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    • 1、英文演讲稿英文演讲稿在三十岁之前我想做的三件事ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon/morning! i?m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech; today my topic is “the important three things i want to fulfill before thirty”.undoubtedly, all of us have their own plans to do something at the certain state of their age and we make sure the priorities should be done at the very important time of our life. that?s right; now let me share you the very three things i desperately want to finish before thirty,firstly, i wan

      2、t to be a fully qualified teacher and try my best to make a great progress in my teaching field, teaching my students to learn to behave and then learn to study, i consider that it?s the very essence of a good teacher and it ?s also the ideal of my occupation development .second ,i hope that i can catch every chance to travel to more places to promote myself .it?s said that travel can widen one?s field of vision .exactly, as far as i?m concerned, travelling do a great help to us ,not only to rel

      3、ax ourselves but also to gain more cultural knowledge to enrich our life.thirdly, to help the children from remote areas and hope that they can receive a better education, we know that the economic and education situation is not so good in the remote villages. therefore, as a teacher, i really expect that my contribution to these remote areas can e in handy and then prove the level of our education. so much for my speech!thank you for listening!第二篇:英文演讲稿dear teacher , dear friends:good morningim

      4、 honored to have such an opportunuty to stand here to make a speech to you. and today my topic is “watch out when snowstorm e”.first, i want to ask you a question, do you know the snowstorm in early XX?it is the worst of the past 50 years, hit vast areas of southern, eastern and central china in early XX. during the storm, more than 3,250 lights were cancelled and 1.9 million passengers were stranded in certain spots. worse still, in some areas the electricity was cut off, making residents in 8

      5、counties spend their lunar new years eve in darkness. 107 people were killed in the worst ever snowstorm and 8 missing. it has caused direct economical losses of 111 billion rmb, yet.theres nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.people cry, not because theyre weak. its because theyve been strong for too longthe snow storm has no love, but we have love; the snow storm is cold, but we are warm; the snow storm is terrible, but we will try our best to overe it, and we will

      6、overe it.in many districts people lived a hard life and our country suffered a great loss. we can see from this incident that the weather reports shouldbe blamed for its slow forecast and that many weak points existed in our work. the middle and southern parts of our country havent experienced such bad weather for years and were not well-prepared for it. i think we will learn a lesson from such bad weather and strengthen our work from now on.as far as im concerned, when meet snow, we should do f

      7、ollowing:frist, note cold-resistant warm, old, weak, sick, young people dont go outsecond, go out to walk dont empty hard bottom or smooth bottom shoe, cyclists can be appropriately to tire put some air.3 close the doors and windows, solid tight outdoor building things.4 if is constructed, should be in house quickly to withdraw. storm5 gan shanghai by warm family to be wary of gas poisoningmaybe the snow storms in 50 years auspicious, our governments at all levels should after natural disasters

      8、emergency mechanism and capability will have a practical improved. if grasp in place of s, fate conversion classical deduce might happen, let us public efforts as soon as possible and look forward to this day arrival!第三篇:英文演讲稿ordinary life, a noble causeordinary lives, sublime careeras is said, the career of teachers is the most glary, holy, proud career. yeah, because we take charge of the arduous mission to cultivate successors of the cause of munism in the new century. and we are the navigato

      9、r of ideal exle to the children, the founder of beautiful heart, and propagator of wisdom and skill. today, id like to sing the beautiful song, which is full of praise, with a dignified emotion. i like my occupation to be a teacher, and i am keen on the educational career of our munist party.i still remember when i studied in normal school, at one time, i used to think about the beautiful futures with romantic feelings, paint florid career with seething passion. but to the day i was in the position of my work, i experienced the monness and trivialness from the life of being a teacher, experienced the arduousness and enormous pressure from the . i was somehow distressed, indistinct, and was not so resolute. but i was inspirited by the edifications from the leadership, moved by the passionate from my workmates, and spurred by the childrens hungry for knowledge. go out early and e back at dusk. share happiness and bother.


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