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    • 1、Inventions,Four Great Inventions,compass,gunpowder,paper,printing,What invention impresses you most? OR Are there any disadvantages of those inventions? If so, what are they?,The first twenty years in the 20th century: plane, coffee, paper cups.,Inventions in the 20th century:,In the 1920s : robot,auto-watch,electric shaver,TV,the first film with sound (美国华纳兄弟电影公司拍摄的爵士乐歌手),frozen food,traffic lights,penicillin 青霉素(英国人亚历山大-弗莱明发明)。,In the 1930s :world cup, can, sunglasses, zebra-crossing道路斑马线, can

      2、ned-beer,ball-pen,computer, tape-recorder.,In the 1940s and 1950s :nylon stocking,KFC,color TV, hydrogen bomb ,microwave oven,jeep,credit card, 有线电视,动力方向盘,袖珍晶体管收音机,减肥软饮料,录像机,不粘锅,垒高儿童拼装玩具, 水翼船,口服避孕药,调制解调器,激光。,In the 1960s and 80s : mouse ,cassette ,sleeping pill ,laptop computer ,scanner , email, word processor software , mobile phone and walkman CD ROM,.,In the last ten years : DVD, “奔腾”处理器,the cloned sheep Dolly,手机短信, man-made liver(人造肝脏), 适于在北极严寒气候条件下骑行的冰上自行车,防身夹克,What invention impresses you

      3、most? OR Are there any disadvantages of those inventions? If so, what are they?,How much do you know the inventors and inventions?,A quiz,1. _ isnt Thomas Edisons invention.,light bulb,record player,telephone,telephone,2. George Stephenson made the first train using a steam engine in _,1625 B. 1725 C. 1825,C. 1825,3. _ is called “Father of Car”. A. Rudolf Diesel B. Karl Benz C. Thomas Edison,B. Karl Benz,4. _ is called “ Father of Dynamite (炸药)”.,Alfred Nobel B. Albert Einstein C. Alexander Bell

      4、,A. Alfred Nobel,5. Marconi (马可尼) invented the first _ in the world.,TV B. Radio C. Typewriter,B. Radio,6. _ invented the first airplane. A. Wright Brothers B. Henry Ford C. Benjamin Franklin,A. Wright Brothers,What qualities(品质) should one have to be an inventor?,creativity determination pioneering spirit imagination perseverance(恒心),e,Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.,The modern “Four Inventions”,1,2,3,4,A Edible chopsticks B Nose-top computer C Electric Shoes D Infl

      5、atable bicycle,1 2 3 4,Match each picture with the correct description below.,This is a new way of (making electricity),This invention can help people (save money),This new invention will make it possible for people to (use electricity more freely),Useful expressions:,A patent,PATENT LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA,中华人民共和国专利法,Different kinds of patents:,Patent of invention (发明专利),Utility new patent (实用新专利),Appearance patent (外形专利),20 years,10 years,10 years,Article 22. Any invention for whi

      6、ch patent right may be granted must be :,new,inventive,practical,&,the patent officer,Whats the use of it? What does it look like? Whats it made of? How can we use it? How much does it cost? Is it environmentally friendly? In what way is it different from others?,A patent officer & an inventor,Whats the use of it? What does it look like? Whats it made of? How can we use it? How much does it cost? Is it environmentally friendly? How is it different from others? Etc.,It can help people It looks li

      7、ke Its made of This is a new way of It costs only It does no harm to Id like to invent . because it can Etc.,Model:(P :Patent officer I :Inventor) P: Good morning! I: Good morning! My name is. And I have a great idea for a new invention. P: I: P: Good, I can give you a patent for this invention. / Im sorry I cant give you ,A patent officer & an inventor,Whats the use of it? What does it look like? Whats it made of? How can we use it? How much does it cost? Is it environmentally friendly? How is

      8、it different from others? Etc.,It can help people It looks like Its made of This is a new way of It costs only It does no harm to Id like to invent . because it can Etc.,Listening,Listen to the dialogue on the tape and answer the questions below: Dialogue 1 What are the advantages of Mr. Jones new invention? How does it work? What can it be used for? Why does the patent officer not want to give Mr. Jones a patent?,Part 1,1. What are the advantages of Mr. Jones new invention? The new invention is

      9、 clean and cheap.,2. How does it work? Its a vehicle that doesnt need an engine or fuel. The vehicle is powered by the person who uses it.,3. What can it be used for? The invention can be used as a means of transportation, instead of cars and buses.,4. Why does the patent officer not want to give Mr. Jones a patent? The patent officer wont give the man a patent because the vehicle described by the inventor has already been invented - its a bike-bike two-wheel car.,Part 2,Listen to Dialogue 2 on the tape and answer the questions below. Dialogue 2 What has Mr.Butler invented? Why did he invent it? How does it work? Why does the patent officer not want to give Mr. Butler a patent?,1. What has Mr. Butler invented? He invented a device for helping people carry heavy objects. 2. Why did he invent it? He was tired of carrying heavy grocery bags/ He got the idea when he saw a wom


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