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    • 1、1,SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND GENDER: AN INTERNATIONAL REPORT,Eduardo Martinez * *Science and Technology Studies Fax (33) 1-4568 5827 e.martinezunesco.org,2,IRSTG,BACKGROUND The IRSTG is an ongoing technical study UNESCO coordinates an inter-institutional collaborative process The IRSTG incorporates substantive, technical inputs from relevant institutions involved in science, technology and gender studies and policy worldwide.,3,IRSTG,Some Partner Organizations AAAS, ANWST, CYTED, EC, ECLAC, GenTeC,

      2、 ICSU,INWES, OAS, OECD, RESGEST, SIDA/SAREC, UIS, TWOWS, WFEO, GAB/WIGSAT, WISENET,4,IRSTG,PROCESS A worldwide consultation was carried out with relevant institutions involved in science, technology and gender studies and policy, aimed at elaborating, discussing, disseminating, and following-up the IRSTG The International Report on Science, Technology and Gender was drafted, discussed and published IRSTG Follow-up: Media dissemination, regional and national presentation and discussion forums, an

      3、d follow-up studies.,5,IRSTG,IRSTG OBJECTIVES: Produce a solid and rigorous report based on empirical research and data. The Report aims at being both a conceptual and analytical tool, and a framework for action (at a national and regional levels) Elaborate a sound message and document addressed to national and international scientific and academic communities, promoting the dissemination and serious discussion of gender, S&T issues,6,IRSTG,IRSTG OBJECTIVES: Policy recommendations focused on: -

      4、Gender in science and technology for development - Social awareness and public understanding of science, technology and gender - Education in science and technology - Scientific and technological research - Science and technology labour market - Information on science, technology and gender - Science, technology and gender strategies and policies,7,IRSTG,IRSTG Outline 0. Overview 1. Science & Technology Policy and Gender 2. Gender and Science & Technology Education,8,IRSTG,IRSTG Outline 3. Emplo

      5、yment and Careers in Science & Technology 4. Women in Scientific and Technological Research 5. Information on Science, Technology and Gender: Data, Statistics and Indicators,9,IRSTG,IRSTG Outline Annexes Glossary: Science, Technology and Gender Bibliography,10,IRSTG,FUTURE RESEARCH NEEDS on science, technology and gender It seems important to develop a suitable framework and approaches regarding most urgent future research areas on science, technology and gender, including identifying some missi

      6、ng links, data gaps, key issues and critical shortcomings that should be addressed in the near future.,11,IRSTG,FUTURE RESEARCH NEEDS on science, technology and gender Examples of some issues: women participation in S&T (&R&D) top decision-making career entry and exit points redesigning of workplace (childcare on premises) effects of short absences on a career span comparing different types of leave and its impact on career structures (long service leave is a similar span to maternity leave yet

      7、there are no negative connotations with time of absence yet strident objections to maternity leave still exist),12,IRSTG,FOLLOW-UP In order to contribute building worldwide Science, Technology and Gender Equity, major social actors, including science and technology institutions, should work together and be mobilized at a global scale.,13,IRSTG,FOLLOW-UP The road ahead: Thirteen Major Social Actors have been identified to actively participate in the dissemination, debate, fund raising, implementa

      8、tion, monitoring and evaluation of the Key Issues and Policy Recommendations of IRSTG Report. Each Agenda could encompass some policy recommendations, actions, specific initiatives, “to do” items, etc.,14,IRSTG,FOLLOW-UP Major Social Actors: A. National, regional and local governments (Ministries/National Councils of Science and Technology / R&D, Ministries of Education, Ministries of Labour) B. Parliaments C. S-T-G Coordinating networks, committees, and gender national organisms D. Higher educa

      9、tion institutions and faculties of sciences and engineering E. R&D centres F. Scientific associations, societies, academies G. United Nations agencies,15,IRSTG,FOLLOW-UP H. International and regional inter-governmental organizations I. International, regional and sub regional development banks J. Multilateral and bilateral development-assistance organizations K. NGOs Nongovernmental organizations L. Foundations M. Major companies, private and public N. The media,16,IRSTG,FOLLOW-UP IRSTG dissemination and debate at regional and national levels IRSTG should evolve and be periodically updated (constant work and improvement) and continue to be the collective product of a wide international institutional collaboration, prepared with the active partnership of specialists from numerous science, technology and gender related institutions worldwide, under the technical coordination of UNESCOs Science Policy and Sustainable Development Division (the Internet six-language version of


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