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    • 1、 浩天论文网 专业留学作业论文代写网站加拿大留学作业范文-中国的能源困境导读:这是一篇解释中国的能源困境,并认为中国的“走出去政策”并非主宰世界,而只是确保其能源安全的加拿大作业。中国的“走出去”政策似乎雄心勃勃,但对于一个大型经济实体来说,这只是一个不可避免的选择。欧盟在东欧、美国和日本等地建设管道,也在非洲和南美投资,中东能源引发的冲突由来已久。Introduction介绍中国经济的快速增长引起了国家相关方面的高度关注,包括能源政策(Rosen&Houser,2007;Cherni&Kentish,2007)。中国社会科学院世界经济政治研究所(IWEP)的研究表明,与世界平均值相比,中国人均可利用能源消耗相对有限。而供需矛盾十分尖锐。本文将对中国能源困境进行解释,认为中国的“走出去”政策是为了确保能源安全而不是主宰世界,本文首先将对其特征进行简要论述。接下来,将分别从以下五个方面对中国的能源困境、中国对非洲的投资、围绕中国的争端、中国当前的能源政策、中国威胁论的影响等进行详细阐述。The rapid growth of Chinas economy has drawn great

      2、attention to the related aspects of the country, including the energy policy (Rosen & Houser, 2007; Cherni& Kentish, 2007. Dhakal, 2007; Feiet. al., 2011). As the research of Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWEP) indicated, the available energy consumption per capita of China is relatively limited, comparing to the average value worldwide. The contradiction between supply and demand is quite acute (IWEP,2015). This essay will explain Chinas energy di

      3、lemma and argue that Chinas “going out policy” is put forward to ensure its energy security rather than dominate the world.The characterisation will firstly be briefly discussed. Subsequently, more details will be described in the following five parts about the Chinas energy dilemma, Chinas investment in Africa, disputes around China, Chinas current energy policy, the influence of the China threat theory, respectively.Argument论证这一声明可能不是中国能源政策的一个有用特征。“我们要世界,我们现在就要世界。”字面意思是它表明中国正试图采取从国内储备到国际资源的主导方

      4、式,并利用一切可能实现其宏伟目标的优势。这在一定程度上可能是对中国形势的歪曲。中国是一个发展中国家,人口14亿,多年来经济增长速度超过8%(国家统计局中国统计年鉴,2006年;2011年),能源需求巨大,但国内储量相对有限。为了节约能源,必须进口大量的石油、天然气和其他原材料。为确保能源安全,东海和南海新的海洋保护区已经进行了大量的勘探工作。同时,中国也因滥用肮脏权力而遭受污染。为了解决这一问题,中国政府将“防止环境污染”纳入“十二五”规划,并投入大量资金研究和开发可再生能源。因此,声明夸大了中国能源政策的积极性,而没有考虑到中国的基本现实,因此,这可能不是中国能源政策的一个有用的特征。The statement may not be a useful characterisation for Chinas energy policy.“We want the world and we want it now.”Literally, it indicates that China is trying to pursue a dominating approach from domest

      5、ic reserves to international resources and take advantages of everything available to reach its ambitious goals. It could be a misrepresentation of Chinas situation to some extend. As a developing country with 1.4 billion populations and fast-speed economy growth over 8% for years (NationalBureauofStatisticsofChinaChina Statistical Yearbook, 2006; 2011), China has a huge demand of energy, but the domestic reserves are relatively limited. For the sake of energy consumption, it has to import a gre

      6、at amount of oil, gas and other raw materials. To ensure its energy security,tremendous efforts have been made to explore the new reserves in East and South China Sea. At the same time, China also suffered in the pollutions caused by the overuse of dirty powers. To deal with that, Chinas government put “against environment pollution” into the 12th Five-year Plan and spent a lot of money to research and develop the renewable energies. Therefore, the statement exaggerates the aggressiveness of Chi

      7、nas energy policy without considering about the fundamental realities of the country.Conclusively, this may not be a useful characterisation of Chinas energy policy.Part 1: Chinas energy dilemma (400 words)China has a huge demand of energy because of the population and economic development. The development of Chinas energy policy is mainly in a race with its rapid economy growth. Coal is the most widely used fossil fuel in China due to its abundant domestic reserves (Cohen, 2014), but it also ca

      8、uses severe environmental damage (Zhang, He &Huo, 2012). Cleaner energy is severely neededwhile the techniques for new energy, such as wind, solar energy and some renewable biological fuels, are not mature enough for large-area alternating applications. Comparing to these, other traditional fossil fuels, including petroleum and natural gas, are more suitable and promising. To replace the overused coal and maintain stable economy growth concurrently,Chinas government invest for several projects a

      9、broad. The Central Asia-Chinagas pipeline is one of the most successful cases. Up to now, 3 main lines have been completed(Business Recorder, 2014), which contribute enormouslyin optimizing the overall energy consumption structure of China (China Stakes, 2008).Additionally, Chinas government also fund infrastructure construction in Africa to obtain the exploration right or exchange for raw materials directly, especially in some countries with rich natural resources, including Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria andZambia(Bristow, 2007; Xinhua, 2009; Polgreen, 2009; Xu, 2010). To some extend, these measures are efficient and effective. However, leaning on importing may threat the countrys energy security in long term, with numerous uncertain factors, both politically and economically. To avoid highly dependence on energy imports, tremendous efforts were also made on research and development to the exploration and drilling techniques insid


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