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2018-2019高中英语 单元基础知识整合课件1 外研版必修4

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86818712
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:863.50KB
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    • 1、Life in the Future,Module 1,基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络 .单词串记 1v.ionn. predict(v.)预言;预料_(n.)预测 类记 educate(v.)教育_(n.)教育 describe(v.)描述_(n.)描述 compete(v.)竞争_(n.)竞争 express(v.)表达_(n.)表达,prediction,education,description,competition,expression,2n.v. switch(n.)开关switch(v.)_ 类记 charge(n.)费用;价钱charge(v.)_ power(n.)权力,能力power(v.)_ shape(n.)形状shape(v.)_ fire(n.)火fire(v.)_,交换,调换,供给动力,造成形状,开火,启动,索价,.连词成句 1从他对未来的推测来看,他是一个非常乐观的人。 Judging from his _ about future, he is _. 2我们经常在网上订购书籍。 We often _ for books _. 3现在很多的设备就是

      2、靠太阳能提供动力的。 Now a lot of equipment is _ by _.,prediction,optimistic,place orders,online,powered,solar energy,4打开电脑,你可以得到很多免费的信息。 _ the computer and you will get lots of information_. 5如果我们用光了煤,我们将依赖什么能源呢? If we _ coal, what _will we _? 6如果你们无法逮捕罪犯,那么在范围之内向他开火。 If you cant _ the _, then you can _ at him within the _.,Switch on,free of charge,run out of/use up,resources,rely on,arrest,criminal,fire,limit,7最后,我们肯定地知道这根电线是和电脑连着的。 _, we know _ this wire is _ to the computer. 8我预测他今天肯定会迟到。 I _ that he

      3、would come late _. 9他的命令是有伤残的人先离开。 His _ is that people with _ should leave first. 10室外锻炼有助于塑造你的体形。 Doing exercise _ contributes to _ your body.,Eventually,for sure,attached,predicted,definitely,command,disabilities,outdoors,shaping,.句式点拨 1在他出国之前,他花了尽可能多的时间学习英语。(T/F) Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he could to learn English.( ) Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he could learning English.( ),思路点拨 spend time (in) doing sth.为固定结构。此处容易误用to learn English表示目的。 句式训练 他花了三个月

      4、的时间学英语。 _,2因为尝起来很好,这种食物很快被吃完了。(T/F) Tasted nice, the food was all eaten up soon.( ) Tasting nice, the food was all eaten up soon.( ) 思路点拨 taste为系动词,表示“尝起来”,它与主语the food之间是主动关系,表示“主语的特征”,所以用v.ing形式。 句式训练 摸起来很软,这布料很受欢迎。 _,3他不知道选什么。(T/F) He didnt know what to be chosen.( ) He didnt know what to choose.( ) 思路点拨 what, when, where, who, how, why, which等疑问词后面接不定式时,用动词不定式的主动形式。 句式训练 他不在乎和谁一起工作。 _,4由于有很多工作要做,他不得不熬夜。(T/F) With a lot of work to be done, he has to stay up.( ) With a lot of work to do, he ha

      5、s to stay up.( ) 思路点拨 with复合结构中,表示将要发生的动作时要用不定式,即使宾语和宾语补足语之间为语意上的被动关系,若出现了动作的发出者,常会用主动形式表达被动含义。 句式训练 由于有很多问题要处理,新领导日子很难熬。 _,答案:1.F T He spent three months studying English. 2F T Feeling soft, the cloth is very popular. 3F T He doesnt care who to work with. 4F T With many problems to deal with, the new leader has a hard time.,.语篇易记 Can you predict what our life will be like in the far future? Are you optimistic about it? Now, Id like to talk about the future. I think paper money will definitely b

      6、e on the way out and eventually be replaced by credit cards. For a start, paper money isnt easy to carry. Secondly, its safer for us to use credit cards. Thirdly, we can place orders online and pay by credit cards rather than in cash. Natural resources such as coal and oil are running out. By the time we use them up, we will have to rely on alternative energy, such as solar and wind energy for daily life and to power machines. Cars will become so advanced that we can change their colours and sha

      7、pes at the flick of a switch.,We can enjoy many recreations, such as bowling, softball and concerts free of charge. We can load spaceships with waste and send them towards other planets. As we can get rid of rubbish in urban areas, there will be no need to have a landfill. As for operations, doctors can do surgery or telesurgery for outpatients without leaving their clinies. The police can arrest criminals by firing nets. Do you think all my predictions will come true one day?,你能预测在遥远的未来我们的生活会是什

      8、么样子的吗?你对它乐观吗?现在,我想谈谈未来。 我认为纸币无疑将会过时,而且最终被信用卡代替。首先,纸币不方便携带;其次,使用信用卡更安全;第三,我们可以上网订购货物,然后用信用卡而不是现金付款。自然资源,如煤炭和石油,正在枯竭。我们用完这些资源时,就得依靠可替代性能源,如太阳能或风能来提供日常所需能量,带动机器。汽车会很先进,我们只需轻轻按一下开关,就可以改变汽车的颜色和形状。,我们可以免费享受很多娱乐活动,如保龄球、垒球、音乐会等。我们可以把废物装到宇宙飞船上,把它们送到别的星球上去。我们处理掉市区的垃圾后,就不再需要垃圾填埋地了。至于手术,医生们不用离开诊所就可以给门诊病人做外科手术或远程手术。警察可以射出网状物逮捕犯罪分子。 你认为我的所有预言有朝一日能够实现吗?,科学构建,高效作文 记叙文:未来的生活 一、写作指导 1确定体裁:描写未来生活的文章属于想象性写作,它的体裁要根据给定材料,具体问题具体分析。 2确定主体时态:一般来说,想象性写作的时态以将来时为主。 3确定中心人称:根据文章需要和给定材料,确定中心人称。 4确定结构:想象性写作的文章结构也要视具体要求及给定材料而定。,二、常用句式 Our life in the future will be greatly different from. What our life will be like in the future? In the near future, it is possible for humans to. Advanced technology will bring great changes to. The future life will be full of. Newly found energy source

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