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    • 1、虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,超级链接,If I had a million dollars, I would buy Enough bread for hungry, Enough books for children, Enough ships for fishermen, Enough houses for homeless, Enough hope for the world.,Use If I had a million dollars, I would to make sentences.,Step 1 Lead-in: A Game,Step 2 The Subjunctive Mood,Observe: If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. If it were(were to be/should be) sunny tomorrow, I would come to see you. If I were you, I would go now.,Discuss

      2、ion: What is the form of this kind of the Subjunctive Mood?,在条件从句中 (叫虚拟条件句),表示与事实相反的条件。分三种情况(以 do 为例):,Conclusion 1:,1._, I would not have known her.( attend ) 假如我不去参加舞会的话,我就不会认识她。 2._ tomorrow,I would stay at home.( were ; rain) 假如明天下雨的话,我就待在家里。,Practice:,If I hadnt attended the party,If it were to rain,Observe:,If I were to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try again. If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met h

      3、im.,Were I to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it.,Should he fail in the experiment this time, he would try again.,Had you come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.,Conclusion 3: _,错综时间的条件句:从句与主句的动作发生的时间不同。按时间来确定虚拟形式。,Practice: If_then, you would not be in trouble now. (follow) 如果你那时听从了我的建议,你现在就不会有麻烦了。 If it had not been for your help, I _now. (make ) 要不是你的帮助,我现在就不会成功。,you had followed my advice,wouldnt make it,Observe: I wish I were 30 years younger. I wish (that) you would g

      4、et a good job. He wished he hadnt done it.,wish接宾语从句有三种情况(以do为例): 1) 现在:用过去式(did) 2) 过去:用过去完成式 (had done) 3) 将来:用情态动词(would / could + do),Discussion: What is the Subjunctive Mood? Conclusion 4:,Practice: I wish it _so that we can have warm weather and beautiful flowers forever.(year) 我希望全年都是春天,这样我们就能一直有温暖的天气和美丽的花朵。 I wish _ ( recover )我希望你会很快康复。 I wish I _so much money then. (spend) 我希望那时没有花掉这么多的钱。,were spring all the year round,(that)he would recover soon,hadnt spent,Observe: He ordered that th

      5、e students (should) wash the clothes every week by themselves. It is suggested that he (should) not spend too much time playing games. The advice that students (should) learn something practical is worth considering. Her proposal was that there (should) be a map of the world in each office. The headmaster made the request that we (should) obey the traffic rules.,Conclusion 5:,Discussion: What is the Subjunctive Mood above?,动词形式: 一个坚持:insist 两个命令:order, command 三个建议:suggest, propose, advise 四个要求:

      6、require, request, demand, desire,名词形式: 一个坚持:insistence 两个命令:order, command 三个建议:suggestion, proposal, advice 四个要求:requirement,request,demand,desire,Practice: The director of the laboratory demanded that the report _ after it was finished. (give)实验室的主管要求在报告完成后,立即交给他。 Mr. Anderson required his son Jack _ _when he was talking with visitors. (keep) 安德森先生要求他的儿子在他和来访者交谈期间一直保持沉默 It is desired that we _ this evening. (get)人们希望我们今晚将一切准备好。 We are all for your proposal that _. (put)我们都支持会议应该被延期的提议。,(should

      7、) be given to him immediately,(should) keep silent,all the time,(should) get everything ready,the meeting (should) be put off,Observe: He insisted that all of us should be there on time by any means. He insisted that he was right. The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class.,Discussion: What is the rule of “insist”? What else is like that?,Conclusion 6: insist 表示“坚决要求”时,用虚拟形式 should + do; insist 表示“坚称,坚持说”时,用陈述语气,表示事实。,suggest 表示“建议”时,用虚拟形式。 suggest 表示“表明、暗示”时,用陈述语气。

      8、recommend表示“建议”时,用虚拟语气。 recommend表示“推荐”时,用陈述语气。 urge表示“主张”时,用虚拟语气。 urge 表示“催促”时,用陈述语气。,Practice: The mother insisted that he _badly ill and that a doctor _ (send)母亲坚持他病很重,坚决要求立即请医生 His tired face suggested that he_ after the long walk.(tired) 他疲惫的脸暗示走过很长的路后他累了 It is suggested that _right away. (leave)大家建议我们立刻出发 The doctor recommended that you _ after eating a large meal. (swim)医生建议你大餐之后不要游泳。,we (should) leave,was,(should) be sent for at once,he was tired,shouldnt swim,Step 3 Write a poem!,If I were the ruler of the world, I would make some changes fast. I would make peace last War disappear, I would make poor rich, Good become better. ,Step 4 Homework,Finish the exercise 2 and 3 on Page 13.,


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