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人教版八年级下册 unit5 sectionb

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    • 1、,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? SectionB,Look and say,_ he was cooking, I _ him.,While,called,延续,While they_, I called them.,_I called her, she_ _.,were reading,was cleaning,When,瞬间/非延续,Think of a time when you were late for or couldnt go to an event. What was the event? What was the reason why you were late or couldnt go? Tell your partner the story.,1a,Listen and write short answers to the questions.,What event happened at the school yesterday? _ 2. Who missed the event? _

      2、 3. Which team won at the event? _,There was a basketball competition.,Kate missed the event.,Johns team.,1b,Listen again. Number the events 1-6 in the order they happened.,_Kate saw a dog by(.边) the side of the road. _Kate got to the bus stop. _Kate called the Animal Helpline. _Kate left the house. _Kate waited for someone to walk by(经过). _Kate realized(意识到) her bag was still at home.,1,2,3,4,5,6,1c,Kate:What a day I had! _ I got to the bus stop, I _ that my bag was still at home! But _ I _ bac

      3、k home, I _ a dog by the side of the road and it was hurt. I _ to call the Animal Helpline, but I didnt have my phone so I had to _ someone to _. Then I _ his phone to call the helpline. Therefore, I didnt _ the competition.,When,realized,while,was running,saw,wanted,wait for,walk by,used,make it to,Post-listening Exercise,Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competition. Student A begins a sentence with while or when. Student B completes the sentence.,A: When the school basketball c

      4、ompetition started . B: When the school basketball competition started, Kate was still making her way to(前往) school.,1d,Pair Work,A: When the school basketball competition started, What_? B: When the school basketball competition started, _ _.,was Kate doing,Kate was making her way to school,A: While Kate was running back home, _? B: While Kate was running back home, _.,Pair Work,what happened,she saw a dog by the side of the road,Do you still remember the Wenchuan earthquake?,A: What were you d

      5、oing when you heard the sad news? B: I was in the class preparing my collage exam.,Look at the pictures and title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about?,2a,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What are the two events in the passage? 2. When did they happen?,Reading the Title and First Sentences,2b,Do you know this man? What do you know about him?,马丁路德金(1929年1月15日1968年4月4日),著名的美国民权运动领袖。 1963年,马丁路德金晋见了肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民权法,给黑人以平等的权利。 1963年8月28 日在林肯纪念堂前发表我有一个梦想的演说。1964年获得诺贝尔和平奖。

      6、1968年4月, 马丁路德金前往孟菲斯市领导工人罢工被人刺杀, 年仅39岁。 1986年起美国政府将每年1月的 第三个星期一作为 马丁路德金全国纪念日。,I have a dream,Do You Remember What You Were Doing? People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history(在历史上). In America,for example(例如),many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968. This was an important event in American history. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they wer

      7、e doing when they heard the news.,2a,Robert Allen is now over(超过) 50, but he was a school pupil at that time(那时). “I was at home with my parents,” Robert remembers. “We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio. The news reporter said, Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago. My parents were completely shocked! My parents did not talk after that(随后), and we finished the rest of(剩下的) our dinner in silence(无声中).”,2001年9月11日,两架被恐怖分子劫持的民航客机分别撞向美国纽约世界贸易中心一号楼和世界贸易中心二号楼,两座建筑在遭到攻击后

      8、相继倒塌,世界贸易中心其余5座建筑物也受震而坍塌损毁;9时许,另一架被劫持的客机撞向位于美国华盛顿的美国国防部五角大楼,五角大楼局部结构损坏并坍塌。,This was not a movies,it was real.,More recently(最近), most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down(摧毁)by(被) terrorists. Even the dateSeptember 11,2001has meaning to(have meaning to sb.对某人来说有义) most Americans. This was a day Kate Smith will never forget. She remembers working in her office near the two towers. “My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Ce

      9、nter! I didnt believe him at first, but then I looked out of(望外面) the window and realized that it was true. I was so scared that(so.that如此以至于) I could hardly think clearly(难以思考) after that.”,Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F),or is the information not given (NG)?,_1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King. _2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed. _3. Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news. _4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center. _5. Kate didnt think her friend wa

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