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Unit6 Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones 课件2(外研版九年级下).ppt

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    • 1、Welcome to our class,Unit 6 , Topic 1 Do you like watching TV? Section A,Teaching aims and demands; 1. Review the object clause. 2.learn how to talk about TV programs. 3.Learn how to express preference and hobbies.,Who are they and which TV programs do they host?,TV Programs,news reports,Entertainment shows,Educational programs,Sports shows,TV plays,Childrens programs,What kinds of TV programs do you know?,TV plays,Childrens programs,news shows,sports shows,educational programs,entertainment sho

      2、ws,A.Luck 52 B.Soccer Night C.Animal World D.CCTV News E.Cartoon City F.The Same Song,A: Which programs do you prefer, or ? B: I would ratherthan,TV plays,Childrens programs,sports shows,educational programs,entertainment shows,news shows,Listen to the tape(1a) and answer: 1.Does Michael know how to play Chinese chess? 2. What does Maria like doing? 3. Does Michael like watching TV shows?,No, he doesnt,She likes watching TV shows.,No, he would rather watch sports shows,1.Its hard _ me _ _ to _ C

      3、hinese _. 2. _ my _ time, I like _ TV shows, especially _ _. 3. I think they are wonderful and I can _ a lot _ them. 4.Im _ _ watching those shows. 5. I _ _ watch sports shows.,for,to learn,play,chess,In,spare,watching,quiz shows,learn,from,tired of,would rather,Listen again and fill in the blanks:,1,2,3,_ A man and a women fall in love. _ This shows us what the future could be like. _Its a story about the police against bad people.,2,1,3,4,5,6,_ Photos, drawings or models seem to move. _ This s

      4、hows the real lives of people in the old days. _ This makes us laugh.,4,5,6,Listen and choose the correct answers :,( )1. What did Kate do last night? a.She watched a movie on TV. b. She slept. c. She did her homework. ( )2. Which movie are they talking about? a. Jane Eyre b. Titanic c. Harry Potter ( )3. Who did the teacher fall in love with? a.A mad man b. The girls father c. A teacher ( )4. Was his wife still alive? a.Yes, she was. b. No, she wasnt. c.Not mentioned ( )5. What was the movie ab

      5、out? a. Science. b. Love. c. Action,a,a,b,a,b,Practice 1: 词汇 I know many people like playing _ _ (中国象棋). I like _ _ (购物) with my classmates. They were _ _ (厌倦) watching TV plays last night. Was his wife still a_? Li Yong wants to take part in the math competition and w_ a great prize.,Chinese,chess,going shopping,tired of,live,in,Practise 2: 选择 ( )1. The students would _ watch entertainment shows_ childrens programs. like; and B. like; but C. rather; than ( )2. Could you tell me _ use the comput

      6、er? A.how B. how to C. what to ( ) 3. The TV play makes everyone _ . A.cry B. crying C. cries ( )4. Which TV show talks about the film stars? A.Sports shows. B. Programs about education. C. Entertainment shows.,C,B,A,C,Language points: 1. like to do / like doing sth 2. fall in love (with sb)爱上某人 e.g. Jack fall in love with Rose. 3. alive adj. 活着的(作表语或宾补) e.g. (1). Look, he is still alive. (2). It was teamwork that kept them alive. 注:alive要区别于living/ live,后者常作表语或定语,4. It is + adj. +for sb. + to d

      7、o sth. e.g. It is important for us to study English . 5. a quiz show 智力游戏节目 6. 宾语从句 I know (that) you play Chinese chess well. I think (that) you are right. 7.someday = some day 有朝一日 e.g. I hope someday I can take part in the Olympics.,8. would rather do sth. than do sth. else. = prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else. e.g. (1) He would stay at home rather than go shopping. (2) - Would you watch TV rather than go to sleep? - Yes, I would rather. (3) They would rather not read books.(他们宁愿不读书.),HOMEWORK,详细描述你看过的一部印象深刻的 电视剧。 你可以从下列方面进行阐述: (1)电视剧的名称及导演(director)。 (2)电视剧的主要演员(characters)。 (3)该剧的主要故事情节(plot)。 (4)给你印象最深的画面。 (5)对该电视剧的总体评价。 字数:100-120之间,Thank you very much!,Good Bye !,

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