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留学生Research Proposal写作指南范文

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:86500452
  • 上传时间:2019-03-20
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    • 1、 baydue论文网 专业留学作业论文代写网站留学生Research Proposal写作指南范文导读:硕士research proposal大纲提案怎么写?我们首先是要提交一份由扩展翻译/解释和批判性分析组成的论文提案。比如这篇研究大纲一份是关于文学方面,一份关于商务英语方面critical analysis需要聚焦两个topic,所有的主题必须有恰当的翻译理论、翻译方法支持,且便于在今后的论文中展开。故此提供这篇research proposal让我们来看是如何写作的。Title: A translation of the equity research report from English to the Chinese and a critical analysis Translation Brief 翻译摘要本文的目的是分析翻译过程中的难点,解决翻译过程中的问题。显然,股票报告是对股票价格、公司信息、市场信息和行业信息等方面的深入研究的描述。同时,该报告还应包含绘图图,该绘图图是一段时间内营销信息的直接反映。此外,报告的使用者是投资公司和基金会。The objective o

      2、f the dissertation is analyzing the difficulties and solving the issues in the process of the translation. Apparently, the equity report is the description of the deep research of the equity including share price, company information, marketing information and industry information. At the same time, the report should also contain the plot chart which is the direct reflection of the marketing information over the time. In addition, the users of the reports are the investment companies and foundat

      3、ions. The two major challenge of the translation: Semantic and Syntactic翻译的两大挑战:语义和句法Critical analysis关键分析Challenge 1: Semantic challenge挑战1:语义挑战首先,文化差异问题可以通过以下理论来解决,语义挑战与词义或词的概念意义和字面意义的研究有关,翻译工作者很难在目标语言中找到最合适的对等词或表达,其原因是词汇量的差异,如一种语言类型的差异。它在某一群体中被使用和理解。这意味着词汇是解决语义挑战的关键。在股权研究报告的翻译过程中,有一些词专门用于金融、经济和商业领域,而我对此并不熟悉,也有一些词在中文中可以找到。必要时,译者可能需要做背景阅读,以熟悉主题(Muhaidatet.,al,2013)。这意味着背景阅读对于这个挑战很重要。为了更好地把它们翻译得有意义,我想把报告作为一个整体来阅读,以了解作者在报告中真正表达了什么。本报告是作者与投资公司和基金会之间的沟通桥梁,投资公司和基金会要求本报告的结构;Firstly cultural differenc

      4、e issue can be solved under the following theories.Semantics challenge is related to the study of meaning or the conceptual and literal meaning of words.It is a hard missionfor translators to find the most adequate equivalent word or expression in the Target language, the reason is lexical gaps such as a type oflanguage which is used and understood among a certain group of people. That means that lexical are the key to solve the challenge of the semantic. In the process of the translation of the

      5、 equity research report, some words are specialized using in the term of the finance, economic and business whichI am not familiar with and also some words can be found in the Chinese. Translators might need to do background readingto acquaint themselves with the subject matter where necessary (Muhaidatet.,al, 2013). That means that background reading is important for this challenge. To well translate them to make sense, I would like to read the report as whole to know what the author really exp

      6、ressed in the report. For the purpose of the report, it is the communication bridge between the writer and the investment companies and foundations; the structure of the report is required by the investment companies and foundations; Challenge 2: Syntactic challenge Secondly, Syntactic translation from English to Chinese is other challenge, which can be solved by followed theories. Syntactic Challenges are related to many grammatical challenges such as subject-verbagreement, prepositions, tenses

      7、, and verb forms.Translators should readthe Source Tests more than one time understand and analyze it, before they transfer it into the Target Language (Al-Quran& Al-Azzam, 2010).Moreover, translators should avoid word-by-word translation and focus on conveying the fullmeaning of the Source Test.In the process of translation on the equity research report, I would like to read the report more than once to under and analyses it; finally, it is conveying the fullmeaning of the report into Chinese.

      8、Expertise I am willing to learn and interested in the equity research report. Combination with my sufficient knowledge in the translation from English to Chinese, I propose I could do a good job in this dissertation. At the time, I know the requirements from the readers who I translate for. In general, academic research skills would enhance the performance of the dissertation. Reference listMuhaidat, F, Neimneh, S, & Hussein, E 2013, King Lear on the Arabic Stage: Linguistic, Social and Cultural Considerations, Theory & Practice In Language Studies, 3, 2, pp. 244-253, Education Source, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 February 2015.Al-Quran, M, & Al-Azzam, B 2010, COLLOCATIONAL DISTINCT USES IN QURANIC ARABIC, Journal Of Language & Literature (20780303), 1, pp. 47-54, Humanities Source, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 February baydue论文网 专业提供留学生essay代写服务

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