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英语人教必修5新导学同步课件:Unit 3 Section 3

  • 卖家[上传人]:云水****遥
  • 文档编号:86819382
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Unit 3,Life in the future,Section Using Language,自 主 预 习,.单词速记 1_n.沙漠;荒原 2_n.公民;居民;市民 3_n.打字员 _v.打字 _n.打字机 4_n.邮资 5_n.瞬间;片刻;adj.立即的;立刻的 6_n.接受者;接收器;电话听筒 _v.接收,desert,citizen,typist,type,typewriter,postage,instant,receiver,receive,7_n.生态学;生态 8_adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;贪心的 _n.贪婪;贪心 9_vt.吞下;咽下 10_n.原料;材料 11_vt.回收利用;再利用 12_n.代表;典型人物;adj.典型的;有代表性的 _vt.代表;象征 13_n.定居;解决 _v.解决;定居 14_n.动机,ecology,greedy,greed,swallow,material,recycle,representative,represent,settlement,settle,motivation,.短语互译 (1)_究竟 (2)_加速 (3)_使某人想起某

      2、事 (4)_说服某人不要做某事 (5)_与联系 (6)under repair _ (7)in space _ (8)blame.for._ (9)stare at _ (10)be absorbed by _,on earth,speed up,remind sb.of sth.,persuade sb.not to do sth.,be connected to.,在维修中,在太空中,因责备,盯,凝视,被所吸引,.句型结构 _an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century. 里面陈列着31世纪的最新发明。,Inside was,.课文理解 ()阅读文章“I HAVE SEEN AMAZING THINGS”,回答下列问题 1Why does the space station spin slowly in space?_ ATo look more beautiful. BTo look for something worth researching. CTo imitate the pull of

      3、 the earths gravity. DTo get away from the earths gravity. 2How do the space citizens send their messages?_ ABy using a typewriter. BBy using letters. CBy using postcards. DBy using a “thoughtpad”,C,D,3Which of the following shows the right order to use a “thoughtpad”?_ aClean your mind. bThe message is sent. cYou place the metal band over your head. dPress the sending button. eThink your message. Aa,c,b,e,d Bc,a,d,e,b Cc,a,e,d,b Da,b,c,d,e,B,4It can be inferred from the passage that in the 31st

      4、 century _. Ano rubbish will be produced Bthe environment will become better Cthere will be no desert Dpeople can use plastic bags within limits 5Who will take the place of the workers in the 31st century?_ AThe robots. BThe managers. CThe spacemen. DThe spaceships.,B,A,()课文理解填空 The space station the first time I visited was considered 1._most modern in space.2._(describe) as an enormous round plate,the station,with an exhibition of the most uptodate 3._(invention) of the 31st century inside,spi

      5、ns slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity. With a guide showing us around along a 4._(move) path,we first viewed one of the latest forms of communication among the space citizens.They use a “thoughtpad” 5._(send) messages,which is quick,efficient and environmentally 6._(friend)The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly,an unclear message may be sent.,the,Described,inventions,moveable,to send,friendly,And then in the “environment area”,a giant

      6、machine,always greedy 7._more,swallows all the waste available,8._is turned into several grades of useful material.So nothing is wasted,and everything,even plastic bags,is recycled. At last, the guide showed the changes 9._(happen)in work practices.Manufacturing only takes place on space stations.However,the representatives of the companies have to 10._(train) to live and work in space settlements,who have to monitor the robots and the production.,for,which,happening,be trained,寻规巧记词,合 作 探 究,(1)

      7、adj. 立即的,即刻的;立刻的 Kahoot software can provide students with instant feedback,including reports about their strengths and weaknesses. Kahoot软件可以为学生提供即时反馈,包括他们的优势和劣势的报告。 This type of account offers you instant access to your money. 这种帐户允许你即时支取存款。 Contrary to expectations,the film was an instant success. 与预期相反,这部电影一上演就立即获得了成功。,1instant,核 心 词 汇,(2)n. 瞬息,顷刻,片刻,瞬间 In an instant her mood has changed. 顷刻间她的情绪就变了。 The boy froze for an instant,then fled. 那个男孩愣了片刻,然后就逃跑了。,(1)the instantas soon as 一就 (2)用于表达

      8、“一就”含义的词或短语还有: immediately/directly/instantly作连词时引导的时间状语从句 the moment/the second/the year/the hour.等引导的时间状语从句“Hardly过去完成时when一般过去时”的结构 “No sooner过去完成时than一般过去时”的结构 “at名词”,“on(动)名词”,表示“一听/看/想到就”,单句语法填空 As technology continues to advance,we must learn and adapt_(instant) or well risk becoming a dinosaur. For_instant his heart seemed to stop beating. 补全句子 她一生病,就会立即求助于她的私人医生。 _,she would immediately turn to her private doctor.,instantly,an,The instant she fell ill,(1)吞下,咽下;做吞咽动作 The snake swallowed a frog. 那条蛇吞下了一只青蛙。 He swallowed his ice tea hurriedly. 他匆忙地喝下冰茶。,2swallow v.,(2)吞没,淹没,侵吞 I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness. 我看着她沿着公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。 Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns. 大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。 (3)不流露,掩饰 Youre going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back. 你得放下架子,去求人家恢复你的工作。 She swallowed hard and told him the bad news. 她硬下心把坏消息告诉了他。,swallow up吞噬,卷

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