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    • 1、 八年级上册复习Unit 7- Unit 12The first period Reviewing task: Unit7Importance and difficulties: 1. 学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程How do you make a banana milk shake/fruit salad/ popcorn? 2.复习可数名词、不可数名词How many bananas do you need?How much yogurt do we need?Step 1词汇巩固1.倒牛奶_ 2.把倒进里_3.打开_ 4. 关上_5. 调低_ 6. 调高_7. 切碎_ 8. 剥香蕉_9. 把放入_ 10. 在搅拌机里_11. 多少(可数n)_ 12. 多少(不n)_13.一杯优酸乳_ 14.两勺蜂蜜_15. 水果沙拉_ 16. 在碗里_17. 搅拌_ 18. 爆米花_19. 把加入到_ 20. 番茄酱_21. 一片面包_ 22. 在上部_23. 的食谱, 的配方_ 24.混合_Step 2知识点回顾:1. a teaspoon of一茶匙 a cup of一杯a slice

      2、of 一薄片a piece of一张/片/块 a glass of一玻璃杯2. put another slice of bread on the top把另外一片面包放在上面3. Heres a recipe for这就是的烹调方法/食谱4. first, next, then, finallyfirst = at the beginning of finally=at last根据句子意思和汉语提示完成句子.A: _ _ _ _ (你怎样做) a banana milk shake?B: _ (首先)peel three bananas, then _ _ (切)the bananas.A: Lets _ _ _(做水果沙拉). B: OK, _ _ (好主意).A: _ _ (多少) apples do we _ (需要). B: Let me think. We need two.A: I want to buy _ _ (一些黄油).B: _ _ (多少)butter do you need? A: One _ (茶匙)。. cut up the bananas= cut t

      3、he bananas up =cut them upmix up the yogurt=mix the yogurt up=mix it up 动副词组名词位置可前可后,而代词them/it只能够放在中间。6. I need 2 cups of yogurt.(提问)-How much yogurt do you need? 此题针对不可数名词yogurt提问,所以用how muchI need 2 cups of yogurt. (提问)-How many cups of yogurt do you need? 此题针对可数名词cup提问,所以用how manyThere is a piece of bread on the plate._ _ pieces of bread are there on the plate?注意区分可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词:blenders, watermelons, turkeys火鸡, tomatoes, poppers, sandwiches, recipes, ducks, pancakes, onions,不可数名词:shake, mi

      4、lk, yogurt, butter, honey, salad, turkey火鸡肉,popcorn, sauce, relish, lettuce, bread, duck鸭肉 step 3巩固练习1. Come on, children. Help yourselves to some _if you like.A. fish and chicken B. fishes and chickenC. fish and chickens D. fishes and chickens2. They got much_ on the Internet.A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information3. If you want to be _, you should eat more fruit and vegetables. A. health B. healthy C. healthy D. healthily4. Turn on the blender_ about two minutes. A. for B. in C. to D. at5.

      5、 _bananas do you need?_ yogurt does she need?(多少)The second periodReviewing task: Unit 8Importance and difficulties:1学会询问和谈论过去发生的事情2 What did you do on your school trip?3 Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did /No, I didnt. 4 Were there any sharks? Yes, I were./ No, there werent2. 一般过去时: 表示过去发生的动作或出现的状态。它的时间状语都是明显表示过去的,如:yesterday、last night、last week、in 1998、three months ago, three years ago, just now.等。写出下列动词的过去式am/is-_ are-_ go _take-_have_buy_ eat_ see_hanghung(悬挂) meet_win_sleep_ put_come_ wake_

      6、 read_Step 1词汇巩固1.在的学校旅行中_2和某人闲逛_ 3.去水族馆_ 4.在水族馆里_5.照相_ 6.买纪念品 _7其他的什么_8.赢得奖项 _ 9获得一等奖_ 10,做某事获得快乐_11室外游泳池_观看海豚表演_13在.开始_14在的末尾_ 15.休假_ 16上课_ 7,睡懒觉_ 18开车兜风_ 19庭院旧货出售_ 20再见_ 21在某人看来_ 22 歌唱比赛_ 23,将来_ 24,从回来_ 25乘公共汽车回学校 _26淋湿_Step 2知识点回顾:1. How was your school trip? 你的学校旅行怎么样?今天天气怎么样?_ 前天天气怎么样?_ 你的假日怎么样?_2.At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.在那天结束时,科学老师很高兴,因为他们的班长在郊游结束后清洁了公车。at the end of在的结尾 在街道的末尾_在今年年尾_in the end = _

      7、_=_ 最后In the end, we were very tired.3. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school.最后,他们虽然感到疲劳但却也很开心,他们坐公车回学校。 tired but happy前面省略了主语they take the bus back to school = _她每天步行回家。_ 他昨天乘飞机去上海了。_4.On my next day off, I dont want to go for a drive. That sounds really boring.在我的下次假日,我不想开车兜风。那听起来真的很烦人。step 3 巩固练习:1.选用动词的正确形式填空。be clean visit sound win buy see take get live1I help my father _ the car.2I went to the museum and _ some souvenirs.3There _an old temple(庙)at the foot of the mountain before.4Last week I _ my


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