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    • 1、20152016学年度下学期九年级期中考试英 语 听力原文 第一节:听对话,选图画。 下面有五段小对话,听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段对话听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1. W: Excuse me, smoking is not allowed here.M: Im sorry, I didnt notice that.2. M: When was the car invented?W: It was invented in 1885.3. M: Nancy, what kind of music do you like?W: I like music that I can sing along with.4.W: David, is this your cap?M: Oh, no. I think it might be Toms. He likes wearing caps.5. W: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?M: Theyre sup

      2、posed to bow. 第二节:听对话,选答案。 听下面4段对话,并根据所提的问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)听第六段材料,完成6、7小题。M: Do you want to play tennis in the park later, Betty?W: That sounds good. What time do you want to meet?M: 6:30 ,OK?W:Im afraid not. My violin lesson finishes at 6:30.M:Thats not a problem. Lets meet at the tennis courts at 7:30, then.W:OK, see you there.听第七段材料,完成810小题。M: What hobby did you have when you were a kid, Gina?W: I used to like collecting shells.M: Then you must have many shells.W:

      3、Yes, over 100.M: Do you still collect shells now?W: No. I collect stamps now. I have more than 1,000 stamps. What about you, David?M: I used to play basketball, but now I like playing football.W: So youre a sports fan.M: Yes. 听第八段材料,完成11、12小题。W:Next please. What can I get you?M:Hi, Id like a hot dog, please.W:OK. Anything else?M:Can I have a cola, please?W:Sure. Heres your hot dog. And your cola.M:Thanks. How much are they?W:A cola for $3 and a hot dog for $2, please.M: OK. Heres the money.W:Tha

      4、nk you. Heres your change.M:Thanks. Bye.听第九段材料,完成1315小题。W: Welcome to Miss Wens shop!M: I want to buy a present for my mothers birthday.W: Look at these red roses. Theyre so beautiful!M: Well, my dad prepares flowers every year.W: How about the handbag? Its a hot-selling product in our shop.M: How much is it?W: 380 Yuan.M: Thats too expensive.W: Do you like the orange scarf? Its 100 Yuan.M: OK. Its getting colder now. And Mum likes orange best.第三节:听短文,选答案。 听下面一段短文,并根据短文内容选出最佳答案。短文读两遍。(共5小题,每题2分,

      5、计10分)Dear Dad, Id like to tell you my idea. From now on, I have decided not to ask you for pocket money any more. Im 15 years old now, and I think I can make some pocket money by myself. But I dont know what to do. I hope to get a job in your supermarket to make my own pocket money. I want to work on Saturday or on Sunday every week. Maybe you will say no to me. But in western countries, many students can get their jobs easily in supermarkets, restaurants or stores. They dont ask their parents f

      6、or pocket money and they make it by themselves. I hope you can give me such chance. OK? 20152016学年度下学期九年级期中考试 英 语 参考答案 . 听力测试第一节:听对话,选图画 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B第二节:听对话,选答案。 6-10 BCACC 11-15 BCCAC 第三节:听短文,选答案 1620 BCBAB. 单项选择21. A 22. A 23.C 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. B 30.B 31. C 32.B 33.C 34.A 35.C. 完型填空 36-40:CABCA41-45:DABDB. 阅读理解(A)46.D 47. A 48.B 49.D 50.A ( B ) 51.D 52.D 53.C 54.A 55.D ( C ) 56.B 57.A 58.D 59.C 60.E ( D )任务型阅读 61.People can give away their unwanted gifts to the two

      7、 British companies . (Two British companies hopes people will give away their unwanted gifts to them.) 62.A new kind of trousers was created by a chemistry scientist and a fashion designer . 63.This new kind of trousers will appear at the market in two years. 64.所以他创办了一个俱乐部,并且很快得到世界各地儿童的支持。 65.To protect the environment, we are on the way (How to protect the environment A few things we can do to protect the environment). 完成句子 66.impolite 67.successfully 68.produce 69.twelfth 70.invited 71.villag

      8、ers 72.latest 73.be allowed 74.doubt . 补全对话 75.Are there many famous musicians? 76.How much is the ticket? 77.Thats a good idea/Good idea. 书面表达( One possible version) I can fully understand your situation. In my opinion, you should make good use of your mobile phone. Your parents wont take your phone away if you only use it to make phone calls when necessary. But if you use it to play games or chat with your friends, it will be a waste of time and do harm to your health and your study. For the p

      9、roblem communicating with your parents, I suggest you should talk to them more often and try to understand their minds. And you should be patient with your parents and never argue with them, or the things will get even worse. With a little hard work, you can learn to communicate better with your parents. I hope my advice can be helpful to you.书面表达评分标准:一档:(1315):1. 所写内容符合提示的文字信息,层次清楚,有创意;2. 句子结构灵活、正确通顺,或只有个别小错;字数合乎要求;3. 单词拼写错误不超过3个。二档:(1012):1. 所写内容与所提示的语言信息相符,层次较清楚;2. 句子正确,表达较通顺;字数合乎要求;3. 表达错误较少


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