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    • 1、生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔第四套试题Section Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common, including the sky god, the lord of storms, and the morning and evening star._1_the Sumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility, love, and war, she was evidently lower_2_status than the male gods, indicating

      2、 that in a more urbanized society the_3_that the peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had_4_. The gods seemed hopelessly violent and _5_, and ones life a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that_6_were created to enable the gods to_7_ up working. Each city moreover had its own god, who was considered to_8_ the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city._9_the priests who interpreted the will o

      3、f the god and controlled the_10_ of the economic produce of the city were favored_11_ their supernatural and material functions _12_. When, after 3,000 B. C., growing warfare among the cities made military leadership_13_, the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)_14_position between the god, whose agent he was, and the priestly class, whom he had both to use and to _15_. Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society._16_them were the scribes, the secular att

      4、endants of the temple, who_17_every aspect of the citys economic life and who developed a rough judicial system._18_the temple officials, society was divided among an elite or_19_ group of large landowners and military leaders; a mixed group of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, free peasants who_20_ the majority of the population; and slaves.1. A Unless B AsC Lest D Although 2. A on B in C with D about 3. A worship B reverenceC admiration D gratitude4. A vanished B recovered C declined D attai

      5、ned5. A unpredictableB unforgivableC unlimited D unlikely6. A creatures B animals C men D mortals7. A use B turn C give D back8. A inhabit B live C reside D lodge9. A Hence B ThereafterC Somehow D Incidentally10. A introductionB transaction C distributionD provision11. A as B for C under D of12. A along B anyway C afterwards D alike13. A additional B vital C singular D exceptional14. A alternativeB secondary C intermediateD fundamental15. A pacify B tempt C suppress D manipulate16. A Beside B Be

      6、yond C Below D Before17. A supervisedB held C managed D presided18. A Around B Under C Above D Outside19. A leading B noble C controlling D principal20. A consist B compose C compile D consume答案1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.C8.A 9. A 10. C11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A16. C17. A18. D 19. B20. B总体分析本文介绍了苏美尔人对神的崇拜及由此引起的社会阶层的划分。第一句至第四句为一个意群,主要介绍了苏美尔人对神的崇拜,以及神凌驾于人之上。第五句至倒数第二句为一个意群,介绍了由于对神的崇拜而出现的社会上层阶层及其职能。末句附带说明了在宗教体系之外的社会阶层。试题精解1.精解 本题考查逻辑词。空格处填入的连词出现在句首,说明空格所在分句与下文之间的逻辑关系。选项中,unless表条件,意为“除非”;as作连词

      7、,表时间或原因,意为“当时;因为,由于”;lest表目的,意为“惟恐,以免”,如He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.(他反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。)although表让步,意为“虽然,尽管”。根据文意,“苏美尔人崇拜代表繁衍、爱和战争的女神”与“她在地位上却明显低于男性的神”之间存在转折关系,因此选D。2精解 本题考查介词用法辨析。空格所在部分存在一个形容词的比较级,即,lower than. 。空格处的介词和status搭配,表示“在地位方面”。in常用在形容词后,表示“在方面”,如She was not lacking in courage.(她并不缺乏勇气。)a country rich in minerals(矿藏丰富的国家)。因此Bin为正确项。其它选项都可与形容词连用。on表示“影响到”,如Hes hard on his kids.(他对自己的孩子很严厉。)with表示“关于,对于”,如Be careful with the glasses.(小心这些玻璃杯。)Are you pleased w

      8、ith the result?(你对结果满意吗?)with也可表示“因为,由于”,如His fingers were numb with cold.(他的手指冻僵了。)about表示“关于,对于”,如Whats she so angry about?(她为什么生这么大的气?)3精解 本题考查名词词义辨析。空格所在部分为分词结构,作状语,即,indicating that. 。其中that引导宾语从句,空格处填入的名词为从句的主语。该名词后又跟有that引导的定语从句:that the peoples. goddess。将空格处的名词,即that代替的先行词放回定语从句,其完整结构是:the peoples of previous times had paid3 to the earth mother goddess。选项中四个名词为近义词,worship意为“崇拜,敬仰”;reverence意为“尊敬,崇敬”;admiration意为“钦佩,赞赏,羡慕”;gratitude“感谢”。从含义上看,人类对神应该是“崇拜”或“崇敬”,因此A和B比较恰当。其次,句中的搭配是pay sth. to sb.,表示“付出某事物给某人”。常用于这种搭配的是reverence及其同义词respect,pay reverence/respect to意为“尊敬,向致敬”。因此本题应选B。4精解 本题考查动词词义辨析。由上一题的分析可知,indicating后是that引导的宾语从句,其主语是the reverence,本题空格处填入的动词是其谓语。由于需要的是一个不及物动词,首先排除D attain,它只能作及物动词,必须接宾语,意为“达到,获得”,如attain my purpose(达到我的目的)。其它选项:vanish意为“消失”;recover意为“恢复,复原”;decline意为“减少,下降,衰弱”。由上文可知,苏美尔人崇拜女神,但她的地位低于男性的神。可见,这种崇拜已经减少。因此C为正确答案。5精解 本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格处填入的形容词与violent并列,说明神的特点。unpredictable意为“不可预知的,捉摸不定的”;unforgivable意为“不可原谅的”;unlimited意为“无限的,


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