the room( ) 3. We have _ pens in my backpack.A. some B. any C. a( ) 4. -Are they on the desk? -_ . A. Yes, they is B. Yes, they arent C. No, they arent ( ) 5. This is _pen. _ pen is niceA. an, The B. my, The C. a, A( )6. -_on the table? -Yes, they are.A. Are, that B. Is, those C. Are, they( )7. I

      2、_find my computer game. Where is it?A. cant B. can C. am not ( )8. Here_ a card for Helen.A. am B. is C. are ( )9. -_under the desk? -My shoes.A. Whats B. Wheres C. Whos ( )10. -Where _our volleyball? Do you know? -I think its_ the bed.A. is, in B. are, under C. is, under( )11 -Is _ Uncle Bobs car? -No, it isnt. A. the B. this C. a( )12. -Where is the map? - _ on the wall. A. It B. Its C. Its( )13. -Where _ my book? -Sorry, I dont know. A. is B. am C. are ( )14. Are these _ oranges? Yes, they ar

      3、e.A. your B. you C. theirs( )15. This is not _ watch. I think (认为)its _ watch. A. you, he B. she, my C. his, her D. me, his二、完形填空 (10分)Its 8:00. My 16 are in the room. My parents are on the 17 . My uncle is on the 18 .His jacket is black. His 19 is John. He is my fathers brother. Look! A red 20 is under his chair. Ah, its not a hat. Its a clock. Bill is 21 the floor. He is my 22 . He is Uncle Johns son. Lucy and I 23 on the bed. Lucy is Uncle Johns 24 . She is my cousin, too(也). Alice is at the

      4、table. She is my 25 . She is Lucy and Bills mother.()16. A. telephones B. things C. family D. photos()17. A. desk B. sofa C. bookcase D. drawer()18. A. bed B. chair C. desk D. table ()19. A. number B. card C. case D. name ()20. A. clock B. hat C. watch D. baseball()21. A. in B. on C. under D. of()22. A. brother B. grandfather C. cousin D. father()23. A. am B. is C. are D. do()24. A. son B. mother C. daughter D. uncle()25. A. grandmother B. aunt C. friend D. parent三、阅读理解(30分)A Look at this pictur

      5、e. Its a picture of Jims bedroom. A cat is under the desk. The baseball is on the desk. The chair is behind the door. Some nice fiowers are on the desk. Some beautiful pictures are on the wall. ( )26. This is a picture of _. A. Jim B.Jims bedroom C. my bedroom ( )27. Wheres the cat? Its _. A. on the desk B. under the desk C.behind the desk ( )28. The baseball is _. A. near the window B. on the desk C. under the bed ( )29. Some _ are on the desk A. flowers B. chairs C.pictures ( )30. You can see

      6、_ on the wall. A. a football B. some flowers C. some picturesB This is Joan and Kates bedroom. The blue bed is Kates and the green one is Joans. They arent twins(双胞胎). Kate is thirteen. Joan is fifteen. Joans sweater(毛衣)is on the bed, and Kates is on the chair. A football is under the table. Its Jims. Jim is Joan and Kates friend. They are all English. They are in the same school.( )31. Joan and Kate are_. A. twin sisters B. sisters C. in the same class. D. thirteen( )32. Joan and Kate_. A. live(住) in the same room. B. arent in the same bedroom. C. have the same bed. D. a football.( )33.The sweater on the chair is_. A.green. B.Joans C.yellow and green D.Kates( )34.Jims football is_ A. under the table in his bedroom. B .an English one. C. in the sisters bedroom D on the chair.( )35.They are all_. A. Japanese B. in the same grade C. in yellow swesters. D. middle school studentsCThere is a library in our school. It is near our classroom. It is on the first

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