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Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion 课件4(外研版八年级上册).ppt

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    • 1、外研初中二年级上册,Module 9 Animals in dangerzxxk Unit 1 We need to protect animals.,danger n. protect v. orange adj. n. cousin n. brown adj. n. reserve n. mad adj. surprising adj. kill v. absolutely adv.,危险 保护 橘色的,橘子;橘色 堂兄弟,表兄弟;表姐妹 棕色的,棕色 禁猎区,自然保护区 极度激动的;发狂似的 使人惊讶的;出人意料的 杀死 (用于表示赞同)的确,一点不错,New wordszxxk,hard adj. away adv. dirty adj. awful adj. peace n. find out rare adj. example n. nature n. nature reserve surprised adj.,困难的 掉;去 脏的 极讨厌的;极不愉快的 安宁;和平 发现 稀有的;珍贵的 例子 大自然;自然界 自然保护区 惊奇的;吃惊的,Guessing Game: Who

      2、 am I?组卷网,I am orange and black, and I am the king in the forest.,I am the tigers cousin, and I like eating small animals.,tiger,lion,I am brown or black and I lived in the forest.,I am very big and live in the sea.,bear,whale,I am long and thin.,I am very big and have a very long nose.,snake,elephant,I can walk a long way without drinking.,camel,1. Which animals are they talking about? 2. Which animals are in danger?,They are talking about pandas, tigers, lions, elephants and bears.,All of thes

      3、e animals are in danger.,Listen and answer the questions.,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,1. What is the conversation about? 2. Why do some people kill whales and elephants?,Its about animals in danger.,Because they kill them for their meat.,1.When do you think this conversation happens? 2.Has Sally ever seen the pandas before ? 3.Why do some people kill whales or elephants? 4. What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger? 5. Who has made the water too dirty to drink ?,It ha

      4、ppens after they visited the zoo.,No, she hasnt.,They kill whales or elephants for their meat.,Many animals have no place to live in.,Humans.,Read Part 3 and answer the questions.,Go through Part 3: at last = in the end 最后、终于 他终于取得了好成绩。 He got good marks _. 我们昨天终于吃了烤鸭子. Yesterday we ate roast duck _ . finally/ at last/ in the end 这三个都可以作“最后”讲,但用法不同。,at last,at last,I. Finally 表动作的发生顺序是在“最后”,无感情色彩,只用于过去时,它居句首时较多。 . at last 表经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩,须用一般过去时。 . in the end 表事物发展的自然顺序的“终结”,有时或

      5、与 finally相互替换,但用于对将来的预测,则只能用in the end。如:, Did the man in the shop understand him at last? Finally he went to see the famous man himself. I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. 2. think about考虑 ,想起 你在考虑什么? What are you _ ?,thinking about,3. It makes me mad. 词组:make sb / sth adj. 使某人 / 某物 消息使她很伤心。 The news _ . 我很遗憾弄脏了水 I am sorry to _ .,made her sad,make the water dirty,4. be in danger 处在危险中 The little boy _ (在危险中) just now. We are going to _ (处在危险中).,was in danger,be in dange

      6、r,5. take away 把拿走 看,他正要把那些书拿走。 Look , he is _. = Look, he is _. 上星期他们把电脑搬走了. They _the computer last week.,taking away the books,taking the books away,took away,6. We need to protect them better. 结构: (not) need to do Sth (不)需要干 他需要买一支新钢笔。 He _ a new a pen. 我们昨天不需要清洁教室。 We _ the classroom yesterday.,needs to buy,didnt need to clean,7. decide (not) to do sth 决定(不)做某事 1)他们决定照些动物的相片。 They _take some photos of animals. 2) Sally 决定了不坐火车旅行。 Sally _travel by train.,decide to,decided not to,8. on earth

      7、到底 ,究竟 What _ (究竟 ,到底) are you doing here? Where _ (究竟,到底) is he going?,on earth,on earth,9. find out 查明,找出 1) Try to _(找出) when the train leaves. 2) Last week we _ (查明) who took away the book.,find out,found out,10. Translate the sentences according to Part 3. 1)了解一些关于卧龙熊猫保护区的情况很有意思。 2)一想到那些濒危动物就令人伤心。 3)要制止捕杀是很难的。 4)捕杀鲸或象来获取它们的肉是不对的。,It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.,Its sad to think about all those animals in danger.,Its hard to stop the killing.,Its not right to kill

      8、 whales or elephants for their meat.,Its + adj. + (for sb) + to do sth. 做某事对某人来说怎样 1) 看英语电影对我们来说是有趣的。 _ English films. 2) 弹好钢琴对他来说是不容易的。 _the piano well.,Its interesting (for us) to see,Its not easy (for him) to play,11. 动物没地方住。 Many animals have no place to live in. 用不定式表示某物或某事怎么样: Your duty is to clean the floor. The exciting thing is to play basketball every afternoon. Your shoes are easy to clean.,Everyday English 1. at last 2. It makes me mad! 3. It just isnt right 4. Absolutely! 5. Its rea

      9、lly awful. 6. What on earth can we do?,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,When people _ too many animals, they become rare. 2. Elephants and whales are examples of animals _. 3. Nature _ are forests or large parks where animals can live in peace. 4. We can _ animals in danger if we give them somewhere safe to live. 5. We need to give animals fresh water and somewhere to live . This will help them live in _.,kill,in danger,reserves,protect,peace,Pronunciation and Speaking,Listen and repeat.,1. We need to protect/animals in danger. 2. Many animals havent got/ a place to live in. 3. All animals need clean water/ to drin

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