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    • 1、Unit 2 The environmentWelcome to the unit & reading精讲典析1. Read a debate on the environment and a report about the Yangtze River.(page 21)阅读一份有关环境的辩论稿和一篇有关长江的报道。debate的用法 debate在句中是名词,意为“讨论”或“辩论”。例如:Our class will hold debates. 我们班将举行辩论。Television actually encourages public debate about such issues. 事实上电视促进了关于这类问题的公众讨论。(2) 辨析:debate, argue, quarrel, discuss的用法比较这一组词虽然区别较大,但仍有共同点,都侧重于动作。 debate vt. & vi. “辩论;争论”,侧重双方各自申诉理由,“交锋”意味较强。例如:We debated the proposal for three days. 那个建议我们辩论了三天。They debate

      2、d until ten oclock. 他们一直辩论到10点钟。 argue vt. & vi. 也有“辩论, 争论”的意思,为支持某一想法、行动或理论而提出理由或证据,侧重于摆事实,试图说服对方,也可能是激烈的交换意见,以致争吵。例如: She was too tired to argue the point. 她太累了,不想再就这一点争论了。She argued that she should not go. 她争辩说她不该去。He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。 quarrel vi.“吵架,争吵”,因生气失态以至于会伤害到对方。例如: Those children are always quarrelling over little things. 那些孩子们总是为小事而争吵。We quarreled with them about the plan, in fact we supported them. 我们就有关这项计划与他们发生争吵,实际上我们是支持他们的。 discu

      3、ss vt. “谈论, 讨论”,重在交换意见。例如: We will discuss what to teach during the next term. 我们将讨论下学期要教什么。They discussed selling the house. 他们商讨卖房子一事。We discussed when we should go. 我们商量什么时候动身。2. By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?(page 22)自1800年以来,世界人口增加了多少倍? population n. 人口;全体居民population是不可数名词,但常和不定冠词连用。表“多少人口”要用what或how large。population表示“人口”并做主语时,其谓语动词习惯用单数形式。例如:The United States has a population of more than 200 million. 美国有两亿多人口。The population of this city is in the neigh

      4、borhood of three million. 本市人口接近300万。What / How large is the population of Hong Kong? 香港有多少人口? 当population做主语指一特定人群时,谓语动词单复数都可以。例如:Most of the population in our village factory are women workers. 我们村办工厂大部分职工是女性。The population in these villages still uses well water. 住在这些乡村里的人依然饮用井水。There 50 percent or more of the population is illiterate. 那里50%或更多的群众是文盲。One third of the worlds population consumes / consume two thirds of the worlds resources.三分之一的世界人口消耗了三分之二的地球资源。3. With me is Mr Lin Shuuiqing, f

      5、rom the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr Qian Liwei, an economist.(page 22, lines 56)与我一起的是来自环境保护协会的林水清先生和经济学家钱利伟先生。这是一个完全倒装句。这个句子由于主语较长,为避免句子头重脚轻,往往把介词短语或其他成分提到句首。这种句子的谓语多为连系动词以及lie, stand, sit, fly, come, go, run, rush等动词。例如:After the banquet came a firework display in the square. 宴会后在广场上燃放了烟花。Seated on the ground were a group of young men playing guitar. 场地上坐着一群年轻人在弹吉他。At the top of the hill stands a weather station. 山顶上有一个气象站。4. Then we will open the floor for discussion.(page

      6、22, line 8)之后我们将展开讨论。open the floor for discussion意为“展开自由讨论”,其中the floor意思是“(大会)发言权;发言机会”,可构成“open/take/have/get/obtain the floor for名词或to do something” 等短语。例如:The TV presenter will take the floor for his own opening speech at 3:00 pm. 电视节目主持人将在下午3点致开幕词。He has the floor to express his own view / point at the meeting. 他有权在会上表明自己的观点。Next, the chairman asked Ms. Jones to take the floor. 随后,主席请琼斯女士发言。5. If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to voice them.(page 22, lines 89)如果大

      7、家有任何问题或评论,可以利用这个时间说出来。辨析: voice, express voice在句中用作及物动词,指(用言语)“表达”, 用名词做宾语时,可以与express替换。例如:A spokesman voiced / expressed the workers dissatisfaction. 发言人说出了工人的不满情绪。 Get teachers to voice / express their opinions on important subjects. 让教师们表达他们对重要问题的看法。He voiced / expressed the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。 express也有 “表达”(思想,情感)的意思,除名词外,还可以用反身代词做宾语。例如:Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. 也许我没能把我的意思表达清楚。She expresses herself most fully in her paintings. 她在绘画中将自己的情感表达得最为淋漓尽致。He can

      8、express himself in good clear English now after four years hard learning.经过四年的艰苦学习,现在他能用清楚流畅的英语表达自己的意思了。6. Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.(page 22, lines 1415)污染情形如此严重,致使许多河流饱含化学物质,河水流入海洋,杀死海洋生物。(1) full of在句中作表语,意为“充满”。full of还常做后置定语。例如:It is bad manners to talk with a mouth full of food. 嘴里塞满了东西说话是不礼貌的。A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。(2) 辨析:sothat, suchthat1)sothat与suchtha

      9、t都表示“如此以致”。它们用法的区别在于搭配不同:so是副词,所以后接形容词或副词,而such是形容词,所以后接名词。例如:They were so busy that they forgot their meal. They were such busy men that they forgot their meal. 他们忙得连吃饭都忘了。 2)但如名词前有表数量的many,few,much,little修饰时,则要求用so。即:somany (few, much, little)名词that从句Bill Gates was so interested in software programming that he quit school in his first year at college.比尔盖茨对于软件编程是如此的感兴趣,以致于他在大学一年级时就退学了。3)当单数可数名词前又有形容词修饰时,既可用so,也可 用such,但冠词的位置有所不同。若是复数可数名词,即使有形容词修饰,也只能用such,而不能用so。例如: It is such a good dictionary that all of us have bought it.It is so good a dictionary that all of us have bought it.=The dictionary is so good that all of us have bought it.这是一本好词典,我们都买了。7. In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.(page 22, line 16)此外,捕捞船正将大量海洋生物赶尽杀绝。(1) in a


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