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    • 1、 第九讲第三章 英汉谓语对比汉语中,除了用动词作谓语,还可以用形容词、名词或不含动词的短语作谓语。例如:他身材高大魁梧。他这个人死心眼。这个女孩高鼻梁,大眼睛。英语中的谓语必须由动词充当,动词有形态变化,如时态、语态、语气。汉语动词无形态变化,只能依靠词汇手段来表达不同的时态、语态、语气。He is working. 他正在工作。He has finished the work. 他已经完成了工作。英语中虽不能直接用其他词类作谓语,但是有相当多的名词、形容词以及其他一些词可转换成动词,充当谓语。Phone him when you need his help.In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes.古汉语中名词也经常能够转换成动词。草木畴(田地)生,禽兽群(群居)焉。范增数目项王。左右欲刃相如,相如张叱之。甚至方位名词也可作动词。项王乃复引兵而东。日渐暮,遂前其足。现代汉语由于名词由单音节向多音节发展,使得名趋于固定化,不能像古汉语一样,灵活的转换成动词。第一节名词作动词充当谓语英语中有名词转换成动词充当谓语,使得语言变得简洁

      2、,生动,常用于比喻。Dont brother me. 别和我称兄道弟。He riveted his eyes on the UFO in the sky. Rivet 铆钉名词用作动词的优点:1. 句子结构简洁He hurredly penciled the time on a slip of paper.The money was all pocketed by the corrupt officials.The machine bottled 10,000 jars of face cream a day.They eyed me with suspicion.He elbowed his way through the crowed.2使语言更加形象。The child wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it.His high dorsal fin knifed through the water.Ever since we came to live in this town misfortune has dogged our

      3、footsteps.讨论:翻译时应该译出名词的意义和添加相应的动词,“像一样做”试一下以上句子的翻译。The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in the U.S. history.Since the opening of the first shop new branches have mushroomed all over the country.第二节 形容词作动词充当谓语英语中形容词不能单独作谓语,须与系动词一起构成复合谓语。What you said sounds reasonable.The steak tastes delicious. 讨论:英语翻译成汉语时,由于汉语形容词可作谓语,不需要动词。反之,汉语翻译成英语时,须添加系动词。试一试:这个问题太难我解决不了。形势越来越严重。她的脸红了。This problem is too difficult for me to solve.The situation becomes more and more serious.Her face turned r

      4、ed.有些形容词转化成动词,作谓语动词。Dont dirty your clothes.His hair is becoming gray.The room grandually quieted down.The fire soon warmed the room.The path has narrowed down a lot.第三节 含使役意义的动词充当谓语英语中的使役动词的用法和汉语的兼语句相似之处较多。他叫我明天来。 He asked me to come tommorrow.我鼓励他好好学习。I encouraged him to study hard.也有不同之处:我喜欢他老老实实。(兼语句)I like his honesty. 动宾结构有个村子叫张家庄。(兼语句)There is a village called Zhangjiazhuang. 存在句我认为这本书很有趣。(兼语句)I think that this book is interesting. 宾语从句英语中可以作使役动词的词类划分:1.多数表示位移以及少数表示其他有益的不及物动词转换成及物动词后含有使役意

      5、义。如:walk, run, march, ride, stand, sit, rest, swim, roll, float, fly, sink, plunge, start, work, lean, mount, enter, ring, grow, decide, win, 等等。They walked the horse up the hill.They ran the car downhill.He sat the baby on the chair.What decided you to give up your job?It could start you thinking for a long time.But this did not win them much time in their death-bed struggle.2. 有些表状态和大多数表情感的动词都具有使役意义,过去分词都可作形容词。(1)表状态的动词:accustom, acquaint, marry, prepare, seat, tire He seated his guests in a c

      6、omfortable leather chair.= he made his guests seated in a comfortable leather chair.The clergyman married Mr. Smith and Miss Helen.He tired the horse to death.Bob accustomed his eyes to the light.(2)心理、情感方面的动词 amaze, astonish, confuse, disappoint, discourage, interest, exhaust, puzzle, move, please, surprise, worry, shock, excite,Francis had already surprised his friends several times.He turned up only a few minutes late in order to disappoint us.第四节 静化谓语汉语中的动词没有词形变化,可以充当句子中的谓语、主语、宾语、状语、补语等。汉语中动

      7、词大量出现,使得汉语呈现动态。说说不要紧。 主语学好外语很重要。动宾结构作主语。他特别注重调查研究。动词作宾语。学习计划、参考资料、补充教材 动词作定语注意看,留心听、感激地望着我 动词作状语她吓得哭了。孩子们激动地跳了起来。 动词作补语英语中动词的频率比汉语中的要少的多,而且许多句子使用的是弱式动词(be、become)和虚化动词(have, make, take,bring,get,do),致使英语呈现静态。比较:What disappointed me is that they were defeated in the match.What made me disappointed is that they were defeated in the match.To my disappointment, they were defeated in the match.句子依次由动态降为静态。英语中的静态特征体现在以下几个方面。1. 弱式动词 be +动作性名词;be+介词短语;be+动词派生形容词;be+其它形容词The book is a reflection of the m

      8、odern Chinese society. 这部书反映了现代中国社会。This film is a dramatic treatment of the struggle in that area. 这部电影以戏剧方式来处理那个地区的斗争。They are in need of funds.They are at work now.The problem is under discussion.The house is on fire.Too many people are dependent on their parents.The child is now asleep.They are aware of the importance of education.The stars are invisible on any cloudy night.2. 虚化动词 这些词虽然在句子中作谓语,但词汇意义大为削弱,整个句子的中心涵义有其后的动作性名词来表示。虚化动词+动作性名词;dodoing; go doing;We must put an end to this foolish be

      9、havior.He has already made mention of the matter in his speech.The students had a high opinion of Professor Wang.He will do much reading in the summer vacation.I will do some shopping this afternoon.She often went skating.They will go climbing this Sunday.Dont you go looking for trouble.You shouldnt go boasting about your achievement.Dont go saying that.3. be +adj. + n.这个结构中的名词通常是动词+er 构成的派生词,表示动作的执行者,形容词虽然充当定语,但不说明这个名词的情况,而是表示名词所包含的那个动作的情况。He is a good performer.He is a poor liar.She is an excellent singer.He is a hard student.He is a bad poet.4. to ones +n.To his disappointment, he failed in the exam.he failed the exam, which made him disappointed.To my surprise, he won the championship.结论:翻译是应该注意英语“静态


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