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    • 1、Book 1 Unit 4 EarthquakePeriod Two Language Study(I)学习目标掌握并运用下列单词和短语的用法: burst, ruin, shock, injure, trap, right away, at an end, a number of重点难点重点单词短语的掌握;重点单词短语的运用。新知预习1. 复述课文2. 翻译下列单词或短语1) 立刻,马上_ 2) 结束;终结_ 3) 掘出;发现_4) 失去希望_ 5) 仿佛;好像_ 6) 严重受损;破败不堪_ 7) 许多,大量的_ 8) 数以万计的_ 9) 以为自豪_47探究学习【探究1】 重点词汇1.right away (P25, L1) Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.(译)_【例释】1) She knew the answer right away. 2) He is ill; you should call in the doctor right away. 【归纳】right away _

      2、 【拓展】at once 立刻;马上 right off立刻;马上【运用】1) I want to get it typed _(立刻), please.2) Neither man is going right away. (译) _2. burst(burst, burst) (P26, L7)In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.(译) _。【例释】1) The football burst. 2) Her door was burst open, and Mrs. Page burst in.【归纳】burst vt.vi. _burst in _burst open _【拓展】burst into tears /laughter=burst out crying/ laughing 突然大哭/大笑起来burst into flames 突然着火;燃烧起来a burst of 一阵【运用】根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1) After that, he_(突然大哭起来).2) The boy

      3、 _(弄破) all the balloons with a pin(针). 3) There came _(一阵笑声).3. ruin (P26, L14 )In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. (译)_。【例释】1) 476 AD saw the ruin of Roman Empire. 2) Their friendship was in ruins/was ruined. 3) Qinghua University is next to the Ruins of the Old Summer Palace.【归纳】 ruin vt. & vi . _ n. _【拓展】ruined adj. 破败不堪的(用于名词作做定语)in ruins严重受损;破败不堪【运用】根据提示完成句子。1) The village (变成了废墟)after the war.2) The hurricane all the houses here. 飓风使所有的房屋成为废墟。3) After the earthquake, the

      4、 ancient building was _(成了废墟). 4. injure (P26, L15)Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.(译) _【例释】1) I hope you didnt injure her feelings.2)One of the players injured his knee and had to be carried off.【归纳】injure vt. _ 【拓展】injury n.损害;伤害;受伤处 injured adj.受伤的;(感情等)受伤害的 the injured伤员(指一类人)【运用】1)She _(受重伤) in the accident.2)He cant play today because he _(弄伤了膝盖). 5. shock (P26, L24)People were shocked, but they had to bury the dead bodies for health reasons.(译)_【例释】1) The new

      5、s of her mothers death was a terrible shock to her.2) They were shocked at the news.【归纳】shock vt. &vi. _ n. _【拓展】shocked adj. 受震惊的;惊愕的(多指人)shocking adj. 令人震惊的(多指物或事)【运用】1) I (惊讶)at the sight. 2) If you touch a live wire, _ (就会触电).3)The message_(令人震惊). 6. trap(P26, L23)Some buildings were in ruins and some farmers were trapped at the top of their houses.(译)_【例释】1) The door closed behind her and she was trapped.2) The rabbits leg was caught in the trap.3) He lives by trapping animals and selling t

      6、heir fur.【归纳】trap vt. (trapped, trapped) _ n. _【拓展】be caught in a trap掉入陷阱;fall into a trap=be caught in a trap落入圈套/入陷阱【运用】根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1) (20名矿工被困) under the ruins after the accident.2) 这条狗掉入了陷阱。 (译) . 3) Our soldiers pretended to run away and_ _(敌人落入了陷阱). 7. a number of (P27)Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping.(译)_。【例释】1) A small number of people waited outside.2)Quite a number of world famous paintings are on show in this exhibition. 【归纳】a nu

      7、mber of _ 该短语后接可数名词复数;作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,其中number前可用large, great, small, good等修饰。【词语辨析】1) A large number of people _looking for work.2) The number of books in the library _ great. A. is B. are C. has D. have a. “the number of +可数名词复数”,意为“的数量”,中心词是number,其后的谓语动词要用单数; b. “a (great) number of +可数名词复数”,意为“许多”,“一些”,中心词是复数可数名词,其后谓语动词要用复数形式。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子 1)Ive seen that movie _(很多次). 2) A number of students _(已完成工作) . 3) The number of students in our class _(是56人). 达标练习I. 完成下列句子:1.An earthquake left the whole town _(废墟).2.They were glad that the war _(结束了). 3. I thought he would _(突然大哭).4. On hearing the news, he left the room _(立刻).5. _(有很多人参加了) the meeting.II. Mini-writing 请根据下面的提示写一篇100词左右的短


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