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    • 1、| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said: the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge Tech弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧1. abnormal a. 不正常的 Im normal, youre !2. abolish v. 废除 CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的 Your manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的 What an idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件 Handbag, lipstick, etc. are wo

      2、mens accessories. Whatare mens ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿 How can a small town the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾 Im ed tocomputer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉 Are you ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守 Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的 Adverse circumstances can test a persons wisdom andcourage.11. aggravate v. 加重 Smoking s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻 No one can my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替(的) a day of sunshine and rain /Day and night 14. am

      3、biguous a. 歧义的 The policeman is looking fora man with one eye. -Whynot use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)16. analogy n. 类比 by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的 I received an letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许 I your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于 One is to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈列, 一系列the of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的 An man is a self-importantperson.22. ascend v. 上升 The balloons are ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于He d his failure to hissmall vocabulary

      4、.24. aspiration n. 抱负 Your is your ambition or strongwish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击A robber ed him.26. assert v. 断言 He ed that the thief would comeagain.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握 I give you my that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的Is Clintons biography ?30. avert v. 避开、转移 We ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的 A man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的Without dream, life is a field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露 You ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new tra

      5、ffic lights theman.35. bias n. 偏见 Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光 Thesummer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的a future38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁 39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊 Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿 Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览 a web-page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported inthe battle.48. cater to v. 迎合 cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish

      6、v. 珍视; 怀有friendship/ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)Reader has the largest in China.53. climax n. 高潮 the of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住, 依恋;坚持,墨守The baby clung to his mother./ to the hopethat.55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作 in with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突 The two opinions with each other.58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班 I have to between theuniversity town and the downtownarea.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的 a car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的That husb

      7、and and wife are very .62. compensate v. 赔偿 The insurance company d theman for his injuries.63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑 a encyclopedia64. complement v. 补充,与。相配 The music s the filmwell.65. compliment v. /n. 赞美66. comply with v. 遵从67. compulsory a. 必做的 education68. conceive of v. 构想 I cant of why he did such a stupidthing!69. confidential a. 机密的70. confrom to v. 遵守 to the local customs71. consensus n. 意见一致 If everyone consents tosomething, they reach a consensus.72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的 lack of e

      8、lectricity and the loss in economy73. conserve v. 保护,Ifyou conserve something, youuse it carefully and will notwasteit.In winter some people energy bylowering the heat at night.74. consolidate v. 巩固75. conspicuous a. 显眼的 The girl in red in the snowfield is very .76. contaminate v. 污染 If you something, you make itdirty.77. contemplate v. 沉思; 凝视 You must the results of the action.78. contempt n. 轻视 Before the competition,Williams held the little known playerin contempt.79. contend v. 主张=assert The lawyer contendsthat the man is guilty.80. contradict v. 相矛盾81. contrive v. 谋划, 图谋The terrorists d to hijack a plane.82. converge v. 会合, 聚集 (meet at a common point) The two rivers converge here.83. cordial a. 热情的84. corrupt a./v. *的; 腐蚀 officials85. cozy a. 舒适的 a bedroom86. counterpart n. 对应的人或物87. criterion n. 标准 =standard88. curb v. 控制, 约束=restrain/restrict/ I my curbed my appetite for food.89. cynical a. 愤世嫉俗的 a young man is a angryyoung ma


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