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精选2019年高中新创新一轮复习英语人教版:选修7 Unit 3 高考试卷分块专练

  • 卖家[上传人]:孙**
  • 文档编号:86739147
  • 上传时间:2019-03-23
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:446KB
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    • 1、.选修7 Unit 3 高考试卷分块专练.阅读理解AInside the Rain RoomThe Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors arent getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artis

      2、ts who created it.The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. Its time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!Welcome to the Rain RoomThe Rain Room features falling water. Please be aware

      3、 you may get slightly wet. However, visitors wearing raincoats will be turned away.This exhibit features advanced technology. To ensure its effectiveness, please avoid wearing dark or reflective clothing.Visitors are welcome to take photographs of the exhibit.Children must be accompanied by an adult.For the convenience of all guests, visits are limited to 10 minutes.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章通过介绍the Rain Room的景象、设计理念、特色以及参观时的注意事项来吸引游客去参观这一艺术展。1Whats the purpose of the text?ATo attract visitors to a new ar

      4、t exhibit.BTo explain how an exhibit has been created.CTo describe the technology used in the exhibit.DTo promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.解析:选A写作意图题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了the Rain Room的景象、设计理念、特色以及参观时的注意事项。因此本文的目的是吸引游客去参观这个艺术展。故选A。2Whats the function of the exhibits tracking system?ATo keep visitors from getting wet.BTo protect the exhibit from water damage.CTo time how long visitors are in the room.DTo count the number of visitors in the room.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“With a tracking system tha

      5、t senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that.”可推知,这个追踪系统能够保证游客不被雨水淋湿。故选A。3What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?AWear a raincoat.BWear dark clothing.CLeave your camera outside.DPass through within 10 minutes.解析:选D细节理解题。根据表格中的最后一句“For the convenience of all guests, visits are limited to 10 minutes.”可知,游客必须在10分钟之内参观完。故选D。BThe amount of fish caught worldwide is much larger than has been reported. And that could mean serious problems for the environment and n

      6、ations that depend on fisheries (渔业). A new estimate shows that it is 32 million tons higher than countries have been reporting yearly.The same report notes that the worlds fish catch has been declining since the late 1990s. Countries report their industrial catches to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. But they do not report other kinds of fishing. This includes the catches of small commercial fisheries, which are called artisanal fisheries, and fishing for recreation and ind

      7、ividual food.Daniel Pauly at the University of British Columbia in Canada led the study. He noted that a huge amount of some catches is thrown away. “For example, shrimp trawlers (拖网渔船) keep only the shrimp and the fish that they catch often eight to ten times as much as the shrimp gets thrown away.”Pauly told VOA that better estimates of the actual global catch will help ensure there will be enough fish in the future. “But our figures suggest that since 1996 a rapid decrease is happening. And i

      8、f you project this forward you end up in a few decades having much less catch, literally no catch. So that is potentially dangerous.”Researchers also found ways the worlds fisheries are changing. They found that fishing fleets of larger nations are catching fish in the waters of developing countries more and more.Pauly said he was surprised by the amount of fishing done by foreign fleets in competition with local fishers. “In West Africa, the figure that was most astonishing is the enormous role

      9、 of foreign fishing of European and Asian vessels fishing legally or illegally and competing against local fishermen. On the other hand for the US, Australia and some developing countries, such as the Bahamas, what was apparent is the enormous contribution of recreational fisheries, which also never get reported to the FAO.”Researchers say inaccurate data also harms the development and supervision (监管) of effective policy and management measures.语篇解读:世界范围内捕鱼的数量比报告中的数量要多很多,而这些虚假报告对经济和环境都造成了不好的影响。4Whats the main idea of the passage?AFalse amount of fish caught worldwide harms economy environment.BThe worlds fish catch has been declining.CThe global fishing competition is serious.DThe management of global fishing needs improving.解析:选A主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第一、二句“The amount of fish caught worldwide is much larger than has been reported. And that could mean ser

      《精选2019年高中新创新一轮复习英语人教版:选修7 Unit 3 高考试卷分块专练》由会员孙**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精选2019年高中新创新一轮复习英语人教版:选修7 Unit 3 高考试卷分块专练》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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