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初中英语多媒体教学课件:Module 1 Travel Unit 2 课件 (外研版 九下)(共29张PPT).ppt

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  • 文档编号:86524467
  • 上传时间:2019-03-20
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Module 1 Travel Unit 2 Youre sitting in my seat.,Welcome back to school. Have you travelled by train?,Lead in,动身;出发 点(头)(表示赞同) 眼泪;泪珠 往;向;朝方向 香烟 虽然;尽管 下(火车、公共汽车等),set off,nod,tear,towards,cigarette,though,get off,New words,Presentation,Difficult words: unable push jeans jacket interest stronger passengers brave disappear,不能 推 牛仔裤 夹克衫 兴趣 更大的, 更强的 乘客 勇敢的 消失,Choose the best answer.,1.How old was Lin? He was 16 years old. b) He was 26 years old. c) He was 10 years old. d) He was older than his brothe

      2、r. 2. What was it like on the train? It was almost empty. b) It was full of people and bags. c) There were few people. d) There were a number of empty seats.,3. The man sitting in Lins seat _. a) was bigger and stronger than Lin b) was very brave c) needed the seat more than Lin d) was more interesting than the other passengers,4. What did the man with glasses do? a) He looked out of the window. b) He shouted at Lin. c) He told the young man to move. d) He disappeared down the train.,5. The youn

      3、g man in Lins seat would get off the train at _. a) Beijing b) the next stop c) Lins village d) Hangzhou 6. How long would Lin stay on the train? a)10 minutes. b) One day. c) 12 hours. d) More than seven hours.,7. What did the young man sitting in Lins seat do in the end? a) He gave up the seat. b) He found another seat for Lin. c) He shouted at the man with glasses. d) He looked at Lins ticket.,l. Lin often dreamed about the train dream about /of 做梦,梦见 e.g. What did you dream about? I dreamed (

      4、that) I was flying into the moon. I dreamed of seeing her last night.,Language Points,2. to set off soon. set off :动身,出发 e.g. Its getting latetime to set off .天晚了该出发了。 They set off in search of the lost child. 他们出发去寻找那个丢失了的孩子。 set about doing sth. 开始做某事 e.g. we set about cleaning up the mess.,3. leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years. 他将离开他生活了16年的家乡。,4. With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. 金眼中充满泪水,把林推到了一边。 with+名词+介词短语 在句中作状语 e.g. With a book in his hand, he ran out of th

      5、e room. With the help of her teacher, she passed the exam.,5. He pushed past them towards his seat. 他挤过人群朝他的位置走去。 towards 朝,向 (介词) e.g. They saw her walking towards the bank. 将近,大约 He is towards sixty.,6. while the man looked out of the window. 然而那个人却朝窗外看去。 look out of 向外看 look out 当心 look over 检查身体 look for 寻找,7. The other people watched with interest. 其他人都饶有兴趣地看着。,with interest : 带着兴趣 (interest 为名词) e.g. The audience are watching the movie with interest. I have no interest in politics. My son

      6、is showing an interest in music. be interested in 对感兴趣 Are you interested in football? Almost all the children are interested in the interesting cartoons.,8. Lin looked at the other passengers for help. 林向其他的乘客求救。 e.g. If you are lost in a strange city, you can ask a policeman for help. 9. Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. 最后一位戴眼镜的人大声讲。 wearing 现在分词作定语相当于Finally a man who was wearing glasses spoke ,10. Even if its only 10 minutes, you should move. 即使只有十分钟,你也应该移动。 even if :即使,虽

      7、然,尽管even though e.g. Even if we could afford it, we wouldnt go abroad for our holidays. even as :正当,恰在时候 Even as I was phoning her, she was leaving the room. 我在给她打电话的时候,她正要离开房间。,1.Fill in the blanks,The train to Beijing! Lin often _ the train, and about _. Now it was in front of him, to _ soon. He looked at his brother. “Dont forget _, little brother,” Jin said. “And watch your bags carefully.” Lin nodded, _. This was his first long trip by train _, leaving his village and his home _.,dreamed ab

      8、out,going to the capital,set off,where you come from,unable to speak,at the start of his new life,for the last 16 years,Practice,He held Jin _. _ in his eyes, Jin _. “Go, brother. Write to us _ you get there, OK?” Lin _the train. There were people and bags everywhere. He _ his seat.,in his arms,With tears,pushed Lin away,as soon as,jumped onto,pushed past them towards,was wearing,jeans,a smart jacket,was smoking,Six pairs of eyes,looked out of,a nervous,smile,with interest,turn to,A young man was sitting in Lins seat. He _ _ and _, and _ a cigarette. What should he do? _ looked at Lin, while the man _ the window. “Sir, youre sitting in my seat,” Lin said, with _. The other people watched _. The man didnt _ look at Lin, but just looked out of the window.,“Excuse me. I have a ticket _the seat_!” Lin said _. “I also have a ticket with that numberthough _. Besides, I was here first,”said the man, _. Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong.,with the number of,youre sittin

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