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    • 1、牛津英语第四单元及第五单元练习Unit 4 What should I do?一、 单词拼写1. The policeman was q him about the theft when I walked past.2. Shes a p girl and she hates violence.3. Mozart was a g musician. He created a lot of famous pieces of music.4. When you get into trouble, try to tell someone and get some support, then you will feel some r .5. “Oh, please come in and take a s .” said Mr Green.6. “Stop telling lies again! I can show you the e to prove that it is not true.7. His mother works as a c assistant in the near s

      2、upermarket.8. The a usually think their kids are too weak to look after themselves.9. Please stand in a q and wait for your turn.10. I dont know what to do. Can you give me some g ?11. I think he is a student. He can learn things quickly and easily.12. Im sorry, its my f .13. She a me to leave at once but I refused.14. Some children think a dont understand them.15. Try to find a simple way to s the problem.16. It is i for me to get here so early tomorrow.17. My w English is better than my spoken

      3、 English.18. The policeman showed his great c when he saved the child from the accident.19. The children are playing with the f leaves under a big tree happily.20. Dont take these books. They b to the school library.21. Yesterday I fell off my bike. L , I wasnt badly hurt.22. Its very hot today. I cant b such hot weather any more.23. Kelly enjoys s very much and she spends a lot of money on clothes.24. When you see a b on the road, will you give him or her any money?25. Its wrong to let others s

      4、 because of your mistakes.二、 完成句子1. 他把信息给误删了。He deleted the message .2. 孩子们正忙于为晚会做准备。The children are ready for the party.3. Tom, 你的新车花了多少钱?Tom, how much you your new car?4. 我对这个坏消息感到很难过。 I the bad news.5. 留在这里,否则你会有麻烦的。Stay here, of you will .6. 他用另一种方法试过了,但是没有用。He tried it in another way, but it .7. 那个男孩高兴得睡不着。The boy was excited .8. 她感到内疚,不知道该怎么办。She felt guilty and didnt know .9. 别和那些仗势欺人的人打架。Dont the bullies.10. 警察在询问他们有关那起交通事故的情况。The police them the traffic accident.11. 小女孩不小心碰落了玻璃杯。The li

      5、ttle girl knocked the glass off .12. 迈克错把我的书拿回家了。Mike took my book home .13. 小孩子染上恶习很危险。Its dangerous for children to _ .14. 妈妈总是叫我不要和调皮的男孩子打架。My mother always tells me the naughty boys.15. 玛丽努力想把英语学好。 Mary study English well.16. 别为我们担心,我们很快就会找到这个问题的答案。Dont us. Well the problem soon.17. 因为下大雨我们不能去爬山。The heavy rain us climbing the hill.18. 她开车比她任何朋友都要小心得多。She drives her car much than any of her friends.19. Miss King一直没有出声,是吗?Miss King hardly spoke a word the whole time, ?20. 莉莉对这次失误负有责任。Lily the

      6、mistake.21. 我认为她不会来。 I come.22. 在打架事件中,你应该向他道歉。 the fighting, you should say sorry to him.23. 你应当提防那三个粗鲁的男人。You should the three rude men.24. 我确信她会来。 I she will come.25. 很遗憾地告诉你,你的英语考试不及格。 I tell you, you failed in the English exam.26. 他说服他爸爸戒烟。He his father smoking.三、 单项选择1. The little girl was afraid of staying in the house.A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone2. The boys arrived late at the cinema and the start of the film.A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost3. The girl was too frightened a word.A. not to tell B. not to say C. to tell D. to say4. I felt guilty and didnt know .A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. when to do5. We will have a holiday during the Spring Festival.A. 7 day B. 7 days C. 7-day D. 7-days6. My mother is often busy housework at weekends.A. to do B. do C. doing D. did7. the teacher gave us about how to study English well.A. What a good advice B. What good advice C. How good advice D. How


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