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山东省潍坊市七年级英语上册 module 4 healthy food针对性训练(新版)外研版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848597
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:24.50KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Module 4 Healthy food一 填空。1. Do you want some orange j_ ?2. Can you g_ some apples for me ?3. Eating more v_ can help us keep in good health.4. She likes c_ (胡萝卜), but her sister doesnt like it .5. My little brother always eats c_ .6. There are some _ ( tomato ) and _ ( potato ) in the basket.7. There are all kinds of _ ( drink ) in the supermarket.8. Lets _ ( do ) our homework first .9. Were got some _ ( apple ) juice.10. -Have you got any _ ( beef ) ?-Yes , we have .11. _ (每个) student is here

      2、. Lets begin .12. Please _ (记住) to close the window.13. She is _ (劳累的) and she wants to rest .14. Cheese and _ (鱼) are good for your health .15. The little boy plays football _ (好地)。16. The cake that my father made is very _ (美味的)。17. The girls _ (眼睛) are very big and nice.18. We should _ (保持) cool .19. There are three _ (孩子) in the family .20. The best time to brush your _ (牙齿) is three minutes after meals .21. There are many _ ( photo ) on the desk .22. Can you give me some bottles of _ ( wate

      3、r ) , please ?23. There is some _ ( food ) in the basket .24. The baby has only two _ ( tooth ) now.25. The _ ( child ) are playing games on the playground now .二 用some和any填空。1. He doesnt like to eat _ meat . He likes _ fish .2. -How many flowers are there in the garden ?-There arent _ .3. -Has he got _ sisters ?-No , he has got _ .4. Could I have _ water ? Im thirty .5. -Is there _ milk in the bottle ? -Yes , there is _ .三 选用be good for , be good at , be good at , be good with 完成句子。1. My sister

      4、 _ speaking English .2. Walking after dinner _ your health .3. Mother love their kids and _ them .4. My parents _ me when I am at home .四 用have got 或there be 的适当形式填空。1. -How many tomatoes _ _ in our fridge ? -Only four.2. -Tony . _ we _ any orange juice at home ?-Sorry , we _ _ any .3. The boy _ _ some friends here , he is very happy .4. _ _ some beautiful flowers in the garden .5. _ _ any pictures in the book ?五 句型转换。1. We have got some beef .( 改为否定句 )We _ _ _ beef .2. Beef is healthy food .Ric

      5、e is healthy food . ( 合并句子 )Beef _ rice _ healthy food .3. Cola isnt a healthy drink . ( 改为同义句 )。Cola is _ _ drink .4. My favourite food is chicken . ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ _ favourite food ?5. To learn English well is very important . ( 改为同义句 ) 。_ _ _ to learn English well .6. I dont have a dictionary . ( 同义句 ) I _ _ a dictionary .7. His brother has got some new new books . ( 改为一般疑问句 )_ his brother _ _ new books ?8. She has got some new CDs .( 改为否定句 ) She _ _ _ new CDs .9. There are some clothes on Ted

      6、s bed . ( 改为同义句 ) Ted _ _ some clothes on his bed .10. I have got a little brother . ( 用Jim改写 )Jim _ _ a little brother .六 根据汉语完成句子。1. 面条和米饭是健康食品。_ and _ _ _ food .2. 多吃蔬菜和水果对健康有好处。_ _ _ your health to eat more vegetables and fruit .3. 你有点胖。 Youre _ _ _ .4. 喝牛奶和茶,而不是可乐。 _ milk and tea , _ cola .5. 我们都应该保持健康。 We should _ _ .6. 胡萝卜对你的眼睛有好处。Carrots _ _ _ your _ .7. 我晚餐经常吃牛肉和水果。 I often _ beef and fruit _ _ .8. 多喝果汁或牛奶,而不是可乐。Drink _ _ juice _ milk , _ cola . 9 . 咱们去买些食物吧, 我有点饿了。 Lets _ _ _ some food . Im _ _ hungry .9. 对我们来说吃得好,保持健康和不要变胖是很重要的。_ _ for us to _ _ , _ _ and dont _ _.

      《山东省潍坊市七年级英语上册 module 4 healthy food针对性训练(新版)外研版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省潍坊市七年级英语上册 module 4 healthy food针对性训练(新版)外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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