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    • 1、词缀、单词与例句a-/an- = no; without; lack (a, an前缀有时候带有否定的意思)In photography, the biggest difference between an amateur and a professional is mainly determined by their major qualification. 业余摄影师和专业摄影师的最大区别主要是取决于他们的专业资历。Several anonymous political thrillers explored the authenticity of William Shakespeares literary works. 一些匿名政客激进分子探查了莎士比亚文学作品的真实性。Bears are asocial, secretive animals. 熊是不善社交,寡言害羞的动物。An anechoic chamber is a room designed to stop reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves. 无回声的

      2、会所主要是被设计用来防止声波或电磁波的回响。Anharmonic interaction is the amalgamation of two very different musical & writing styles - one that grows organically with music and lyrics entwining together and the other which tells the organics that it just isnt chromatic. 两种不同风格的音乐(歌词)类型的混合出现的不和谐的现象主要表现为其中一种音乐与其歌词有机地结合在一起,而另一种音乐和歌词所表现的颜色调子与前者并不一致。Anarchism is a generic term describing various political philosophies and social movements that advocate the elimination of hierarchy and imposed authority. 无政府主义主要是用来描述各种各样的

      3、宣传消灭等级制度和强加的权威制度的政治哲学和社会运动。This institute conducts acentric marketing research in the areas of new product development, price determination, brand equity, service, loyalty and public relations. 这个协会主导研究无中心的市场销售,内容包括新产品开发,价格决定因素,品牌资产净值,服务,客户忠诚度和公关。Amorality is an absence of, indifference towards, or disregard for moral beliefs. Any entity that is not sentient may be considered amoral. 非道德现象主要表现为缺乏,不关心或蔑视道德信仰。任何无感知的实体可能会被定性为非道义的组织。People who had been sexually abused may become asexual in the after

      4、math. 被性侵犯的人的后果(后遗症)可能就是性冷淡。a- = in;on;at;by;with;to (a为前缀有时候带有以某种方式进行动作的意思)He fell asleep at about 2:00am. 他在半夜两点钟睡着觉。The line of cars moved ahead slowly. 小车长龙缓慢地向前行驶。A group of passengers walked abreast. 一群行人并排地走在路上。He accomplished the final mission well, and I can put my doubts aside now. 他完满完成最后的任务,现在我可以放下我的疑虑。(put aside: 放下、放在一边,搁置等意思)He has been sleeping abed for 2 days. 他已经有2天睡在床上/卧病在床/睡懒觉。You may see beautiful abloom flowers in this region. 你可以在这个地区见到盛开的花朵。a-/an- = 加强意义 (a, an前缀有时候用于着重强调

      5、某种意思的作用)Please read this article aloud. 请大声阅读文章。Parents usually need to teach their kids to set things aright at home. 家长们通常需要在家教会他们的孩子妥善地摆置好东西。People need to keep awake in natural disasters such as fire, flood, hurricane, tsunami, volcanic explosion and earthquake. 人们面对各种诸如火灾、水灾、飓风、海啸、火山爆发和地震等自然灾害的时候通常需要保持清醒的头脑。War trauma may make people aweary of the normal life. 战争的创伤可能会令人们厌倦日常生活。People usually need to read the annotated text for some key words while reading books. 人们人们在读到书里面的关键词的时候通常需要读它们的注解

      6、。President Obama announced actions on housing, student loans in the recent press conference. 奥巴马总统在最近的记者招待会上宣布了一些有关房子、学生贷款的政策措施。ab- = from; away from (ab前缀带有偏离的意思)There were abnormal amount of snow yesterday. 昨天的降雪有点反常。Studying abroad will be a good choice for independent college graduates. 海外留学对那些自立的大学生是一个很好的选择。Kids are easily addicted to drug abuse. 小孩子很容易就会对滥用毒品导致上瘾。In optics, sunglasses, colored filters, dyes, and other such materials are designed specifically with respect to which visible w

      7、avelengths they absorb and how much. 从光学上看,太阳镜、颜色过滤片、染料以及其它类似物质是按照它们吸收的可见波长和波长总量而特别地设计出来。The xylem is in the center of the vein with the phloem distributed on both the adaxial and abaxial sides of the bundle. 木质部处于静脉中心位置,其韧皮部位于血管的近轴和离轴两边。Abend refers to software crashes or loss. Virus may also cause the abend of programming execution. 异常终止指的是软件冲突或损失。病毒可能会中止程序的执行。ac- = at; to,或表示加强意义 (ac前缀有时表示使某事物怎样,或者是引申义强调的意思)I have accustomed myself to working long hours. 我已经适应了长时间工作。Cashiers are checking thei

      8、r accounts. 收银员正在核算账目。The discovery of distillation is usually accredited to the Arabs of the 11th century. 阿拉伯人在11世纪发现蒸馏技术,这点是可以接受/信服于众的。They have the confidence of the governments to which they are accredited. 他们从他们可以接受的政府中获得信心。Professor Peter accompanied his kids across the street. 比特教授陪伴他的小孩过马路。The masses acclaimed the astronauts who just have stayed in the space for 2 months. 群众们为在太空呆了2个月的归来的宇航员欢呼雀跃。Due to the heavy rain, many participants withdrew the match when accomplishing about half th

      9、e mission. 因为下大雨,许多参与者都在完成一半任务后就退出了比赛。ad- = to; toward; forward (ad前缀表示倾向、连同或者向前的含义)A professor seeks advice on how to keep immature students engaged in the communication. 教授在寻求如何使不成熟的学生参与到交流上来的建议。Roger will be remembered for his unwavering ability to debate the merits of labor rights policies and ideas, not just the people who advocate or oppose them. 罗杰将会是个被载入史册的人物,这是因为他坚定地开展关于劳工权利政策好处的辩论,而不是因为人们赞同或者反对这项政策。This bedroom adjoins the kitchen, and the other adjoins the balcony. 这间卧室邻近厨房,另一间卧室邻近阳台。The rookie cops need to adjust themselves to handling tough issues. 新入职的警察需要调整他们的状态去解决棘手的事情。Our club was composed principally of students, with an admixture of young clerks. 我们的俱乐部主要是由学生组成的,里面掺入了一些年轻干部。All the children listened to his adventures in Afghanistan. 所有的小孩都在聆听他在阿富汗的冒险经历。


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